Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-03-18 in Abingdon with a narrow tutu.

Abingdon Adventures: A Narrow Tutu and a Dash of Pink 🩰

Hey lovely lot! 👋

It's Emma here, signing in from the quaint town of Abingdon. This week has been a whirlwind of tutus, trains, and a sprinkle of pink magic. Welcome to my little corner of the internet - Post #9754, folks, keeping you updated daily at www.pink-tutu.com! 🌸

The Great Tutu Challenge: Abingdon Edition

First off, a little update on the ever-evolving tutu challenge. I've been getting so many gorgeous pink tutu pics, you guys! It fills my heart with so much joy. The #PinkTutuRevolution is gaining momentum and spreading all over, proving that ballet can indeed conquer all - even the stuffy hearts of those who think they've never felt a twirl in their soul! 😄

As for my own sartorial odyssey, I've been sporting a delightful creation this week - a slim-fitting, soft tulle, rose pink tutu (obviously!) It's just perfect for weaving through crowds on the station platform, catching the train, and wandering about Abingdon. A statement piece, it certainly is.

Abingdon by Train: A Delightful Day Out

Speaking of trains, did you know you can get a direct train from Derby (that's where I hail from) to Abingdon in about three and a half hours? Now, if that ain't a dream for a gal like me, I don't know what is! I love getting lost in a good book on the journey, listening to my favorite tunes (a little Vivaldi for a bit of culture, followed by some Ariana Grande - gotta keep it balanced, you see!), or simply absorbing the changing scenery that flashes by the window. The best part? It's eco-friendly! 🌳

The train station at Abingdon is a beauty, full of character with a lovely arched doorway. Stepping out onto the platform, the crisp, cool air felt invigorating.

The Town of Abingdon: A Treasure Trove of Charm

Abingdon's main street was bursting with quaint, traditional shops, selling everything from antique maps and vintage books to hand-crafted chocolates and delicious artisan cheeses. I felt myself falling head over heels for the charm of it all, with its cobbles and independent boutiques tucked away around every corner. The air was alive with the sounds of cheerful chatter and the clinking of teacups as people enjoyed a leisurely afternoon break. It was like stepping straight out of a Jane Austen novel - absolutely magical!

A Ballet Delight: Stepping into Abingdon's Theatre

One of the highlights of my trip was a visit to Abingdon's beautiful theatre, nestled just a stone's throw from the centre of town. They had a wonderfully diverse programme with an upcoming production of Giselle that I'm hoping to catch next time I'm in the area. I spent a few minutes lost in the charm of the auditorium, imagining myself onstage, performing a fiery ballet piece - a sparkling red tutu and dramatic pointe work - you get the picture! This time, though, it was about soaking up the atmosphere, and feeling the magic of live theatre.

Nature and Beauty: An Afternoon Stroll

After a delicious lunch at a delightful cafe overlooking the River Thames, I decided to explore the picturesque surrounding countryside. The beautiful gardens in Abingdon were a perfect place to recharge my artistic soul. I wandered around the colourful flowerbeds, marvelling at the bees busying themselves among the blossoms and listening to the birds singing their melodious tunes. The sunshine felt glorious against my rosy cheeks as I simply sat underneath a willow tree, letting the peaceful tranquility wash over me.

There were some truly awe-inspiring examples of wildflowers that had taken root near the River Thames. I simply love how nature always finds a way to thrive, even in the most unexpected places. It’s a constant reminder of the beauty that can be found even in the midst of busy city life, and it’s something that makes my heart sing.

Embracing the Art of the Twirl

On the sunny balcony of the town’s delightful local hotel, I had the pleasure of practicing some ballet moves. This week's inspiration: a captivating routine featuring lots of pirouettes and leaps set to the whimsical, yet energetic Pink Champagne by Lady Gaga. I may have gotten a few funny glances from the passers-by but it was worth it for the sheer joy of twirling under the warm sun. That's one of the best parts of being a dancer – the chance to move freely, and let my body express the emotions I feel. Ballet makes you strong and graceful, but it’s also incredibly fun! I truly believe anyone can dance if they want to. It's about finding your own style and embracing the freedom of movement. 💃

Time to Embrace the Pink!

After a glorious weekend exploring Abingdon, it’s time to head home, but I can already feel the lure of new adventures pulling me forward. This weekend, I can’t wait to head down to Derby’s fantastic art market for some new inspiration for my wardrobe. Who knows, I might even spot a gorgeous new pink tutu. I can already envision it in my mind’s eye… the fluffier the better, and maybe a sprinkle of sequins too! 🤩

But for now, I want to challenge you to find something to wear in the colour of happiness and joy: PINK. A bright pink top, a pair of hot pink shoes, or even a bright pink scarf will bring you happiness - I promise!

So, until next time, my lovely ballet buddies, remember to embrace the joy of life, be bold, and spread that pink tutu love everywhere you go!


Emma 🩰 💖

PS. If you have a moment, don't forget to leave me a comment below, I love reading what you all have to say! And, as always, feel free to share your pink tutu moments on social media using the hashtag #PinkTutuRevolution. Let's make the world a little more beautiful and graceful together!

#TutuBlog 2023-03-18 in Abingdon with a narrow tutu.