Pink Tutu Design and Make at www pink tutu com

Darling, let's face it. Tutu design is as fickle as a lover. It's all about what catches the eye, and that changes faster than the season's foliage! May is practically bursting with possibility, darling, but the secret lies in finding that *je ne sais quoi* that turns a basic design into a head-turning sensation. Here's a bit of insider magic from your aunty, a ballerina of over 30 years:

**This month, think drama, darling.** May's all about blossoming - and the colour palette is equally bursting! The world needs tutus as colourful as a butterfly's wings - and daringly geometric. But be warned, my loves, *less is more* when it comes to design. Let's not be all *pouffy and ridiculous*. It needs to be sharp, yes, but undeniably elegant. The right colours will really make you stand out.

**The key is, darling, finding those stunning textures. ** The shimmer and sheen of metallic mesh or the elegant sheen of a sequined fabric really creates an unforgettable look.

Here’s what you’ll need:
  • A good quality, classic tulle, dearie. You can’t have a beautiful tutu without it. Now, you can find these all over. *Tutulle* is good for beginners but *Degas* for a real touch of couture.
  • One or two colours of your chosen fabrics. But only if you are sure they are right for you darling, it has to feel like you. We are aiming for vibrant but not over the top, so go with pinks, reds and yellows for the real spring flair, maybe something bold like a royal purple.
  • And darling, that all-important *sparkle*.* *Sequin fabric*, or, for a bit of added glamour *swarovski crystal trims*. These are real key pieces darling and can make all the difference!
  • Then your basics. Elastic band and, of course, *a sewing machine* or if you're truly posh darling *a tailor*! But they are very hard to find and very expensive - that’s the only problem darling.

Now, darling, once you've got the materials, it’s time to get sewing. I *could* guide you through every step, darling, but I do have a life you know - rehearsals, drinks with the girls, a *dinner* at The Savoy! And what fun would a creative venture be without a little discovery, darling? I’d hate to rob you of your artistic flair, and the freedom of exploring your own *inner muse*.

So my loves, *go forth, create,* and let me know, darling, if you need *a bit of extra magic*. Your aunty, a fashion goddess.