Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-07-05 in Hayes with a yellow tutu.

Hayes: Tutu Adventures in a Sea of Yellow!

Post #9863

Hey, Tutu Tribe! 🩰✨

It’s Emma, your resident pink tutu aficionado, and today, I'm buzzing with excitement as I share a little slice of my latest ballet adventure in the charming town of Hayes. Now, as you all know, a good ballet adventure usually involves a vibrant pink tutu. But for today, my dear Tutu Tribe, I’m going with a glorious yellow tutu! Why? Well, let me explain…

Hayes, nestled in the heart of England, boasts the stunning Hayes Place, a sprawling estate where I found myself enthralled by the beauty of its manicured gardens. Think sweeping lawns dotted with flower beds, picturesque walkways framed by ancient trees, and enough vibrant blooms to make even the most hardened gardener weep with joy.

But of course, no Emma adventure is complete without a dash of ballet. So, with my trusty yellow tutu swishing around me, I found myself immersed in a beautiful performance by a local ballet company in Hayes Town Hall. Now, if you know me, you know that I love the grandeur of grand theaters, the buzz of city ballet, the sleek elegance of London ballet houses. But you know what? This little performance in Hayes Town Hall captured my heart! It was raw, honest, and truly beautiful. The energy was electrifying, the dancers were superb, and there wasn't a single soul in that room who wasn’t captivated. It made me remember how important local ballet communities are, and how the passion and beauty of ballet can thrive in even the most unexpected of places.

And then, there was the train journey. Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore a good road trip, but there’s something magical about a train journey, especially when you're wearing a flamboyant tutu. You know what I’m talking about - the rhythm of the train, the landscapes flitting past the window, the feeling of adventure… pure magic! It truly makes you feel like you’re gliding into a world of endless possibilities. This particular journey was punctuated by adorable, wide-eyed children who giggled with delight at my yellow tutu. You know how much I love spreading the joy of ballet! Even the old gentleman across from me gave me a smile and a wink as he remarked, "Well, that’s certainly a bright start to the day!”

I arrived in Hayes armed with a delicious picnic basket – cheese and quince paste sandwiches are my personal favourite for a train trip - and decided to treat myself to an afternoon in the garden of Hayes Place. With the sunshine filtering through the leaves and the smell of roses and jasmine in the air, I was totally relaxed. The atmosphere was so peaceful. And while I sipped on my strawberry tea (it has to be strawberry tea, folks!) I felt a wave of pure happiness wash over me. There is nothing quite like getting lost in the simple joys of life - good company, good food, beautiful surroundings. And oh yes, a fabulous yellow tutu.

Later, after exploring the ancient woods behind Hayes Place, I made my way to the delightful village of Harlington, just a short distance away. There I stumbled upon a little hidden gem, the wonderful Harlington Wildlife and Countryside Trust. They have a small nature reserve where I watched a family of ducks paddling across the pond and a gaggle of geese honking loudly. This little oasis of nature felt like another world away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It really underlined the importance of looking after our precious wildlife and reminded me that sometimes, the most extraordinary experiences are waiting just around the corner.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, it was time for me to head back home to Derbyshire, my heart brimming with memories. I'll cherish these moments for a long time to come – a yellow tutu adventure, beautiful ballet, charming villages, enchanting nature reserves, and all that quintessential English countryside charm.

Of course, as always, I couldn't resist ending the day on a pink-tutu note! So, I whipped out my beloved pink tutu as soon as I got back to Derbyshire. It’s just something that feels like home, don't you think? A comfortable, familiar, always-there friend! The warm Derbyshire air was a little breezy but it didn’t dampen my mood. And with a big, silly grin, I twirled around in the setting sun, just a bit mad, a bit mischievous, completely content, completely me. Because for me, it’s always a good day when I'm twirling in a tutu and embracing the world with a big heart full of optimism, joy, and laughter!

And don't forget, my darling Tutu Tribe: always, always wear a tutu. Be fearless, be bold, and embrace life in all its colourful, twirling glory.

And to my fellow Derbyshireans, I promise to take you along on many more pink tutu adventures – we’ll explore our beautiful countryside and, of course, never miss an opportunity to spread the love of ballet! Until next time, keep your tutus twirling high!

Emma xo

#TutuBlog 2023-07-05 in Hayes with a yellow tutu.