Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2024-05-06 in Rochester with a nature themed tutu.

Rochester: Tutu-ing Through the Kentish countryside

#TutuBlog 10169 - www.pink-tutu.com

Good morning, lovelies! I'm writing to you from sunny Rochester, Kent. After all the hustle and bustle of the city, I felt the call of the wild, the urge for green fields and rolling hills, and so I decided to take a leisurely train ride down south. This, as you all know, is one of my absolute favourite ways to travel – gazing out the window as the world whizzes by. And there's nothing better than arriving at a quaint station, stepping onto the platform, and inhaling that fresh country air.

And speaking of fresh air, my lovely Tutu Bloggers, you wouldn't believe my outfit for this trip! I thought a little wildlife inspiration would be fitting for a visit to the heart of Kent, so I donned a bespoke tutu – it's the prettiest shade of rose pink, you know the kind, delicate and dreamy like the petals of a blossoming wildflower. But it's also got these gorgeous little white feathered trims, like the wings of a butterfly, just to give it a touch of wildness! The tutu was, of course, accompanied by a beautiful blush-coloured linen blouse, and a pair of those vintage-inspired floral shoes you all adore. A little touch of whimsy, a dash of charm – what more could a girl ask for on a day trip like this?

The first thing I did upon reaching Rochester was indulge in one of the most quintessentially British things you can do – afternoon tea! It was absolutely delightful – cucumber sandwiches, warm scones with clotted cream and jam, and of course, a selection of the most delicious cakes and pastries. And it wouldn't be a proper afternoon tea without a pot of piping hot, freshly brewed tea. I do enjoy the occasional glass of champagne, but honestly, nothing beats a good cuppa on a day like this.

Rochester itself is a town full of history and character, and my little pink tutu caused a right stir as I wandered through the cobbled streets. The cathedral is truly breathtaking. Its stone towers reach for the sky, and the intricate carvings and stained-glass windows are simply mesmerizing. It's easy to understand why it’s been used as a filming location for movies like “The Other Boleyn Girl” – the building truly embodies that gothic grandeur.

The Castle, which was another highlight of my trip, is pretty amazing too, steeped in so much history. Just imagine the battles, the whispers of royalty and knights of old… Rochester's story has always fascinated me. And the view from the ramparts was simply magnificent. Fields upon fields stretching as far as the eye could see, a glorious mix of greenery and scattered little hamlets… it felt so peaceful and serene.

Of course, no trip to Kent is complete without a spot of nature. I decided to head towards the countryside just a little outside of Rochester to immerse myself in the tranquility of the Kentish landscape. It was magical, let me tell you! I wandered along hidden pathways, breathed in the scent of wildflowers, and soaked up the sunshine on my skin. The fresh air was simply exhilarating, and the natural beauty just blew me away. I'm not a huge fan of walking miles and miles, but for that brief while, it just felt wonderful to disconnect and enjoy the moment, to be completely at one with nature.

In the middle of the field, I took a few spins and even attempted a little impromptu ballet under the watchful gaze of a passing family of deer. Let’s just say, they seemed quite unfazed, as did a whole troop of little squirrels in the trees, and that lovely fat robin perched on a branch, so full of cheeky mischief! They just watched as I twirled and twirled, with my pink tutu billowing in the breeze, a whirlwind of pastel loveliness, I must say I looked quite beautiful out there, almost ethereal amongst all that nature! I guess I'm pretty good at finding my inner peace in those kinds of moments – I have to be with the hectic life I live!

In the evening, I decided to treat myself to a beautiful traditional pub meal in the centre of Rochester. Roast chicken, a huge pile of vegetables, creamy mashed potatoes… I could just taste all the wholesome country goodness in each bite! Followed by the classic combination of sticky toffee pudding and a double espresso – heavenly! You know what they say, good food and good company, those are the essential ingredients to happiness.

You might wonder, dear Tutu Bloggers, if there were any ballet performances to be enjoyed on my trip! Well, I managed to squeeze in a little ballet class on Sunday, and you know what? Even on my travels, I can't resist indulging in a bit of ballet – it's like a balm for my soul! I found a lovely dance school just a hop and a skip from the train station, and the instructor was lovely, warm, and encouraging, exactly like I like it. You see, it’s all about community for me. I adore getting to know local dancers and sharing my love for ballet – a universal language that can break down all sorts of barriers. It’s also such a beautiful form of art, full of grace, beauty, and pure expression! And don't get me started on the tutus, those masterpieces of fluffiness, colour, and creativity. Every tutu, in its way, is a tiny masterpiece, reflecting the artistry of both the dancers and the designers.

Before I knew it, my weekend trip to Rochester was over. I boarded my train back home to Derbyshire, leaving a little bit of pink tutu magic sprinkled over the charming Kent countryside. You see, it’s about much more than simply visiting a place, it’s about leaving a little bit of your essence, your sparkle, your joy, wherever you go.

I can't wait to share my next adventure with you, but for now, remember this: life is meant to be enjoyed! Wear that pink tutu, jump into the dance, and make your life a story worth telling! Love you all!

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2024-05-06 in Rochester with a nature themed tutu.