Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com!
It's Emma here, and today marks blog post number 10463! Can you believe it? I still can't quite fathom how much I love sharing my pink tutu adventures with all of you. You lot make this journey even more wonderful.
Today's adventure whisks us away to the delightful town of Eltham, just a hop, skip, and twirl away from the bright lights of London. Now, I wouldn't usually say I'm a creature of the city, being a Derbyshire girl at heart, but sometimes the allure of the big smoke just calls out to me, like a mischievous melody.
And speaking of melody, can you even imagine the sheer joy of traveling to a new place via horse? Yep, you heard me right, folks! My dear friend, Henrietta, just got herself a magnificent dappled grey named Winston, and who better to accompany her on his inaugural ride? Ahem, moi, in a pink tutu, naturally! Henrietta swears by her chestnut cob, Barnaby, for all things equine, but let me tell you, Winston is a proper charmer! Just a wee bit of a show-off, perhaps, but a gentleman nonetheless. He loves his treats - which I make sure to stock up on - and was absolutely delightful to ride, even though I have to admit, a little extra swish was needed to stop that pink tutu from catching the wind!
But oh, Eltham, you're so captivating! And just look at this historic architecture, don't you love a bit of old-world charm? It practically makes you want to spin into a graceful pirouette in the middle of the cobbled streets, right? Well, of course it does! My fellow twirling enthusiasts, let us make it a trend. Everyone doing a pink tutu pirouette wherever they are today. And let us embrace the joy of every tiny detail that makes a town unique. There was a cheeky little cat, called Priscilla, who was just begging to be photographed by my camera lens. Don't tell anyone, but Priscilla was a tad smitten with my new pink feathered boa, but hey, what can I say, some feline affections are just unavoidable!
And, of course, no journey would be complete without a visit to a delightful ballet studio! As soon as I sniffed out a delightful school named "Eltham Ballet Academy," I knew I was meant to step inside. Imagine a world of dancing swans, mischievous fairies, and daring princesses - it's the ultimate fairy tale, right? Oh, the elegance of it all! Just seeing those dedicated students, stretching their limbs and making their first tentative leaps, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. This passion, this dedication, it truly is infectious.
Let me tell you a little secret: I have an aim in life, something I deeply believe in. It's not about the perfect pirouette or a flawlessly executed arabesque (although let's face it, who doesn't love those?). No, my goal, my dear friends, is to inspire everyone to embrace the wonder of movement, the joy of dancing, the sheer freedom of expressing yourself through ballet! It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned dancer or just a beginner, if you’re a ballerina or if you are not, every twirl is a victory, every leap is an achievement. And what better way to celebrate that feeling than in a pink tutu?
Now, the delightful people at Eltham Ballet Academy gave me a private lesson - I truly love how friendly and accommodating everyone is - and let me tell you, even if my age doesn't quite let me reach the height of their ballerina posters (let's just say, they might be slightly younger, shall we!), those graceful movements, the flow of energy, the exquisite expression of movement...it all reminds me that life's too short to take yourself too seriously! Go on, throw on a tutu and see what happens!
Speaking of embracing movement, I’m off to a ballet show at The Greenwich Theatre this evening - which is just a stone’s throw from Eltham - so it will be another evening of dance. I will be reporting back tomorrow! Let me know where you’re “en pointe” with your dance life. And until tomorrow, darlings, remember to wear your smile proudly, keep twirling, and stay fabulous.
Lots of love,
Emma 💖🩰