Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-02-24 in Blyth with a white tutu.

Blyth, My Lovely, with a Dash of Tutu Magic! 🩰💕

Hello lovelies,

It's Emma here, your pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballet aficionado, and I'm ready to whisk you off to another exciting destination: Blyth! This is post number 9732, and you know what that means – another adventure filled with swirling skirts, inspiring artistry, and a dash of pink, naturally.

Derbyshire might be my home, but exploring the country and sharing it with you is a joy I wouldn't trade for the world. So, today we're boarding the train (because horse travel is only for the occasional photo op, darlings!) to Blyth, a charming little seaside town on the Northumberland coast.

Blyth is one of those places that just calls to you. From the moment the train pulls into the station, the air feels fresh, infused with the tang of salt and the promise of adventure. This town is the quintessential British seaside destination. You can see why its called "The Jewel of the North Sea".

As soon as I stepped out of the station, I spotted a quaint little cafe called "The Tutu Tea Room," (could you have guessed my fondness for the word "tutu"?!) with adorable pink and white décor and a selection of the most delightful pastries. Of course, I had to indulge in a delicious raspberry and cream slice with my cuppa - the perfect way to kickstart a day of explorations!

While I couldn't resist the sweet temptation, it was time to channel my inner ballerina and explore Blyth's picturesque streets! And you can't explore Blyth without the perfect ensemble. A swirling pink tutu (naturally!), my favourite pair of ballerina flats, and a little black jacket (just in case the sea breeze picks up) are all it takes to complete my look!

Dancing with the Wind

One of Blyth's biggest draws is its breathtaking coastline. The wind whipped through my hair, carrying with it the salty scent of the sea and the sound of crashing waves. I could just picture the scene unfolding – a perfect setting for an impromptu outdoor ballet class, don't you think?

Speaking of which, it wouldn't be a true "Emma in the wild" adventure without some ballet! As the sun started to set, I found a little corner of the beach, my personal stage, and did a couple of my favourite adagio stretches – oh, to be gracefully spinning under the watchful gaze of the setting sun! Of course, a few pirouettes were in order. And let me tell you, pirouette-ing by the sea is an experience that’s truly second to none! The wind whips your tutu around like a delicate, fluffy cloud.

And, oh my! The beauty of it! Every time I spin, a different shade of the sky paints itself across my white tutu. It's like a mini-ballet performance every time I turn. That's when the best bit happens. I see this older gentleman walking his dog on the beach. He looks up and stops in his tracks. He gives me a shy nod. You know what that means! That is the beauty of ballet – a shared universal language – everyone understands.

More Than Just Dancing

But ballet wasn't the only highlight of my trip. Blyth has so much to offer. The harbour was abuzz with activity, the fishermen unloading their catch, the air thick with the smell of fresh fish. I love to witness raw beauty.

One of the things I loved most was a visit to the Blyth Museum. I found a captivating exhibition dedicated to the town's rich maritime history. It really brought the past to life with its collection of artefacts, models, and photographs – not to mention some incredible seagull sculptures (who says ballet is just for humans?).

And of course, no seaside trip would be complete without some tasty seafood! The restaurant overlooking the harbour, aptly named "The Dancing Shrimp", served the most delicious crab sandwiches, paired with a crisp glass of pink lemonade – the perfect seaside treat. They are very passionate about their fish there. They have been supplying the world's finest seafood for years, according to the local fisherman. I do hope it can all continue because this is part of our heritage. Let's keep it going!

A Touch of Wildness

But here's the thing, my darlings - it's not all just about pretty dresses and perfect pirouettes. For me, a truly inspiring journey has to embrace all that life throws at you - the beauty, the chaos, the wildness.

That’s why I took a detour to the Northumbria Coast AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), a little further up the coast, to spend some time with our beautiful feathered friends – the seabirds. Don’t be alarmed if I get lost for a while staring up at a bird soaring high above. For me, the grace of the seabird, riding the wind so confidently is another form of ballet.

And speaking of grace, can I just take a moment to talk about the grey seals? I had the most amazing encounter with these majestic creatures - so peaceful, so intelligent, and a tad bit sassy (and by sassy, I mean, the females just sat there while the males put on their usual seal mating displays! 😂) . Their movements, even in their natural, aquatic environment, held an undeniable ballet-esque elegance, each lunge and wriggle imbued with a sense of grace that leaves me speechless!

And this, dear readers, is what life is all about - exploring, discovering, learning, and, most importantly, appreciating the beauty around us. Whether it's in a theatre or in the wilds of the British coast, inspiration can be found in every corner!

**So, my lovelies, have I convinced you to hop on the next train to Blyth? If you do, remember to embrace your inner ballerina, twirl with the wind, and let the beauty of the coast carry you away. Don’t forget, you’re never too old to try on a tutu. Don’t be afraid to wear it wherever you go – who knows, you might just spark a ballet revolution on your next train ride.

And stay tuned for more exciting travel stories - there's so much more to explore, so much more magic to be found, and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

Lots of love,
Emma 💖 www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2023-02-24 in Blyth with a white tutu.