Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-03-13 in Spalding with a european style tutu.

Spalding Sparkle: Tutu Travels Take Me to a New Town! 🩰

Post #9749: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello lovelies!

It’s Emma here, your Derbyshire-born tutu-loving travel buddy! I'm back with another post full of twirls and tales, because this time, my journey took me on a beautiful, sun-drenched train ride to the charming town of Spalding in Lincolnshire!

I love getting out and about, exploring new places, and it's all the more delightful when I get to take my passion for ballet with me! This week, my suitcase was bursting with my very special, European-style pink tutu, my trusty ballet shoes, and an armful of colourful ribbons! I love how a tutu makes you feel like a ballerina princess! Every outfit is more magnificent than the last and a tutu makes me feel like I'm floating on air!

As I said, the train journey to Spalding was gorgeous. Watching the fields of golden barley swish by with the sun sparkling on the windows… well, I felt like I was right out of a fairy tale! And yes, my pink tutu certainly did garner a few smiles from the other passengers! You’d think people would be used to it by now, but I guess some people just haven't fully embraced the magic of the tutu yet. Well, one day, one day…

But that's exactly what this blog is for, to spread the tutu love! 💕

And how better to spread that love than with a delightful day of ballet in Spalding! The town was full of gorgeous floral displays, and the lovely scent of honeysuckle, which reminded me of a ballet class in my local Derbyshire park. My journey through the charming little streets brought me to Spalding Dance School. This place had it all - stunning barre work, the joy of being in the centre and feeling that magnificent centre-stage energy, and that oh-so-important stretching that I do religiously, morning, noon and night! The instructor was absolutely wonderful, a very friendly lady with so much experience! She said that even seasoned professionals always have something to learn. What a perfect thought for us tutu-loving girls!

After my session, I popped in for lunch at a cafe that smelled heavenly. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't easy to find, it felt like an absolute treasure hunt to find the perfect pastel-coloured cafe with enough vegan cake. 🍰 Oh my goodness, my fellow tutu travellers! I am talking the BEST vegan red velvet cake EVER. I just love when something so pretty on the outside is also delightful on the inside. Just like a perfectly-crafted tutu! You see, everything just ties in! 😊

It goes without saying that my journey wouldn't be complete without an enchanting trip to the ballet! The theatre was absolutely delightful. It wasn't grand like the Royal Opera House, but the energy of the small space gave it a charming intimate feel. There was a local group showcasing the beautiful 'Swan Lake'. I adore 'Swan Lake' - the tragic romance, the delicate ballet, the haunting score - I was completely captivated!

After the ballet, my love of horses drew me to the picturesque Spalding Canal Basin. 🐴 Imagine the charm of canal barges, lined up like floating jewels. The sound of a nearby swan gently gliding past on the water! Oh, the peacefulness of the moment! The air was so pure. Then out of the blue - I spotted a lovely, friendly Shire horse being ridden along the bank. Now I know what you are thinking: 'Isn't she lucky!' Well I believe it was a happy coincidence. You just can't beat a little touch of magic! You could just sense the energy radiating off the horse. You can feel when an animal has a 'happy soul' and a 'good spirit' just like my darling Lola, my furry companion, my fluffy Shetland. 💕 Lola is a bit of a 'tutu aficionado' too, bless her cotton socks! Her little legs get so excited, she loves wearing little pink tutus for the most gorgeous ballet photoshoot fun! She might be just as famous as me in Derbyshire for her pink tutu outfit - her 'Pink Pony' days have arrived, and I know she is spreading her own version of the tutu-magic! She's already inspiring quite a few furry followers in the neighbourhood. Who knows? Maybe, one day, horses will join the ballerina club! We can only dream, can’t we?

Well, there you have it, my Spalding Sparkle adventure, full of ballerina dreams, ballet beauty, and plenty of tutu-infused fun!

It was the perfect day to embrace the spirit of adventure and to celebrate all things pink, all things tutu, all things beautiful and all things ballet! And you know what, I know many of you reading this might be wondering - could you actually wear a tutu outside your dance class, at a ballet show or at home?! Of course! In fact, let’s start a movement, and make tutus acceptable in every social scenario! The world is ready for more tutu love and laughter! 💖

Remember, you can always find more of my travel and tutu stories at www.pink-tutu.com, and don’t forget to share your tutu-filled adventures with me!

Sending love, glitter, and pink tutu vibes,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2023-03-13 in Spalding with a european style tutu.