Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-10-25 in Dunstable with a german tutu.

TutuBlog #9975: Dunstable Dreaming in Pink and Tutu!

Oh, darling readers, how are you today? I’m just back in my cosy Derbyshire cottage, feeling the autumn crispness in the air. But you won’t believe the adventure I had in Dunstable this week!

This town has always held a certain magical charm for me, and not just because of its association with that adorable story about the giant and the peas! (Oh, do tell me you’ve heard it, it’s pure fairytale loveliness!). But for this adventure, my destination was Dunstable Downs - those dramatic, chalky cliffs that are so captivating. And let me tell you, I truly did have the best day ever.

As usual, I started my journey with the most delightful part of it: my travel wardrobe! Let’s just say, darling, a long train journey calls for ultimate comfort, but also slight glam. I’m talking luxurious leggings, a fluffy pink cashmere sweater, and of course, a gorgeous tutu! (Yes, I do actually travel with my collection, a tutu for every mood!) The fabric of the day was a beautiful, gauzy peach that perfectly matched the fading pink hues of the setting sun.

Once I got to Dunstable, it was time for a proper dance, but not the type that happens in a studio, no, dear readers! A waltz of sorts with nature. The Downs were truly breathtaking! Imagine fields of vibrant, purple-tinged heather blooming right alongside the stark white cliffs. The sight was incredible!

Oh, the crisp air felt fantastic on my face. I took a deep breath, feeling invigorated, and almost had to pirouette in place! The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in all those glorious shades of pink and orange, and, honestly, it felt like an absolutely perfect scene out of my very own fairytale.

Then, dear reader, the unexpected happened! I ran into the most fascinating character: a woman with bright turquoise hair and a wild sense of style. She was dressed in an antique silk dress, one of those flowing designs that seemed to almost belong in another time. I swear, if she wasn't walking her very own furry little fox on a leash, she could have stepped right out of an historical painting! And what did she have in her hand, you ask? You guessed it! A pink tutu!

Oh, we immediately started chatting. She told me all about the history of the Downs and shared her dream of someday becoming a world-famous 'hedge witch'. A hedge witch, can you believe it? The things I learn when I travel! It turns out, this darling had moved to the area years ago, enchanted by its magic and its connection to the earth.

The two of us were kindred spirits. She invited me to join her in an evening performance in front of the famous “Dunstable Downshenge”, the site of a very real neolithic monument, with its ancient, mysterious history.

Of course, I couldn't resist. It was absolutely the perfect way to embrace the enchanting mood of the day. We put on our tutus - mine a silky peach, hers a stunning forest green. The contrast of colors looked magical in the waning light! I even tried some of the moves from my ballet classes - not all of them went flawlessly in the uneven field, but it was absolutely hilarious. And the best part, darling? A flock of graceful geese landed in the meadow, their long, slender necks, so elegant, almost like graceful ballerinas themselves! They seemed to appreciate our little performance too.

But don’t think for a second I skipped a visit to the local shops! There’s a lovely little boutique there filled with the most delicious, pink and glittery trinkets. It was all I could do to not walk out with at least half of it! I even treated myself to a stunningly pink pair of vintage ballet flats.

As the moon rose, and a hush settled over the land, I knew it was time to say goodbye. I boarded my train, leaving a little piece of my heart behind in that beautiful place. I had a wonderful chat with my new “hedge witch” friend. She told me about a place in the countryside where she teaches people about traditional remedies from nature, using local plants to create homemade potions and balms. I'm already dreaming up plans for my next trip! I've already set my sights on a little adventure into the world of “hedge witch” knowledge – and maybe I'll even bring my new tutu!

So darling readers, what have I learned today? Never stop seeking out new experiences and embrace the enchantment of the world around you, especially the enchanting beauty of our amazing wildlife! Oh, and don’t be afraid to wear a pink tutu, dear readers, I think the world needs a little more whimsy and fun!

And as always, remember: "Never let life take the ballerina out of you!" And dear readers, don't forget to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for more daily inspiration and "Pink-tutu adventures". I love you all.

Till next time! xx Emma

#TutuBlog 2023-10-25 in Dunstable with a german tutu.