
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2024-06-23 in Surbiton with a pink tutu.

Surbiton Sparkle: Tutu Time on the Tracks!

Post #10217

Hello, lovelies! It's Emma, your Pink Tutu Princess, here, fresh from a delightful jaunt to Surbiton, the town with the most fabulously pink railway station! I mean, it practically screams "Emma, you must wear your tutu here!"

Let's get this out there right from the get-go, this trip was an absolute dream. You know how I'm always waxing lyrical about my love for tutus, the feeling of twirling in a perfect, swirling cloud of pink tulle, the absolute magic of ballet... well, Surbiton took everything to a whole new level! It's just radiant.

It all started with the train ride, naturally. I adore a good train journey. I get to look out the window, feeling like a character from one of my favourite novels (think Jane Eyre, darling!), watching the world whizz past as I daydream about pirouettes and pas de bourrees.

This time, though, the journey was even more special. I'd finally snagged a first-class ticket (treat yourself, ladies, it's worth it!), so the train ride was all about indulging. You could almost smell the luxurious air!

But then came the real highlight, the moment that made the journey so worthwhile... Surbiton station itself! The most gorgeous shades of pink, from pastel to fuchsia, adorning the walls. There's nothing I love more than a vibrant pink hue. My Tutuverse couldn't have been more delighted.

And what better way to embrace this whimsical, pink-infused setting than with my own personal ballet tribute? So, out came the tutu, my favourite one โ€“ you know, the one with the feathers? Yes! - and I posed by the ticket gates, twirling in a kaleidoscope of happy memories.

Surbiton, my darlings, is calling to every ballerina, every tutufied beauty out there. Imagine a town built for your most twirly, pink-hued fantasies. Oh, and let's not forget the adorable little independent shops, perfect for a quick pre-show latte or some beautiful, ethically sourced trinkets!

Speaking of shows, the ballet was, of course, the true purpose of this trip! "The Sleeping Beauty," in all its elegance and grace. Surbiton Theatre has a certain je ne sais quoi. That Victorian charm? Oh, darling, I felt transported!

There were other ballerinas present (so much pink, I nearly fainted!), and we chatted with each other in the interval, exchanging tips on our favourite pas de deux, the perfect blush for a graceful glow, and the latest styles in tutus. Honestly, it felt like I'd found my tribe.

After the show, my dear friends (I met them at a ballet retreat in Derbyshire a while back - those girls are amazing!) took me to this enchanting little cafe called "The Butterfly Ballet." Imagine my delight! Tea and scones on the prettiest little terrace overlooking a manicured garden - filled with, you guessed it, butterflies!

Every corner of Surbiton felt magical. The vibrant energy of the pink station, the elegance of the theatre, and the quiet charm of the cafeโ€ฆ a ballet masterpiece, really.

But Surbiton, of course, is just one stop on my pink-tutu odyssey. The world, lovelies, is full of enchanting destinations, just waiting to be twirled and admired. I have a whole itinerary planned for the coming weeks, including a jaunt to a vintage market in Bristol and a ballet workshop in Cambridge (which I'll be taking on horseback, naturally, can't miss the opportunity!).

Keep an eye out on the blog, my lovelies, as I continue to discover new pink wonders, new tutu-worthy locations, and hopefully inspire a few of you to ditch the everyday and join me on the journey towards a world filled with grace, twirls, and most definitely, a whole lot of pink!

Remember: The tutu life is for everyone. Embrace the sparkle, twirl with joy, and remember: you are a ballerina, darling!

Until next time,
Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2024-06-23 in Surbiton with a pink tutu.