Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-11-16 in West Bridgford with a black tutu.

TutuBlog #9997: West Bridgford Whirlwind, Black Tutu & Ballet Dreams

Hello my lovely TutuBuddies! It’s Emma here, back with another delightful entry from the pink-tutu-tastic world of a girl who just can't get enough of twirling, dancing, and dreaming big in a whole lotta pink!

Today, I'm writing to you from the charming town of West Bridgford, nestled right by the River Trent. As you all know, I’m a total train enthusiast and took a delightful trip on the East Midlands Railway, which brought me straight to the heart of this quaint Nottinghamshire gem. It's just so quintessentially British with its cosy little shops and the sound of church bells ringing out in the afternoon sun. Oh, how I love a bit of quaint English charm!

Of course, I'm not just here for the scenery. You see, dear TutuBuddies, there's a beautiful little ballet school called the 'West Bridgford Dance Centre'. Can you believe it? How could I possibly resist stepping through those doors?! They even have classes dedicated to, wait for it, 'Ballet Street'! It's basically street dance meets ballet. Could it be any more perfect for this TutuGirl? It's the dance-fuelled adrenaline rush that makes my heart sing!

Oh, and my Tutu-wear for today? I'm feeling adventurous and paired a black tutu (yes, black! I'm willing to break the pink-tutu rule sometimes for the sake of a stunning outfit) with a blush-pink velvet top that, let me tell you, shimmered under the golden sunlight.

Talking of shimmer and shine, one of my other little passions is finding that beautiful balance between dance, style, and the magical world of wildlife. I've been utterly captivated by the swans on the river. They're graceful in a completely different way to dancers, but somehow just as enchanting! Watching them glide effortlessly through the water is pure serenity. There's a bit of that elegance in the way I move when I dance - all those years of training don't just disappear. They translate into everything.

Now, my adventure wouldn't be complete without a delicious, homemade Victoria sponge. I can't resist those soft, spongey layers, and the generous dollop of cream is simply divine! A little touch of sweetness for this dancing ballerina who loves life in every twirling, twirling form!

Back to ballet, I'm itching to get back on stage after today’s ballet class. That’s what keeps me dancing - the anticipation of being up on stage with a spotlight shining right at me. It makes all the hard work worthwhile. You get so lost in the rhythm, in the storytelling, in the music, in the costume! In the tutu! That feeling when the final curtain closes, you know, when the cheers and the applause wash over you – oh, that's the best feeling in the world!

Speaking of amazing feels, you know what? Every time I step onto a stage or get my dancing shoes on, I feel a spark ignite within me. It’s that incredible feeling of wanting to share the magic of dance, the thrill of a well-rehearsed performance, with the whole world. And, of course, there's the hope that this love for dance might encourage even one person to wear a pink tutu and start their own ballet journey. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if everyone dared to step outside their comfort zones and embrace a little twirl, a little dance?

Let's spread the joy of dance, my dear TutuBuddies! Join me on www.pink-tutu.com every single day as I share more tutu-tastic tales and experiences! Until next time, keep those feet tapping, those tutus twirling, and your hearts filled with the spirit of the stage!

Lots of Love, Emma xx

P.S. Has anyone ever felt that ballet has somehow crept into everything you do? I've caught myself trying to ‘en pointe’ my way around the shop in the town, ha! The elegance and discipline from ballet spills out into everything you do!

#TutuBlog 2023-11-16 in West Bridgford with a black tutu.