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Darling, can you believe it’s February already? I can barely remember what I wore last month let alone last year. Where does the time go? There is so much going on this month! Oh my, just being here in this divine new gown from Vivienne Westwood is getting me all flustered about the shows. Let's see…I had lunch at that lovely little restaurant with that darling man I told you about... you remember, the one with the gorgeous auburn hair... Anyway…so glamorous. And you would be delighted to know it’s actually all about the ballet this month, all I’m seeing is tutus, tutus everywhere I go, darlings.

Anyway darling, as I said before, just the sight of my new Vivienne is making me think of **The Royal Ballet’s revival of MacMillan's "Romeo and Juliet"** and all the exquisite detail I will be looking out for. I’ve always loved the love story itself - such a classic! My god that MacMillan knew what he was doing and the whole choreography is just divine and so well choreographed for those lovely little girls who will dance Juliet… my darling you can imagine how elegant that whole story and all its romance looks against that rich gold background! But, my pet, the "choreography for Romeo is simply extraordinary, so wonderfully balanced with beautiful gestures" you can see the exquisite masculinity through the movements! It all hangs so delicately on every tiny movement and the costumes, the costume designer, who is this wonderful man... oh my God ... I have totally forgotten his name! ... must ask my lovely friend - oh what was it he called himself? A ‘couturier’. How incredibly avant-garde!… anyway darling where was I… oh yes so beautifully designed as ever for a ‘Romeo and Juliet’. It’s all so beautiful in the best way - oh how exquisite - what a delightful couple whoever is chosen will make. Anyway, that should definitely be on the list - it’s so much fun going to the ROH

Oh but if you go anywhere next month - well if you only have one theatre date… it must, and I repeat *must* be *drum roll* - you won’t believe this... **‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ by Christopher Wheeldon**. The *New York City Ballet’ just oozes with pure perfection in every production. My darling - the exquisite details… The opening scene - ‘Under The Clock’ with the most divine musical accompaniment…oh those ‘clockwork’ figures with their mechanical dancing. Well, what can I say...the choreography... simply stunning - not for nothing is Wheeldon a star choreographer darling. Then the ‘Mad Hatter’ - well darling, how else could the poor man be portrayed? That’s why Wheeldon is just divine, isn’t it. Anyway all that colour against a truly imaginative set… so beautifully’ll never see colour as vibrantly alive as at a NYC ballet - don’t worry about this darling they just keep them all fresh all season... they do a superb job for each and every production And let's not forget the costumes – divine! My pet you wouldn’t believe what a joy watching all this dance… truly magical …simply unforgettable …

**But of course no one should be leaving the United States before they have seen ‘Balanchine’s Stars’** … my pet - such a perfect treat at **the Boston Ballet ** - an utterly amazing show… The music - you should just hear this piece darling. But this really is only for the well-seasoned dancer at heart…well it certainly helps you fully appreciate the beauty and the classical quality. You need an exquisite taste in ballet if you go - this will have all the real cognoscenti there - they’re really great programmes they put on, they certainly do. Just exquisite to look at …you’ll just fall in love with the artistry...well it’s what Balanchine did, it is just perfection on every level, from the dancers, oh the glorious talent you will see, from the choregraphy - oh I feel I have such little words… so beautiful…. such divine artistry….just the perfect choice and then…my darling... you must experience a **Boston Ballet ** costume. I don’t know how they get such lovely pieces. Anyway I do think ‘Stars’ is the perfect ballet to see first … it sets you up for the rest of the festival

… you won’t see something as beautiful…but darling if we are still in the U.S. - you can be so spoiled - and I really think this is **The Washington Ballet ** territory. Well *what a surprise - *you can almost smell the scent of orchids with all their beautifully ornate décor! ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’... you must love fairies and all those whimsical things …I can hardly write this …I can just see their tiny wings –oh how exquisitely decorated! The production oozes the real feel of the magic in this ballet... The beauty…simply breathtaking! ... a feast for the eyes …

And what else is there... *oh yes of course* … well there’s always *drumroll*… you won’t believe this... a real ballet with no set! **‘Giselle’ by the Bavarian State Ballet** at their Munich home …I wonder what that little darling is like… the ‘new' Munich! What can you say when the sets, costumes and staging are just brilliant and it is only *pure genius* to give ‘Giselle’ nothing else but *genius choreography*. The only backdrop - *the genius* of **Marcia Haydée - you have to admire that girl!* I’m thinking it must be quite magical seeing ‘Giselle’ all so beautiful…. and if it’s that Haydée… darling you just know she’s one to watch! ..

Now my darling… well where to go after that - just don't forget to see if they are still running the New York City Ballet’s revival of Jerome Robbins’ "Afternoon of a Faun" The story is absolutely delightful… oh it’s such a delicious little bit of nonsense. It really is all about the set, which for those of us with a more avant garde feel ... well... I can hardly express it - how utterly charming the backdrop and sets, oh that brilliant choreography! The lighting just shines on it so perfectly ...the costumes … simply charming ... You would think you’ve just walked on stage in the ‘Belle Epoque’, all the decadence... just charming and just wonderful for the sheer style … oh… well all that will really appeal to those *more experienced souls…* but the new, very young cast really lifts this piece and shows the sheer joy of this simple story …well this story doesn’t even make sense…. a lovely silly story.

Oh my, my! If you really want an exquisite ballet … then this must be for you darling ... the **San Francisco Ballet have chosen *the exquisite 'Les Sylphides', by Fokine in its stunning new production* … **Oh and what a surprise, a truly exquisite choice of designer* – *I'll never forget his work!* and just such a fabulous choice - it just takes you into a different age – it transports you into that romantic world…. It all starts in this mysterious black wood, the set, well just incredible, ... I can hardly even describe the beautiful forest light... you can see why they had to leave ‘The Royal Ballet’…the London audiences are going to lose it…. My pet it is an utterly perfect staging.. oh I just cannot remember who it was. I think it must have been one of those lovely Russian boys who knew how to design… oh how lovely that man was…it really does put a ‘look’ together that all you can do is smile – all those ethereal young Sylphides are just such gorgeous beauties!… the stage lights really shine down perfectly …well just wait and see…and the whole mood...the dancers…it just all comes together. I think it may have something to do with a ‘fading forest’ if my dear friend is to be believed… or maybe the ‘mysterious’ wood - and just what those sylphides are hiding ... well you'll just have to find out and then let me know.

Anyway darlings, the dance world just never sleeps, there’s so much going on… it will simply blow you away this month. Have the best time… if you see something you can’t help but go back for more. The choice this month darling… it is endless!