Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-08-16 in Waterlooville with a sporty tutu.

Waterlooville Calling: A Pink Tutu Takes On the South Coast! (Blog Post #9905)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, ready to whisk you away on another whirlwind adventure in the name of pink tutus and graceful twirls. This time, I'm taking the scenic route, trading in my trusty steed (yes, I still occasionally ride!) for a journey by rail, heading south towards the seaside town of Waterlooville, Hampshire.

My heart always leaps with excitement whenever I travel by train. There's something so magical about watching the countryside whiz by, the fields turning into towns, and the sun glinting off distant towers. Plus, a train journey allows for a little more self-indulgence, with my favourite travel companions – a pink polka dot blanket, a deliciously floral-scented hand cream, and a stack of well-loved ballet books. And, of course, no Emma journey is complete without a pink tutu, this time a vibrant shade of coral pink, with delicate ruffled layers perfect for pirouetting through the carriage aisles (discreetly, of course, darling!)

Waterlooville itself isn't exactly renowned for its cultural hotspots (although, rumour has it there's a wonderful vintage shop I'm determined to find!), but it holds a special place in my heart. You see, Waterlooville is the hometown of the incredible ballerina, Lily, who's currently starring in the Royal Ballet's production of 'Giselle' (which I just HAVE to see!). I knew I had to make the journey, just to breathe the same air as this rising star, and hopefully catch a glimpse of her at a local cafe.

After arriving at Waterlooville station (and doing a spontaneous, slightly chaotic pirouette onto the platform for a few amused onlookers), I took a wander around the town, admiring the old Victorian architecture and the vibrant colours of the shops. There’s something so charming about a town with a strong history. I particularly loved a small cafe tucked away in a cobbled alley. A cosy haven of sunshine, it offered delicious pastries and the best latte I’ve had in ages. And, of course, I had to adorn the cafe’s sunny terrace in my pink tutu – because every occasion deserves a touch of twirling magic, don't you think?

But, no trip to the seaside town would be complete without a visit to the nearby coastline. I'm always drawn to the power of the ocean, with its crashing waves, windswept beaches, and a salty air that makes you feel invigorated. As I walked along the shingle beach, I couldn’t resist a pirouette on the shore. Let me tell you, a coastal twirl is something else! The wind whipping through the pink tulle, the seagulls cawing in the distance, and the boundless space – it was pure magic.

The next day, it was time to head to the local ballet school, 'Dancing on the Downs', which, by the way, is the only place in Waterlooville (at least according to the local website!) to find a decent barre! As soon as I entered the studio, I could feel the energy buzzing. The smell of worn leather dance shoes, the echoing sound of tap dancing feet, the lively chatter, the rhythmic thud of pliés, – it’s a symphony for a dancer’s soul. I could tell this wasn't just a ballet school, it was a vibrant community of passionate dancers, of all ages and skill levels.

I was lucky enough to catch the end of their advanced class, and I was captivated by the youthful, vibrant energy and enthusiasm of the students. Watching them gracefully navigate complex combinations, execute precise leaps, and radiate sheer joy through every movement made me feel completely inspired. I was instantly drawn back to my own childhood, those glorious hours spent lost in the world of ballet.

I even surprised the students by joining them in their barre work for the last few minutes. It’s not everyday you get to see a full-fledged ballerina gracefully execute a barre sequence alongside a group of school-aged students! Let’s just say the expression on their faces was priceless! And they didn't hesitate to give me a proper welcome: "Fancy seeing you here, Emma!" And, "Welcome to Waterlooville, Emma!" (apparently, the word is spreading). Afterwards, a charming young boy asked me if I was “the tutu lady” from www.pink-tutu.com! He had apparently discovered my blog with his mum, and had even convinced his sister to start taking ballet lessons, because “Emma made ballet look really fun.” (This made my day, darlings. Really.)

After bidding farewell to the lovely dancers (with, of course, a final celebratory twirl), I spent the evening soaking up the magic of the Waterlooville theatre. It's a quaint and intimate space with an almost tangible aura of history, and tonight was even more magical thanks to a stunning performance of 'The Nutcracker' by a local ballet troupe. As the dancers danced across the stage, their intricate footwork and expressive gestures captivating the audience, I realised I was witnessing the embodiment of pure artistry, of graceful storytelling, and the power of movement. I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of passion for this art form.

That evening, as I drifted off to sleep in my charming bed and breakfast (the "Bed & Ballerina" is perfect for any ballet enthusiast!) , I reflected on my incredible Waterlooville adventure. It had been filled with so much charm, history, dance, and a touch of pink-tutu magic. I've come to realize that a truly amazing adventure can be found anywhere, as long as you have an open heart, a willingness to embrace the unexpected, and a sprinkle of pink tutu - and perhaps even a ballerina heart.

So, until next time, darlings! I leave you with a question. Where in the world will our next tutu escapade take us? Will we travel by horse through the rolling hills of Derbyshire, embark on a boat ride through the picturesque canals of Amsterdam, or perhaps take to the air in a vintage hot air balloon? You’ll just have to stay tuned! Until then, remember:

  • Every day is a chance to twirl!
  • Never stop dancing, never stop dreaming, and always, always, wear a pink tutu.

See you soon, Emma xxx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2023-08-16 in Waterlooville with a sporty tutu.