
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-02-05 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.

Bridgwater: A Pancake-tutu Adventure!

Post Number: 9713

Hello lovelies! Emma here, signing in from the charming town of Bridgwater, a place I just know is going to become a favourite on the pink tutu tour. Let me tell you, my darling readers, this day has been full of twirling magic, and more pink than you can shake a sparkly shoe at!

The train journey down was, of course, in my trusty vintage carriage ā€“ all polished brass and comfy leather. I feel positively Victorian when I ride this train ā€“ but in a good way, of course! (Though Iā€™m not so keen on having to wear a bustle in the modern day, though the full skirt silhouette does go fabulously well with a tutu!). And donā€™t get me started on the horses that pull itā€¦ majestic!

Anyway, the point of the journey, aside from seeing beautiful British countryside of course, was the annual Bridgwater pancake race. Yes, you read right: pancakes. I had heard whisperings about it on the Ballet Network ā€“ everyone from London and even far flung Derbyshire (yes, I did spot someone wearing my colour, my pink!) had heard tales of a town that celebrates the ancient ritual of throwing pancakes through the air! Honestly, darlings, the costumes are fabulous ā€“ all flamboyant, bold, a bit bonkers (with lots of amazing sequins), and frankly, an inspiration! I even spotted a few pink and sparkly numbers on the men folk in the crowd! Iā€™m thinking they got the messageā€¦ wink

But back to my own outfits ā€“ I was in a magnificent shade of flamingo pink. It was the colour of my ballet tutu for sure, a very, very special, new-to-me confection from the fabulous Madame Tutu in Londonā€™s theatre district, but I wanted to add a twist. I felt a bit like I needed a touch of Bridgwaterā€¦ of pancakesā€¦. so I made the tutuā€¦ pancake-tutu inspired! It featured a generous helping of shimmering metallic, almost gold, lace (think fluffy pancake batter, darling) and delicate, white net that fell around me like an edible cloud. Now that's a look, I tell you! As for the finishing touch - a delightful, miniature (not edible) pancake with an elaborate design and gold drizzle for a crown! The ladies at the local craft stall had been so sweet and, of course, we talked about my blog. I think, by the end of our chat, Iā€™d successfully indoctrinated another local with the glorious power of a pink tutuā€¦ which, to be fair, I am constantly aiming for ā€“ more on that later.

Anyway, to the pancake race itself, it was absolute mayhem ā€“ a wonderfully, brilliantly controlled chaos, with much shouting and laughter as the pancake tossers threw their offerings into the air (they didnā€™t really do it to themselves I am relieved to tell youā€¦). And they kept going! You wouldnā€™t believe it ā€“ the final run of the day! They all took it very seriously, my dears, even after the dayā€™s sun had begun to dip behind the church spire, and the evening mist rolled in, making the air a bit moreā€¦ frosty.

Then, the prize-giving. It had to be pink, really it did ā€“ for the winner at least. It was a glorious affair, the lucky ladies receivedā€¦ drumrollā€¦ youā€™re never going to believe this! Well, unless you follow the ā€œAll-things Pinkā€ Instagram page I run ā€“ I always try to feature things I know you love there too! A very lovely pink satin cloak with a lovely, gold embroidered border ā€“ an ode to a classic pancake pattern of course ā€“ for the winner! I tried it on, as a blogger has to (naturally) and oh darling, it just did not disappointā€¦ though of course, the satin needed a very carefully placed (a la Madame Tutuā€™s couture techniques!) and precisely placed piece of pink, glittery, and well, rather fabulous felt - the finishing touch if you will. It all went to plan! Oh, how it went to plan!

The day continued on the ā€œpink tour,ā€ a local food tour in Bridgwaterā€¦ of course. They were all in pink! Everything in pink. Pancake-themed pastries (all deliciously pink and delicate with rose-water flavouring to give them an additional pink tinge). All of the shops even displayed a tiny pink ribbon (how charming, they were absolutely in love with pink. And in the end, that was my biggest mission on this lovely day!) with the town motto : ā€Where every day feels a little bit magical. A very successful Pink Tour in the books, as you might say!ā€

It has really been the perfect start to the new week, and thereā€™s no stopping meā€¦ my tour goes on toā€¦. drumrollā€¦ Winchester. That is my destination and the next city where the Tutu must go!

But for now, my darlings, the pancake tutu has gone to its box ( where I will keep it very carefully in tissue paper - though no doubt it will come out again and I shall find a place to wear it. How could I possibly keep a tutu like that locked away, dear reader ? ). For now though, Iā€™ll just leave you with the photos from this absolutely delicious Bridgwater adventure. They are in my Instagram stories. Be sure to see them and give the latest Pink Tutu posts a heart ā€“ that always brightens my day and keeps the tutu spirit spinning along!

You know youā€™ve got to wear a pink tutu ā€“ if you donā€™t , I will personally find you ( via my pink train journey ) and show you how to dance your heart out !

Stay sparkly!

Emma x

P.S. And of course the photos. But I have a feeling I will need to have a special blog post next week for the Winchester tour ā€¦ thatā€™s just what you all will need to know! ( But youā€™ll need to check out my Instagram for that - and be sure to be watching those Instagram stories to keep up with the Pink Tutu tour ā€“ more photos and updates soon! ) And while I am at it, if youā€™re thinking about coming along ā€“ the Train leaves London Paddington station at 9.30 a.m. each morning for a very reasonable fare if you are interested in seeing England's best wildlife - so come and join me !

#TutuBlog 2023-02-05 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.