
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-09-17 in Bootle with a food themed tutu.

Bootle Bound in a Breadstick Tutu - TutuBlog #9937 ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿฅ–

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, your pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballet blogger, back with another adventure! Today, I'm taking you on a journey to Bootle, a charming town nestled in the heart of Merseyside. You've probably guessed it from the title... today's tutu is themed around food, and what could be more fabulous than a Breadstick Tutu!

It's true - I'm officially addicted to breadsticks. I know, I know, not the most elegant snack, but when they're crispy, salty, and served with a dip, well, my heart (and my stomach) do a little pirouette of delight. This was especially true on this trip as it was my first venture outside Derbyshire. And trust me, getting to Merseyside wasn't easy. A morning on a charming horse-drawn carriage with my friend's dad brought me to the train station where I enjoyed a cup of Earl Grey with one sugar before hopping onto the first train. Now, there's nothing quite like the scent of leather and that "chugga-chugga" sound that takes you back to a time when travel was about the journey as much as the destination, so you'll forgive me when I say I fell asleep with my face buried in the little cushion before arriving in Bootle. I woke with a jolt and a giggle. "Merseyside!" I exclaimed as I leaped to my feet, almost missing the opportunity to capture a moment of serenity with the local flora as my lovely friend Amelia guided me from the train. She assured me it was still there, despite her obvious exhaustion after our lengthy train journey, and after the beautiful bouquet we saw outside Bootle station, how could I doubt her!

I'll be honest, Bootle had always sounded more like a place in a book than a real town. I'd never even visited Merseyside before but this trip was my chance to explore somewhere new. We hopped on a bus - I got to the front row and stuck my head out of the window as we took in the sights of Merseyside, which were surprisingly vibrant, and settled on a charming little cafรฉ. The place smelled of pastries and had a wonderfully cozy atmosphere, filled with locals enjoying their afternoon tea and a good gossip.

We were about to delve into our pastries and warm beverages when the little cafรฉ was completely transformed into an instant ballet studio by a group of men in their mid-fifties in black turtlenecks who suddenly erupted in some wonderfully theatrical movement - I had to applaud their bravery as their dance skills left a lot to be desired - I know some would call it bad dancing but that would be so wrong, it was pure joy on their faces and joy in their dancing and if that isn't something worth celebrating I don't know what is! So Amelia and I enjoyed the impromptu dance exhibition over coffee and cake! You can imagine how much we giggled! And, in the most incredible stroke of luck, they came over to us afterwards - they had just won a grant and were forming a community arts centre that, naturally, was a big deal. They also gave us a tour and promised free membership to us both as their dancing champions - or should I say, champions of their art, although, they seemed more interested in Amelia's 'talents' in the art of pastry!

After, my heart still doing that pirouette, we went shopping - I know I promised a focus on the food tutu, and you won't be disappointed. You see, I believe the perfect outfit needs a certain je ne sais quoi - that touch of flair that says, "This is not just any outfit, this is an Emma creation!". For my Breadstick Tutu, I chose a blush pink tulle skirt, the colour that is my favourite! You simply cannot go wrong with pink and the beautiful floaty tulle adds a certain magic that lets the wearer feel like they can soar! The true statement was the food-themed accessories. Think sparkly breadstick earrings, a little crusty-looking baguette necklace (a statement of sheer magnificence and, naturally, something I got my friend to purchase and gifted to her at our evening meal!) , and to finish, I brought my very own Breadstick Bag - I mean how could I possibly be out of fashion when it comes to my shopping essentials?! I felt like a princess of pastries, radiating Parisian chic. It turns out, the world doesn't just go "Ooh la la" to pink tutus and pastry - it also seems to go "Ooh la la" to Breadstick Bags! Because my dear friend had spotted them and insisted that I just HAD to have one.

The day culminated in a glorious, and, honestly, very strange evening meal at the "Shed" - a wonderfully rustic and welcoming pub, that Amelia assured me was local royalty, that offered me the opportunity to create my own pizzas - I swear that as I created my doughy delights I felt so in touch with the artistic creative spirit. That night I really understood why people choose a vegetarian lifestyle!

After our amazing evening meal, we headed to the arts centre. Their very own "ballet club" performance was not to be missed. We got the most amazing seats that were literally touching the stage, that really got the whole experience going, and we really felt part of it!

They were amazing! Each performer, despite the 'interesting' choices of ballet classics, exuded raw talent and enthusiasm. And who could resist a bit of 'Swan Lake', even if it did look as though the ballerina could only make the very simplest steps? Her swan moves were so fluid - a beautiful performance of a very basic ballet technique but I think, especially for beginners, that it truly makes it worth it! You simply cannot fail to have a fabulous time watching a dance performance, whatever your tastes! The performances were followed by a 'question and answer' section - naturally, Amelia and I had our own personal experience to share. And guess what? They asked me to participate as their 'dancer extraordinaire!' It truly was a privilege to be part of such an incredible performance, and not only that, they were so kind - it is clear how much they truly care for their little troupe of dancers! They gave me their special guest card to be a regular visitor. They invited Amelia, her sister and I back for an exhibition they are putting together. It would be an open forum, featuring some ballet but also performance art - which was so very much my style - but how would my two little sisters feel about that! I had a wonderful, memorable journey in Bootle, with plenty of ballet, and, I know you are all saying it - breadsticks, and, of course, some beautiful new finds that make me smile.

After saying goodbye to my lovely friend Amelia (as well as promising her the full "ballet-tastic" tour of Derby!), I returned to Derbyshire. What I was supposed to be working on was, to be quite honest, left for dead at home but, let's face it, it was truly an inspiration. There was a new drive, a sense of energy and that kind of joy and confidence that just doesn't happen without an adventure. And that, my dear TutuBloggers, is what this life is all about - wearing the pink tutu, discovering the joy of ballet, and embracing all the extraordinary experiences that come our way.

Do share your own experiences - especially those moments of pure happiness when something small, like the crispiness of a breadstick, fills your heart with joy! And let me know if you're ready to wear a tutu too. It's about more than just fashion; it's about finding the beauty in the ordinary, and celebrating the joy of movement. So get out there, try something new, and, remember, it's always okay to twirl!

Until next time,

Emma ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿฉฐ

#TutuBlog 2023-09-17 in Bootle with a food themed tutu.