Pink Tutu Design and Make at www pink tutu com

Darlings! The new season is upon us, and the air is alive with the promise of pirouettes and pointe shoes. It’s the time for fresh starts, vibrant hues, and of course, **the most exquisite balletwear**.

This month, I’m all about **elegance with a touch of whimsy**. We want something that captures the beauty of spring’s burgeoning blossoms while retaining the classic grace of the dance. So, gather your supplies, darling, because we're crafting a **tutu that will make even the most jaded critic gasp**!

**The Perfect Tutu: A Dream in Blush Pink**

You’ll need:

  • Tulle, oh darling, lots and lots of tulle! Go for the finest, softest blush pink you can find, something that whispers springtime dreams. My favourite shop for this sort of thing is La Boutique in Soho. (
  • A simple bodice: Choose a sleek and sophisticated silhouette, nothing fussy, in a shimmering pale gold. The Maison de Danse in Kensington has the most exquisite selection, darlings! (
  • Beads, shimmering beads galore! Scatter them about, like dewdrops on a rose petal. These exquisite, pearlescent beauties are just what you need:
  • A bit of sparkle: Don’t forget to sprinkle a dash of diamond dust – just a touch, you know, to add that extra oomph. has the most glamorous collection.

**Building Your Vision:**

First, you must layer, darling! You want layers upon layers of tulle, fluttering gently as you pirouette. Let each layer be slightly shorter than the one before, creating a beautiful, cascading effect. Don't forget the little dance – you can do this by using two different colours, such as white for the longest layers and light pink for the shortest. Remember, the aim is to evoke a sense of effortless movement and delicate beauty.

Once the tulle is assembled, it's time to embellish! The beaded details should accentuate the delicate curves of the bodice and cascade down the tutu, resembling dew-kissed blossoms. The subtle glitter? Only a touch here and there, darling, to create an enchanting aura. Trust your instincts, and your artistic vision.

**A Leotard that Complements:**

Our leotard must be simple, darling, so it does not compete with the glorious tutu. The Maison de Danse in Kensington is truly wonderful. It is all about enhancing the dance itself. This month, I would advise a smooth, form-fitting design in the lightest, most delicate blush shade you can find, and why not choose one that boasts a subtle, luxurious sheen. Be sure it's a luxurious fabric, as you want something that hugs your body beautifully. Don’t forget your favourite pointe shoes!

**Remember, dear ones:** this is about creating something beautiful and uniquely YOU! Allow your imagination to dance and unleash the artistry within. And don't forget, the most captivating performance lies not in the outfit but in the passion and joy you bring to every pirouette!