Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-10-09 in Surbiton with a expensive tutu.

Surbiton Sparkle: A Tutu Adventure for Post 9959!

Hello my darling darlings! Emma here, ready to whisk you away on another whirl-wind journey through the pinkest, twirliest, most fabulous corners of the world - all from the comfort of your own chaise longue (or, for the truly chic, your leopard print armchair!).

Today, darling, we're swapping the rolling Derbyshire hills for the charming, elegant bustle of Surbiton. Yes, I took the train - the romance of chugging along, with the rhythm of the wheels, the sunshine pouring through the window, it really gets the creative juices flowing, don't you think? Especially with my beloved, and newly-acquired, tulle companion.

This, my lovelies, is no ordinary tutu. Oh, no! This one was picked out from the very best of the best at Harrods, nestled amongst the finest silks and lace. It's a vision in blush, darling, the kind of blush that reminds you of the first bloom of spring, a whisper of a pink, and utterly perfect for today's escapades.

My aim, darling, as you well know, is to bring a sprinkle of tutu magic to every corner of this magnificent planet. You know my motto, "Every day's a chance to twirl!" And today's twirl takes us through the charming lanes of Surbiton.

First stop, a spot of brunch at the delightfully named "Trifle." The perfect setting, wouldn't you agree? And just as delightful was the brunch - I must confess, my darlings, to being utterly addicted to avocado on toast these days! Such simple goodness. And then, of course, the obligatory cup of Earl Grey.

From there, it was off to the grand, impressive Victorian architecture of Surbiton Theatre. This magnificent venue was hosting the Surbiton Ballet Society, showcasing the local talents of this vibrant town. A ballet performance, darling? Oh, I simply could not resist!

And, you know me, never to be outdone, I snuck in a quick pirouette before entering the auditorium - after all, one must be prepared, even in the hallway of a theatre, for the spirit of the dance! It was an evening of beautiful performances, with some seriously talented ballerinas, and a vibrant audience all mesmerized by their art. I, for one, found myself completely swept away, lost in the flow of movement, grace and emotion. The stories these talented dancers told without words - it truly was magic.

The Secret of Ballet Street

After the show, I meandered down a street with the most delightful name – "Ballet Street," no less! A curious name, don't you think? As if fate was whispering to me to take a peek. And I, of course, I did!

Ballet Street turned out to be a treasure trove of independent shops, overflowing with colourful textiles and artisanal wares, truly a feast for the eyes. And wouldn't you know it, a little further down, tucked away behind the local flower shop, I stumbled upon a small dance studio - “Swans Lake Academy,” it was called! What a gem! A little taste of pure ballet heaven right in the heart of Surbiton.

A quick peep through the window revealed a charming class in progress. Oh, those delicate extensions, those elegant leaps, the fluidity of their movement – simply breathtaking! This, my darlings, was exactly why I created this blog - to share with you all, the magic of dance, to spread the love and the grace of ballet. Because, whether you are on the stage, on the street or in your living room, it's always time to move, to dance, to be free.

I’ll admit, dear readers, I am somewhat of a nature enthusiast. After my ballet adventures, a lovely little picnic by the River Thames sounded absolutely heavenly. So I set out for a beautiful meadow that sits alongside the water.

A leisurely walk through the meadows – a vibrant carpet of wildflowers, the smell of summer air and a soft symphony of bird song – is truly a tonic for the soul, don’t you think? I had my trusty picnic basket with a selection of delicious treats - sandwiches from the delightful cafe in Ballet Street, a beautiful cake I found on my wanderings and of course, a very important, very pink iced latte. I even encountered the cutest family of grey squirrels frolicking in the branches!

As I watched the river flow lazily towards the sea, a little robin, a splash of red amongst the vibrant green, hopped onto a nearby twig, peering at me with a bright, inquisitive gaze. That little robin made me smile, my darlings, just a little bit of magic, an invitation to embrace the beauty of this glorious world. And oh, how I did!

My dear friends, it’s so important to be in touch with the beautiful nature all around us, isn’t it? It fills us with joy, with a sense of belonging and serenity. I’m already planning my next trip into the country - a jaunt with my beloved chestnut mare, perhaps? Or, maybe a wild ride on the back of a steam train to a country fair? It’s hard to choose!

As the sun began its slow descent, casting long shadows across the meadow, I realized it was time to bid farewell to Surbiton. Oh, darling, but what an adventure it was, a ballet performance, ballet street and even a little robin magic. This, my dear readers, was the kind of adventure that I, a lover of tutus and all things pretty, simply couldn't resist! Until tomorrow, darlings. Let's embrace life and twirl together!

Pinkly yours, Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2023-10-09 in Surbiton with a expensive tutu.