Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-04-20 in Highbury with a yellow tutu.

Highbury Calling: A Tutu Adventure (Post #9787)

Sunshine, my darlings, sunshine! The clouds parted this morning as if by magic, and as I stood gazing out my window, my darling little French bulldog, Pippin, yipped happily and nudged my hand with his wet little nose. The only thing missing was a perfectly pink sky! But a girl can dream, can't she?

Anyway, I digress. I’m Emma, your favourite ballerina and blogger from the rolling green hills of Derbyshire. It's a gloriously springy Thursday here, and you know what that means... yes, another fantastic adventure! Today, I'm in Highbury for the grand opening of the newly refurbished Highbury Theatre. And, as a true Highbury devotee, I simply couldn't resist popping on my new yellow tutu, which screams 'happy,' and 'let's get this party started.' You all know how much I adore tutus! Every single one is like a miniature piece of theatre waiting to be unleashed, don't you agree?

Now, I wouldn't be a proper ballet enthusiast if I didn't make a beeline straight for a barre. This isn't about grand jetés and fouettés right now (though, naturally, I was itching for them!), it's about getting my body warmed up and ready for a fabulous day of dancing and performance-watching. There’s nothing better than that invigorating sensation of muscles waking up and getting those graceful ballet muscles moving.

And while my body is doing all the hard work, I get to soak in the breathtaking atmosphere. Oh, my dears, the theatre itself is a beauty! You know how much I adore classic architecture, and this grand building with its imposing facade and intricate detailing, a perfect example of the Victorians' architectural love affair, did not disappoint!

Highbury is quite the delightful area, a blend of charming village streets and grand old houses, and even my sweet little Pippin seems to have fallen under its spell, skipping merrily along beside me as I wandered its charming streets. There’s something about London streets that has me utterly smitten, that energy, the stories held in those old buildings!

Speaking of energy, I had to stop in for some much-needed fuel. Now, I adore a good cup of tea, but today, I felt like indulging. My pick? A divine slice of carrot cake from a darling little cafe nestled within a bustling corner market. My tummy was singing, and the world was smiling. (I promise I haven’t gone completely bonkers, just a little overly enthusiastic.)

Before you think I’ve completely forgotten the ballet, we can't possibly discuss Highbury without paying homage to the mighty Arsenal! As an avid supporter (sorry, darling Manchester United!), I’m just a touch heartbroken that they are on the away side this season. My faithful football shirt would have certainly seen some action today! Maybe tomorrow I’ll bring Pippin along to cheer them on, wouldn't that be adorable? He loves football boots.

But back to our current adventure! We've reached the theatre's main entrance, and oh my, the anticipation is brewing. We’re greeted by a dazzling mosaic, a vibrant burst of colour on the floor, perfect for a cheeky little twirl. Naturally, my yellow tutu is more than happy to oblige! And as I pushed through the double doors, I was greeted by a chorus of applause, an energetic hum, and a wave of pure excitement. There was a buzz of anticipation, a flurry of whispers, and all eyes seemed to be fixed on the bright pink feather boa I proudly held. My dearest Pippin decided this would be the perfect time for an impressive, rather long yawn, I wonder if he felt a little dazzled too!

And what do we have here? A breathtakingly beautiful performance by a very talented group of dancers! They weaved their way through intricate choreography, their graceful movements and athleticism captivating the entire audience. Their dedication, precision, and unwavering energy, reminded me why ballet continues to capture my heart so. The power of storytelling without words is utterly incredible.

Speaking of power, we need to address the magnificent horse! The show’s main star, a magnificent stallion named Hercules, is a real-life prince charming! It is truly inspiring how he managed to weave through the crowd so effortlessly, stopping to pose for a few selfies (Pippin was a bit overwhelmed, and had to sit on my lap). You can bet that I’ll be heading straight to the stables tomorrow morning to see Hercules.

Let’s face it, this entire day has been pure magic. A beautiful, energetic dance performance, a grand and inspiring theatre, charming Highbury, and not forgetting, a good cup of tea. You see my dears, the secret of living life is finding the beautiful details that fill each and every day!

Now, tell me about your week! I simply can’t get enough of you! Leave a comment on www.pink-tutu.com, or pop over to my social media, @pinktutu, for more whimsical shenanigans.

Stay magical, my dears. Emma xo

#TutuBlog 2023-04-20 in Highbury with a yellow tutu.