Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-12-11 in Rutherglen with a food themed tutu.

TutuBlog: Rutherglen, Food, and a Flourish of Pink (Post #10022)

Oh, my darling readers, you won't believe the whirlwind of deliciousness and twirling I've been experiencing! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, and today I'm stepping out of Derbyshire and into the vibrant streets of Rutherglen. It's been a grand adventure, filled with more twists and turns than a pirouette, and, of course, topped off with a magnificent pink tutu that made even the greyer Scottish skies seem a little brighter!

I must tell you, arriving in Rutherglen by train felt positively cinematic. The old, red train rattled along the track like a travelling theatre, filled with characters rushing to and fro, each with their own story to tell. I felt a little like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, except I had a darling pink suitcase bursting with all sorts of magical ballet gear, a very comfortable tutu and some very fine shoes (ahem, pointe shoes)!

Stepping off the train into Rutherglen, the scent of the town hit me instantly – a sweet, almost syrupy mixture of freshly baked bread and crisp autumn air. I can already tell I'm going to be making lots of visits to the local bakeries; the promise of pastries is always an exciting prelude to a ballet class, don't you think?

Speaking of ballet, you know me and my love of the stage! There's a brilliant little dance school here called the "Rutherglen Twirlers," and after a quick spot of sightseeing, I decided to head straight in for a drop-in class. You wouldn't believe the talent there. They have little ones, not much bigger than a thimbleful of joy, and then teenagers who are as graceful as gazelles. It reminded me of when I first started in ballet – the sheer thrill of taking your first tentative steps in pointe shoes or the fear-turned-excitement when the teacher said "en pointe!"

But this time, there was a twist, and this is where the food theme comes in. Imagine my delight when the class incorporated a series of choreographed steps inspired by local delicacies. We twirled around a "shortbread sequence" and took a deep plié for the "Rutherglen pie sequence." It was just delightful and totally unique!

After class, I discovered this cute little tea room called "The Peppermint Patty" – pink walls, delicate china, and of course, a giant teapot on the wall, all begging to be photographed! It was the perfect setting to take in the day’s reflections, sip on a strawberry-and-lavender tea (I love a touch of the unusual!), and munch on a piece of their signature ginger cake.

Of course, no trip to Scotland is complete without exploring its magnificent nature. Now, I’m a city girl at heart, but something about rolling hills, glistening lochs, and wild Highland cattle really sets my soul alight. Luckily, Rutherglen isn't too far from some fantastic landscapes.

We're talking vast, empty stretches of purple heather under the dramatic peaks of the Lowther Hills. I spent the afternoon taking in the sights and breathing in that crisp air. For some reason, it made the whole town seem so alive, like it was ready to burst with a story just waiting to be told.

I'll be honest, I was tempted to give the Highland cows a little ballet lesson – imagine their giant hooves performing arabesques! I know, I know, I’m a dreamer, but a girl can dream, right?

Of course, no journey for a tutu enthusiast is complete without a little fashion update! And here in Rutherglen, I'm pleased to report I found a hidden treasure trove. This gorgeous vintage shop called "The Sewing Bee" has some of the most beautiful textiles I've ever seen. I think I’m going to take a vintage fabric home and see if I can create a truly unique tutu design – perhaps one with a delicate floral pattern to evoke the spirit of the Rutherglen countryside?

But as much as I love all these adventures, there’s nothing quite like curling up with a hot chocolate in a cosy café at the end of the day, watching the rain fall on the cobblestone streets, and planning for tomorrow. Rutherglen, you've been a true joy!

I hope my little adventures have inspired you, my darlings. I promise you, the world is filled with magic just waiting to be discovered. So don't be afraid to embrace the unexpected, whether that's trying out a new ballet class, indulging in a new cuisine, or putting on a vibrant pink tutu and dancing your heart out!

Until tomorrow, remember to wear your hearts on your sleeves, and don't forget your pink tutus!

Much love,

Emma x

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my latest video on www.pink-tutu.com. I’m demonstrating some simple stretches to improve your flexibility! Because ballet isn't just about dancing, it's about feeling good!

#TutuBlog 2023-12-11 in Rutherglen with a food themed tutu.