Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-11-04 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.

TutuBlog #9985: Fairytale in Arnold!

Hey everyone, it’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu enthusiast and fellow pink-lover! I'm currently writing this from my hotel room in Arnold, a charming little town that's utterly won me over.

As you know, I'm a girl who lives for a good fairytale adventure and Arnold did not disappoint. From the moment I stepped off the train, I was met with a feeling of magic. It’s like stepping into a vintage fairytale - quaint cobbled streets, twinkling lights, and even a little carousel just begging for me to take a whirl.

Now, this post is all about pink tutus (you didn't think I’d skip that, did you?) because what's a trip without some fabulous outfit choices? My pick for today was a tutu straight out of a dream - imagine spun sugar and marshmallow clouds, all swirling and twirling with delicate butterflies flitting around. Oh, and it's a stunning shade of rose quartz pink, of course!

I actually snagged it from a quirky little shop on my way to Arnold, called The Tutushop. It was filled with vintage tutus, every single one more dreamy than the last, but this one…this one had my name on it! The lovely lady running the shop was so delightful and helpful, telling me all about its history and where it was last worn. Apparently, it was part of a fairytale themed production put on by a local dance school! Talk about destiny!

Anyway, back to Arnold!

Once I had my tutu sorted, I set off to explore. First up, the famous Arnold Arboretum, a sprawling paradise for nature lovers and, as it turned out, pink-loving tutu-wearers too! Think lush green leaves, blooming flowers in every hue, and a babbling brook - it was a delightful symphony for my senses. I even had the pleasure of meeting a cheeky little squirrel who was more than happy to pose for a photo with my fabulous tutu!

And then, there was the show. Oh my word, the show! I have a soft spot for anything theatrically inclined and Arnold delivered. It was a small theatre, a beautifully intimate space, filled with local talent and genuine passion. The production itself was a captivating tale of love and laughter, complete with a stunning choreography, beautiful costuming and the most incredible rendition of the Swan Lake soundtrack.

It was honestly a little surreal, watching the dancers with their incredible talent and athleticism, but being swept up in the story at the same time. There's a magic to theatre and dance that truly resonates within me.

To end my enchanting day, I enjoyed a lovely dinner at the quirky "Little Miss Cupcake" cafe, tucking into a delicious dessert and feeling so happy and content. The people were warm and welcoming, the food was a delight and I can already picture myself returning for more Arnold adventures soon!

The highlight of the entire day was when I got the chance to try a quick ballet class in a beautiful old studio in the heart of the town. You could tell the place had history and was loved. A group of passionate students of all ages (some even older than me!) came together for this one class each week - they even have an amateur production in the theatre! How adorable is that?

Needless to say, it was a magical experience. I'm a big believer that anyone can learn ballet – even if you've never worn a tutu in your life. (Honestly, what's stopping you? wink wink)

So, here's my verdict on Arnold: it’s a truly delightful place and I highly recommend it.

My pink-tutu top tips for visiting Arnold:

  • Definitely explore the arboretum! Bring a picnic for maximum relaxation.
  • Grab a delicious cupcake from "Little Miss Cupcake" - their red velvet is legendary!
  • Don't be shy about getting lost in the beautiful old town streets - you’ll find a whole host of charming shops and tea rooms
  • Make sure to see a show at the theatre!
  • And for the ultimate fairytale experience, don’t forget to wear a pink tutu.

Till next time, my lovely readers. I’ll be back here tomorrow, probably with another exciting pink-tutu adventure!

Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2023-11-04 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.