
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-02-19 in Arnold with a sporty tutu.

Arnold Adventures in a Sporty Tutu: #TutuBlog 9727

Hello, my darling tutu-loving friends! It's Emma here, reporting live from Arnold, a quaint little town in the heart of Nottinghamshire. Yes, I know what you're thinking - "Arnold, Emma? Surely you mean Arnold, as in the famous composer?!" But no, darling, I mean the beautiful, slightly more understated, town where my adventures begin today! I am officially declaring Arnold, Nottinghamshire, as a wonderful location to experience, in my pinkest pink tutu!

I must confess, I always felt Arnold was a little... under the radar. But my darling friend, Amelia, recently discovered a stunning little boutique nestled amidst the traditional shops and it simply had to be visited! Imagine my delight - a shop dedicated entirely to everything pink! It's a tutu lover's dream, my darlings! And it wouldn't be a proper Emma excursion without finding a new tutu for the journey!

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Emma, a pink tutu in Arnold?! Surely it's a little… loud for that quaint little town? Well, darlings, this wasn't any ordinary tutu! I found myself a little wonder – a sporty pink tutu. This masterpiece had delicate tiers, just enough to give a gentle, twirling movement, with a little bit of an edgy edge thanks to the subtle black and grey panels woven throughout the fabric. Imagine, if you will, the grace of a prima ballerina combined with the sleekness of a champion runner. Magnifique, I tell you! It is the perfect balance of whimsical and athletic - truly the embodiment of my 'Pink Tutu' spirit!

So, I waltzed, literally waltzed (well, I had to break out a few twirls while shopping!), into the charming streets of Arnold, feeling confident and sassy. I may be the only one rocking a tutu while doing a spot of window shopping, but you know me - that's the beauty of being unique. Embrace the unusual, I say! You only get one life to try out some seriously fabulous outfits. And trust me, darling, life in a tutu is oh so much more exciting.

My adventure took me to the heart of Arnold's Market Square. It was brimming with life, from charming, quaint little shops, a delicious smelling bakery that smelt divine - sigh how I love the smell of freshly baked bread - to an amazing collection of vintage shops filled with quirky trinkets that would put Marie Kondo to shame!

I found myself indulging in the delightful treats from a sweet little bakery, The Arnold Bakehouse. I confess to being weak when it comes to freshly baked pastries, and their pain au chocolat was beyond divine! Let me tell you, my darlings, the aroma from the bakery was enough to convince the most disciplined foodie to cheat on their diet, for even a single, tantalisingly sweet bite.

Now, darling, you know me – I can't resist a spot of exploring! And my little feet took me to the nearby Arnold Arboretum, a haven for lovers of nature like myself. I absolutely adore seeing the majesty of a beautifully kept garden.

While strolling through the serene trails, I had an encounter that stole my breath away - a little baby squirrel scampered right in front of me! The sweetest little creature! I felt a little twinge of guilt as I noticed my Sporty Tutu might be attracting unwanted attention - I adore all animals, but squirrels are a little notoriously mischievous when it comes to taking anything edible! But to my surprise, it gave me a little twitch of its bushy tail as if to say "hello, good madam, it's a delight to see you on this sunny day."

You know, darling, nature truly does have a magic way of bringing people together, don't you think? And how could a day in Arnold be complete without a little visit to the enchanting Nottingham Castle? You all know that I simply can't get enough of history and a stunning piece of architecture, and what's more - it has the most divine connection to the infamous Robin Hood and his band of merry men!

I found myself wandering the Castle's historic grounds, gazing at the magnificent structures that have stood for centuries. While the air is always buzzing with historical anecdotes, what truly stole my attention was the captivating views from the Castle's courtyard. The sights spread out across Nottingham were enough to put a blush of joy on even the most cynical face - even a seasoned adventurer like myself!

Of course, darling, no visit to a place steeped in history like Arnold could be complete without some delicious British comfort food. And who am I kidding? A good old-fashioned fish and chips, especially from a classic greasy spoon, is what truly sets my tastebuds dancing.

I decided to make my way to the heart of Arnold, to The Angel Inn – it's not quite the classic chippie - it's much more a traditional pub serving everything under the sun (not necessarily a bad thing) and while the fish wasn't the best I have had (oh my, my Mum still makes the most divine batter - it is just something she has perfected!) the staff was so lovely, and the ambience was just charming. They did make a beautiful fish and chip supper! The little touch of mushy peas definitely added that little something to complete the experience.

Of course, after all that delightful indulgence, my darling, I needed to move those limbs! Arnold had a few beautiful stretches of parks along the River Trent. So, it wouldn't be a true Emma day out without some twirling in my sporty tutu! The river banks, where the willow branches wept their feathery sadness, were the perfect location for a bit of ballerina inspired exercise.

You all know I simply cannot resist putting on a ballet class show whenever I travel. Luckily, Arnold has an incredible dance school that offers ballet lessons in the most divine little theatre! I had such fun attending an introductory session. You may find it strange to think that Emma would actually take an introductory ballet class, but you see, ballet is my passion and I always try to push my boundaries and my comfort zones, even if I have to go back to basics every so often.

Oh, you know what I just realised! I had been so excited with my pink-tutu explorations, that I haven't yet mentioned why I decided to make my way to Arnold in the first place! I know, you're probably rolling your eyes and thinking - You did go just to see some of the historical and cute buildings, right, Emma? Not this time, darlings!

Actually, it was a magical coincidence! I discovered on social media, that Arnold's oldest church was holding a very special exhibition - an exhibition focusing on 100 years of women and the impact they had on this charming town. As you can see, my dear, lovely friends, *I am all about girl power and making history! *

Well, this was all that the pinkest pink tutu and I needed to make our way over to see the display. It was absolutely divine, my darlings, such fascinating, brave and pioneering women - with stories to make even the strongest soul shed a tear - the perfect testament to women everywhere - so wonderful and truly something every visitor must see if you happen to find yourself in Arnold!

Arnold really did steal a little slice of my heart. The vibrant energy and friendly locals filled this town with an undeniable magic - much like my pink tutus and me! My lovelies, my mission to encourage everyone to try out ballet continues - and why not wear a pink tutu to celebrate our unique journeys? Embrace your passion, darling!

I am so excited to share more stories of my journeys on pink-tutu.com so do join me soon - maybe I’ll inspire you to take a trip to Arnold or try a Sporty Tutu, or, like myself, start some of your own magical adventure, my darlings. Until next time, keep those tutus twirling!

Lots of love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2023-02-19 in Arnold with a sporty tutu.