
Pink Tutu Design and Make at www pink tutu com

Darling, Happy New Year! Oh my, but arenā€™t you absolutely positively *dying* for the year to unfold in such a glorious flurry of tutus and tiaras? I know I am! Well buckle your dancing shoes darling, because you are about to embark on an enchanting voyage through the best ballet productions that December delivered, from the frosted spires of St. Petersburg, to the glamorous neon heart of New York City. Iā€™m going to paint the picture with words, of course, for no mere photograph could capture the poetry in motion.

Oh darling, I am not one for gushing sentimentality. But oh my stars! I saw the most fabulous interpretation of Swan Lake by the Bolshoi in December! It was simply the stuff of dreams. This timeless story has been **told** in so many variations but this one was *magic*. The ballerinas, so graceful. So, impossibly beautiful! The music? Simply perfection. I swear, you could have heard a pin drop as they were poised, frozen in that iconic moment when she becomes the swan, transformed right before our eyes. And their costumes. Such dazzling glamour! Such decadent elegance! There were no faux pas darling. Just absolute brilliance from start to finish! It made me so emotional; I've never seen it presented so beautifully, so *effortlessly* brilliant! And this darling, is the mark of the most magnificent artists, isnā€™t it?

Next stop, New York City! My dear friend Isabella and I, darling, have the most fun every time. Now, as you know I am *quite* the New Yorker, but thereā€™s nothing more exciting than taking a stroll down Broadway for a *peek* into the wonderful world of dance. The dancers were stunning - **such powerful leaps**! And their stamina darling? The performance *nearly* took my breath away, Iā€™ve never seen such exquisite grace, coupled with such sheer, raw strength. And **that pas de deux**? Simply spectacular, it left us spellbound darling. Simply divine! I would recommend *everyone* see **Balanchineā€™s _Theme and Variations_. ** Now *that* is what I call an elegant masterpiece.

**_The Royal Ballet_ ** at The Royal Opera House in London did their own version of Swan Lake as well, dear, and the dancing was *spectacular* - their version more ā€œmodernā€ with a wonderful use of stage design. But for me it lacked the *magic* I felt with the Bolshoi. No darling, I'm sorry to say this performance left me slightly *unsatisfied*. But as I said darling, to each their own, everyone enjoys something different! But honestly darling, even when they werenā€™t up to my *personal* standards of beauty, there is so much talent at the Royal Opera House. Such technical prowess! It would be impossible to have anything less than a breathtaking time.

You know darling, my December has also been full of artistic indulgences beyond the ballet, a proper *whirlwind* of exciting experiences! In Copenhagen darling, the Danes did such a **spectacular rendition of Nutcracker**, but, for my money, ** nothing beats a *classic* production of Giselle**. So enchanting! And so tragic! And of course darling, I **loved the dancing** but that score? It is truly the perfect combination of beauty, tragedy and musical genius, and just so incredibly emotional, and frankly itā€™s a piece that gets me every time darling! My goodness! It **brings a tear to my eye** and transports you to that world of true beauty and elegance, something *so exquisite* darling. It simply makes me *beam*, from the moment the first note is struck until the curtain finally falls.

So, there you have it, my take on the *ballet happenings* this December. Oh, itā€™s truly such a delightful time to be a ballerina and just bask in such beauty, donā€™t you think? We have some glorious years to look forward to, darling! So many *marvelous* new productions on the horizon. I must say that I have some high hopes for the ballet worldā€™s journey through the next year, don't you? I have no doubt there will be some absolute *knockouts* coming our way in 1998, Just make sure to have a ticket booked darling because when these shows are around it truly is the most wonderful feeling to *lose* yourself, be part of the energy and be swept away. Don't you simply adore the energy in those rooms?! The feeling is unlike any other. So glamorous, so refined, and yet so wildly electric and alive, all at the same time. What a truly delightful and exquisite privilege it is.

Let me tell you darlings. You have **simply** *got to see* these dance performances. Now don't be a **naughty little ballerina** and let them slip away from you. Get your tickets and book yourself a trip. Or, just grab your friends and go!

Speaking of friends, darlingā€¦ Let me know your latest adventures, the latest youā€™ve seen, Let me know, **my dear**. Just *donā€™t* you dare stay silent about your glorious dance encounters darling! Send me an invitation to the theater, youā€™ll find me there ready with a glass of champagne in hand and ready to watch the magic unfold! Now I really must dash to my latest meeting, and prepare for my next show!

With the very warmest wishes for a stunning start to a sensational new year. And donā€™t forget darling! **Embrace your inner swan**, because the world needs all its beauty.


_Your dancing muse_,
