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Darling, how thrilling to see May arrive, don't you think? It feels like a new season for us all, full of promise and blossoming with fresh delights. Let me whisk you off on a whirlwind tour of the world's dance floors and into a realm of enchantment where artistry truly comes alive.

Let's begin, shall we, with the breathtaking spectacle at the **Royal Opera House**, London, a jewel in the crown of every balletomane. **The Sleeping Beauty**, my darlings, it's a masterpiece. This reimagining of the classic by **Anthony Dowell** breathes a life of its own into the familiar tale, infusing it with contemporary flair while still remaining utterly faithful to the enchantment of **Tchaikovsky's** glorious score. And to watch **Darcey Bussell** in the role of Aurora - she embodies the grace of the woodland nymph with such exquisite ease! She simply floats through the performance, like a dream woven into reality. And who can resist the charming, dashing **Jonathan Cope** as Prince Florimund? His every movement speaks of strength, yet he also radiates a vulnerability that simply draws you in. Don't even get me started on **The Bluebird pas de deux**! A display of aerial artistry that would make even the angels gasp in wonder. The sets and costumes, oh darling, absolutely sumptuous! A triumph from beginning to end.

Oh, and speaking of **Bussell**, I must share that she also stole the show at the **Paris Opera Ballet** in **Giselle**, Oh my darling, the emotions, the passion, the ethereal beauty. She is simply a force of nature! The entire Paris audience held their breath, so rapt they were in her portrayal. Her heartbreak at losing her love, Albrecht, is utterly soul-shattering, while her final ethereal descent into madness and eventual transformation into a spectral creature is one of those indelible moments in theatre history that forever stays etched in the soul.

Now, if we cast our gaze eastward, the **American Ballet Theatre**, my dear, continues its tour with their **Swan Lake**. A veritable ballet powerhouse. Yes, the original choreography by **Marius Petipa** and **Lev Ivanov** holds firm, but the genius of this performance lies in **Kevin McKenzie's** exquisite direction, giving new life to every move and moment. A production that both honors the past and looks towards a brighter future.

And speaking of a bright future, the **Kirov Ballet** (as it still was, oh, darling, how we miss the "Kirov") in St. Petersburg are simply unparalleled. Their rendition of **La Bayadère**, with **Ulyana Lopatkina** as Nikya is, dare I say, truly legendary! The choreography of **Marius Petipa** shines through in this most intricate of productions, every dancer executing each turn with unparalleled precision and, my darlings, those dazzling corps de ballet! The way they swirl and flow in that "Kingdom of the Shades" sequence – the essence of beauty in movement, it simply takes your breath away! And Ulyana, oh Ulyana, so hauntingly beautiful, so achingly tender in the second act. I simply adore how her portrayal evokes both the innocence and tragedy of Nikya's doomed love story. A production that reminds you why the **Kirov** is known as a ballet sanctuary for some of the world's greatest talents!

In the contemporary ballet scene, there are a few truly enchanting productions. For instance, **Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT)** from Holland has just stunned audiences with **Cry**, the new piece by **Jiri Kylian**. A bold, fearless, and utterly heartbreaking exploration of emotions, performed with the utmost brilliance and artistry by the **NDT** dancers. The production is dark, moving, and simply mesmerizing. Their every movement, charged with a raw energy that speaks volumes, and the staging, simple yet oh so effective.

Also in Holland, the **Introdans** company in **Rain** showcased an ensemble piece created by choreographer **Johan Inger**. A sublime piece of choreography. This piece captures the rawness and beauty of the natural elements with a touch of wit, elegance, and humour, creating a truly captivating performance! The ensemble piece reminds us that the magic of ballet is truly in the interconnectedness of bodies in motion, in a delicate dance of form and emotion. Truly exquisite!

If you crave a touch of glamour and excitement, darling, the **Ballet National de Marseille** delivers in spades with **Black**, a visually arresting and exhilarating performance by **Matthus Clark**. The dancers, my dears, are simply captivating in their athleticism and sensual choreography. The stage becomes an electrifying canvas where darkness and light intertwine, and the dancers explore the very edges of human expression! Oh my! **Clark** takes contemporary ballet into thrilling new realms, and this production alone is worth a plane ticket to Marseilles.

Across the Atlantic, the **American Ballet Theatre** (I know, I know, them again, but these dear people never fail to dazzle) brought to the stage the **William Forsythe** masterpiece, **The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude**. Oh, darling, this is a visual ballet feast, and I daresay quite unlike anything else out there! **Forsythe** pushes boundaries, the dancers fly through intricate choreography like ethereal creatures in an otherworldly realm. They blend ballet, jazz, and hip hop into an exciting cocktail of dance styles! The costumes, so sharp and precise, the lighting, the stage - they are an integral part of the storytelling, as important as the movement itself. **The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude** is pure ballet poetry at its most daring!

If you're looking for something completely different and daring, the **Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre** is an absolute must-see. Their dance repertoire is both eclectic and thought-provoking. A particular gem in their collection is **Revelations** by their founder, **Alvin Ailey**. An electrifying showcase of African-American culture through dance, the piece is truly captivating! A powerful work, and you won't leave it unmoved. The beauty and grace of this piece are enhanced by the raw emotion and the heartfelt expression the dancers deliver on stage. The experience will simply stay with you long after the final curtain call! But their performance of **Witness** by **Twyla Tharp**, inspired by the **W.B. Yeats** poetry collection of the same name, will make you want to sing, clap, dance in the aisles, my darlings. It's a kaleidoscope of energy, wit, and pure joyful exuberance! The vibrant set, colorful costumes and **Tharp's** ingenious choreography that borrows from ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance seamlessly are simply exquisite.

And now for the cherry on the top, let us head to the magical world of the **Royal Ballet** in their home at **Covent Garden**. Their current production of **Romeo & Juliet** with **Darcey Bussell**, a radiant Juliet, and **Jonathan Cope** as the passionate and tormented Romeo is a masterclass in storytelling. The depth of their emotions and the way they bring **Prokofiev's** glorious music to life is simply breathtaking.

You see, my dears, ballet transcends time and borders. It weaves stories of love, loss, hope, despair, and everything in between, transforming it into a language of beauty, grace, and raw human expression! It elevates us, making us feel like we can truly fly! I hope you, darling, are ready to experience the magic for yourselves. So go forth and let the ballet season take your breath away!

And a little extra tidbit, my love: don't forget to treat yourself to the most delightful dance event of the year - the **London Dance Awards**, an exquisite gathering of the brightest stars in dance, a night of revelry and recognition.

So, there you have it, darling, my whirlwind tour of the ballets captivating the world! May it fill you with as much joy and exhilaration as it fills me!

Until next month, and happy dancing!

**Yours in pirouettes, **


P.S. And do keep me posted on any spectacular ballet events you find - let us share in the beauty of the dance together!

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