Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-06-07 in Harrow with a food themed tutu.

Harrow: A Pink Tutu Picnic in the Park

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink-tutu enthusiast, and today I'm bursting with excitement to share a fabulously fabulous day out in Harrow! It was just a short train journey from Derbyshire - my beloved little haven - and even though Harrow is more known for its stately homes than its ballet studios, it completely won my heart.

This is post number 9835 on the pink-tutu.com website! Who would have thought, when I started this blog all those years ago, that I would have reached such a massive number of readers? Well, thank you to all of you who make it possible!

This adventure all began with a plan for a picnic in the park, an idea that just sparkled with charm. I know it's quite "traditional" to picnic in parks, but this picnic was a PINK TUTU PICNIC, with a twinkle in its eye! (Can you tell I’m loving my use of puns this week? I'm really going all-out! ).

First stop: A quick visit to a little flower shop that absolutely exploded with gorgeousness, its window display like a masterpiece in pink. It wasn't even a deliberate stop; it just begged for me to pop in and be inspired by the loveliness. You know me and pink flowers; we're besties! So, naturally, I emerged with a little bouquet that had a splash of fuchsia and cherry blossom, perfect for my picnic.

Then it was on to the park itself. Now, you guys know me - I adore my pink tutus, but they wouldn't quite fit into my picnic basket. So, what did I do? Why, I whimsically tied them around my neck like a beautiful pink scarf! Talk about standing out! I looked like a ballet dancer straight out of a whimsical dream - or perhaps, a whimsical picnic in the park!

And talking about whimsical, that's just how the park felt - like stepping straight into a whimsical, romantic story. All green and leafy, and bursting with colour; a magical space where dreams could unfold and fairies might flutter past.

The picnic blanket unfolded beautifully under a willow tree. My heart sang with the delight of it all. And my basket? Oh, my sweet darling, it was stuffed to the brim with the perfect pink treats. I was feeling quite "Audrey Hepburn" at the picnic, though in a pink tutu and flower garland instead of a long white dress!

From pink lemonade to the prettiest strawberry sandwiches (made deliberately with the pinkest strawberries I could find!) and heart-shaped cookies, my pink picnic was everything I ever wanted and more. (The sweetness almost rivalled my tutu!).

You know what they say - a sparkling pink tutu always lifts the mood. But this picnic? Well, this was the perfect picnic. I let out a joyous giggle (maybe even a whimsical squeal) with every pink treat!

Of course, no pink picnic in a gorgeous park would be complete without some dancing. I’m not just a ballet fan – I’m a ballet enthusiast, and dancing just makes me so blissful. So, with my pinkest smile on my face, I grabbed a little space under the willow tree and twirled! A graceful little ballerina in her pink tutu - well, pink scarf.

But what about ballet in Harrow itself? I was keen to know if I could find some local ballet studios to join! Of course I did. The internet never fails. I had found one within minutes of arriving, in fact. I was so thrilled - it felt destiny that my pinkest desires would be fulfilled! I immediately emailed the ballet school, enquiring about the magical classes they had to offer. The reply came instantly and was just as delightful as I'd hoped, brimming with warmth and encouragement.

They even said that if I got them a batch of my delicious homemade "pinkalicious" pink fudge for their upcoming tea party, they'd throw in a free "pink-tutu-themed" ballet class, just for me. You bet I gleefully signed myself up for a whirlwind of ballet classes – with a batch of pink fudge to top it off, of course! I couldn't resist.

The world needs more ballet, darlings! It brings joy and sparkling light wherever it goes.

After the picnic and my ballet plans, I took a little walk through Harrow. There’s an amazing church there, full of history. The whole place is truly gorgeous! It was truly charming, and my ballet inspiration continued to grow - all thanks to my pink tutu. I saw a family picnicking under an ancient tree; a bewitching scene full of loveliness, where even a squirrel seemed to pause its dashing to admire my tutu.

And as I gazed upon this magical sight, I suddenly realised something. This whole day wasn't just a picnic; it was a pink ballet experience, a fairytale enchanted by a tutu, a trip into a whimsical wonderland that had been touched by ballet.

Here's to ballet. Here’s to pink. Here’s to dancing in the park - and in a tutu, of course! And thank you, Harrow, for being so beautiful and giving me this unforgettable pink experience!

P.S. And did I mention? On my way out of the park I saw a poster for the Harlequin Players doing “The Sound of Music”. Naturally, my feet started whimsically tapping out a little "Do-Re-Mi”. How lucky I was!

Don't forget to twirl on over to www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow for more fabulously pink adventures!

Until next time,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2023-06-07 in Harrow with a food themed tutu.