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Darling, it's been a truly thrilling month for ballet, and wouldn't you know it, we've been absolutely spoiled with some magnificent performances that had me floating on cloud nine! Oh, darling, it's not even the new productions that get my pulse racing, you know; it's that timeless beauty, that flawless artistry that takes my breath away. I could dance until dawn, but for now, allow me to divulge the delightful delights from the past month that I simply couldn't resist.

London: Darling, we have to begin in our beloved London, where the Royal Opera House hosted the most divine "Swan Lake" with our dearest, Darcey Bussell, simply flawless! This is no ordinary Swan Queen, mind you. Darcey is ethereal, a shimmering sylph with the grace of a swan, her every movement an exquisite arabesque. It was like watching a masterpiece come to life!

The stage itself seemed to bloom into a wondrous, magical setting as the ballet unfolded, those dazzling tutus... ah, I could write an entire column on those exquisite, billowing costumes alone. But there's something deeper than mere beauty at play in Darcey's performance. Her emotions pour forth, and you feel her heartbreak in every delicate step, the desperate hope in every rise of her slender arms, oh darling, the utter despair and eventual transcendence - she had my tears flowing like champagne at the interval! A real heart-wrenching, head-spinning masterpiece. I do recommend, darlings, a hankie!

Then of course, darling, there was a production of "Giselle" which had a new and quite delightful touch! Now, I won't lie, "Giselle" isn't always the most groundbreaking work in terms of choreography. You could even say, it can get rather repetitive, that second act, but I do love it dearly. Now, what made this particular production quite unique, oh my dear, was the addition of a captivating "living" set, inspired by natural landscapes. It gave the piece a fresh, vibrant perspective. You could practically smell the pine needles in the first act and hear the gurgling of a mountain stream.

The lead, darling, a rising star called Natalia, simply lit up the stage with an unbridled passion that took my breath away! I adore a little fire, don't you? Especially in a ballet, and Natalia brought so much fire and vulnerability to the role. Her jumps, those leaps! The girl could fly! It's good to know that the new generation of ballerinas is truly inspiring!

Paris: darling, what can I say about the divine Parisians, always ahead of their time? There's an artistic energy, an electric pulse that simply flows from the cobblestone streets of Paris right into the Palais Garnier. Such a fabulous treat this month was "Romeo & Juliet". Yes, darling, I know, everyone and their mother does "Romeo & Juliet".

But the beauty of Paris, you see, is that even the oldest and most tired plays can be completely transformed by a little French "je ne sais quoi"! The choreographer in question? Oh, the one and only Jean-Luc. Darling, he had the audience simply oohing and aahing with his contemporary touch on a classic ballet. A breathtaking mixture of bold modern steps and elegant traditional movements. His vision felt as fresh as a Spring bouquet, but as captivating as the most sophisticated Parisian night. And, of course, the set itself was simply divine. Those sweeping silk curtains? Divine. You could see how it moved as one from the stage to the ceiling, it made the set feel as much as part of the story as the dancers, truly captivating.

New York City: Of course darling, we must journey to the "Big Apple" itself, for it truly does have it all, a magnificent hub for dancers worldwide. I was thrilled, absolutely delighted to experience a brand new work, an exploration into the world of modern dance by our favorite, Peter Morgan.

He is, of course, so brilliantly renowned for his contemporary works, and this one, my dears, did not disappoint! With its pulsating, experimental style, this production, with its name I can't remember but sounded wonderfully artsy, it had this modern flair but with that classical touch we love. It was intense, experimental but ultimately a beautifully crafted piece with its intricate choreography and moving symbolism, all within this dramatic, and truly daring exploration of the human body and movement.

I particularly liked how the choreographer incorporated unusual costumes. Darling, not for me those skimpy little numbers. This had bold colours and interesting textures - oh, so very Parisian. I did wish, you know, that it had just a little bit more of that classically dramatic "je ne sais quoi", that little touch of the lyrical and graceful. But darling, that is what makes art so much fun, there is always something to talk about. However, let's just say that if I ever need some inspiration, Peter Morgan will be my go to!

Tokyo: The exotic! Oh, Tokyo is just breathtaking. A real must-visit for those of you who are just beginning to travel to further afield, darlings. Their ballet was breathtaking in so many ways. They say their company, which has been operating since the 1960s, is like nothing you’ve ever seen. Yes, well it was. It was like being inside one of those Japanese silk screens; simply magical and breathtaking. The company performed “La Bayadère”. A ballet about an Indian Temple Dancer, who is loved by a warrior, but cursed to spend eternity dancing among spirits, what drama, oh darling! Their company truly has something different and quite special.

Now, while the other ballet companies, darling, rely heavily on dramatic costumes and grand scenery, this company seems to rely heavily on its choreography to convey the drama of the piece and I must say that is precisely what is truly memorable about their dancing. They really do understand this ancient Indian culture and the language of dance, something so intricate and almost mysterious that I found quite mesmerizing and it leaves an undeniable effect on you. But the costumes, ah darling, they're beyond exquisite. The detail, oh, the intricate beading and those colours! A riot of sumptuous fabrics and the jewel tones, it was all just divine! It is hard not to feel mesmerized, transported by the whole experience!

Rome: Well darling, you cannot visit Rome, oh that beautiful, decadent city, and not catch the ballet! Of course! Now this one was simply magnificent and so wonderfully glamorous. A real spectacle to see with every detail perfect. And darling, let me tell you it was quite the experience! You'll remember it for ages. Now we must talk about "Swan Lake", again? But this production of "Swan Lake", darling, was as classic and majestic as the Coliseum itself.

It wasn't some modern adaptation, no! This was as they say, "Old School"! The costumes were lavish. Darling, I must mention those stunning swan tutus, simply ethereal, just as you would expect from a ballet in Rome, all soft colours, a little gold detailing. Very Roman! The music, ah, a delightful live orchestra with that grand, rich tone. It really just added another dimension of excitement to the ballet. What else was special about this production was, dear darling, it featured a young male dancer who danced the part of the Prince. I can't quite remember his name but he was a breath of fresh air! His presence was strong and powerful, not just an appendage to the swan princess but truly engaging. Now, that is what I want to see!

**Sydney** Oh, my darling Sydney. My Australian experience of "Swan Lake". It was one for the record books! The Bolshoi's, they're always a treat darling. Always, always a pleasure to see their performance of "Swan Lake" wherever you are! However, Sydney, it is just magical. Oh, they do everything right down there in Sydney! It really does add something magical, it seems as if their performances just glow even brighter when they dance down there, I'm telling you, a true love affair with ballet and performance, all within the setting of that wonderful Opera House, the most spectacular, dramatic backdrop! Oh, how I loved being a dancer in the audience in Sydney, that city is just alive. Just breathtaking, and very much the spirit of dance, isn’t it, darling! A truly fabulous experience.