
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-11-24 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.

North Shields: A Tutu-ful Adventure! (Blog Post #10005)

Hello darlings! It's your girl Emma here, back with another fabulously fabulous post! Today I'm whisking you away from the Derbyshire hills to the vibrant seaside town of North Shields. I know, I know, not your typical tutu-worthy location, right? But hear me out, my dears! This was an adventure for the ages, a perfect mix of coastal charm and tutu-tastic style!

Let's get this show on the road (or should I say, the train? โ€“ who doesn't love a good train journey?!). I set off early, with my trusty pink tote bag filled with all my essential necessities: a sparkling cyan tutu, some dainty ballet shoes (in case of impromptu pirouettes), and a strategically placed bottle of rose (because it's ALWAYS a good idea!).

My journey started with a delightful encounter with the local wildlife. Right there, by the platform, was a friendly little hedgehog waddling about! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Hedgehogs?! Emma, that's not the most glam encounter..." But trust me, this adorable little fella, with its tiny nose and spiky coat, was just the sort of unexpected joy you need to kick off a day in North Shields. It also had a little pink tutu on! You see, I'm spreading the pink tutu gospel far and wide!

North Shields, for all its charming simplicity, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered! Imagine this: sun-drenched beaches, quaint cobblestone streets lined with colourful cafes and antique shops, the refreshing scent of salt in the air. My darlings, it's simply a treat for the senses! I was instantly in love.

The centre of the town was bustling with activity. There were families picnicking by the seaside, fisherman unloading their nets, and a little troupe of street dancers โ€“ the rhythm of their dance pulsated through the air. It was so inspiring to see people just enjoying life, their vibrant personalities shining through, much like my shimmering cyan tutu did on the promenade!

Naturally, a ballet performance wouldn't be complete without a visit to the theatre! I made my way to the stunning North Shields Playhouse. While there wasn't a ballet show scheduled that day, I couldn't resist browsing the posters. I imagine a ballet production in such a unique venue, the stage illuminated with my pink tutu twirling and shimmering... oh the dreams! I definitely see myself back here again soon!

And of course, no trip to a seaside town is complete without a little retail therapy, my lovelies! I couldn't resist popping into a few of the quirky boutiques that lined the street. There were some seriously cute hats that would look smashing with my cyan tutu, and I picked up a beautiful pink scarf for when the sea breeze gets a bit chilly. My trusty tote bag was bursting with finds!

As the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows on the sands, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of sadness at having to leave this wonderful town. But I also felt a surge of excitement for all the new adventures waiting just around the corner. It's a truth that rings true for all us tutudollars, the ballet never truly ends, the music always keeps playing. And I know for sure, that I'll be back to North Shields again, in a new tutu, ready to embrace the joy of another adventure.

So until next time, keep twirling and spreading the pink tutu magic. The world's a ballet waiting for us to dance it into existence, my dears!

Sending you all my love,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2023-11-24 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.