Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-10-02 in Stretford with a purple tutu.

Stretford Sparkle: Tutu Travels Take Me to the City

Hello darlings!

It's your girl, Emma, here, and I'm so excited to share today's adventures with you all! Post number 9952, and I'm already feeling the creative energy buzzing! This week, I decided to leave my lovely Derbyshire behind for a bit and venture out to the exciting city of Manchester! It's all thanks to my lovely aunt Mildred, who generously offered me a ride on her beautiful black stallion, Midnight. You know I'm a sucker for a horse, and it made for the perfect pre-ballet mood!

I do love a bit of train travel, and as a fellow tutudancer you'd know I wouldn't be caught dead travelling in anything other than a fabulous pink tutu! But I thought, what better way to kick off a city trip than a picturesque gallop on a majestic steed? Midnight even trotted right by the Canal Basin in Stretford, giving us the perfect Instagram shot!

Arriving in Stretford, the air was buzzing with excitement. I felt like a princess arriving at her grand ball, although a slightly pinker, twirlier princess, of course. Manchester is bursting with that exciting city vibe - you can feel it in the air. The beautiful architecture, the bustling markets, and the creative energy everywhere made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Now, I know you lovely people are always asking me for new spots for a fabulous tutu-tastic adventure! I went straight to Stretford Public Hall – such a majestic building! They have an incredible performance schedule there - they're even doing 'Grease' and a production of 'Sleeping Beauty' later this year, so pop over to their website if you're in the area!

And the Stretford Arndale? Honestly, if I had more suitcases, I’d have shopped the whole place! They had some real gems - sparkly dresses, and a fabulous purple satin ribbon I couldn't resist adding to my ever-growing tutu collection. Speaking of, the tutu situation? Well, it had to be purple for this particular visit! It felt right, fitting the whimsical vibe of the day.

You know I couldn’t visit Stretford without going to Stretford Cemetery, a real little oasis in the city! So peaceful. Imagine having your resting place among so many pretty trees - they were filled with the most beautiful, vibrantly coloured autumn leaves. It almost made me wish I could be a woodland creature for a day!

Later, after indulging in a delicious afternoon tea (I do love a good cream tea!), I popped into Stretford Mall. My aunt told me I must go - it was actually her birthday today, so you can imagine how surprised she was when I went with a gorgeous, glittery cake (it’s a classic!). But then the surprise was really on ME when I stumbled into a charming little boutique filled with beautiful handmade clothes, and I bought a pair of amazing pink velvet shoes! It really completed the look, you know? They were practically begging to twirl in.

Before the day was out, I finally had my chance to go and visit the beautiful, colourful, historical Old Trafford, and indulge in a bit of wildlife-spotting, in the gorgeous, picturesque grounds, you see! And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a visit to the Theatre of Dreams? (And I saw so many fabulously sparkly Manchester United tops too, you see, my love of everything fabulous knows no bounds!)

While there, I bumped into an absolutely amazing little hedgehog, so sweet and spiky! Honestly, if it weren't for my big, beautiful pink tutu and those lovely velvet shoes I just bought, I swear I’d have picked it up and given it a cuddle! So incredibly cute! (You can probably see the amazing photos I snapped of this charming creature in today's gallery.

You guys, it's truly hard to put into words how inspiring Stretford was! The colours, the creativity, the beautiful buildings… I really fell in love with this corner of Manchester!

And I'll tell you this much, this is just the beginning of my travels! The tutu isn’t retiring anytime soon - I’ve got so many more beautiful places to visit! But don’t worry, my darlings, I’ll be back here regularly to update you all about my amazing, sparkling adventures, every single day, so be sure to tune in, and let's go on a journey together!

Right, back to my Derbyshire life - but not before sharing this picture of Midnight with my beloved, sparkly tutu and my new velvety shoes with all of you. Don't forget to get out there and wear those fabulous pink tutus, my lovely! Go on, it's never too late! And let's make this world a pink, tutu-tastic place, one twirl at a time.




#TutuBlog 2023-10-02 in Stretford with a purple tutu.