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Oh, darlings, May! What a divine month it's been for the balletomane. From the hushed majesty of Covent Garden to the dazzling lights of Broadway, the world's stage has been alight with exquisite artistry and dazzling displays of athleticism.

Let me tell you, darling, I simply couldn't have missed **"Giselle"** at the Royal Opera House. It was a production that truly touched my heart. Alina Cojocaru as Giselle, was, of course, sensational. Such breathtaking beauty, her movements are so effortless, so elegant, like a bird in flight. I simply adore her exquisite port de bras. Then, the heartbreakingly powerful portrayal of Albrecht by the wonderfully talented Johan Kobborg. He gave us raw passion, a genuine soul on stage. The corps de ballet, simply a vision, every movement perfectly synchronised, such discipline, a true joy to behold.

Then we had the sheer exuberance of **"Don Quixote"** at the Bolshoi Theatre. The grandeur, the drama, it was simply captivating. The iconic scene with Kitri and her magnificent jumps, breathtaking, it sent shivers down my spine. And that fiery Spanish spirit - absolutely thrilling, and I couldn't resist humming the music for days afterwards! And those gorgeous costumes, divine!.

Speaking of exuberance, my darling, **"Moulin Rouge"** at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre in New York. Well, I must admit, I wasn't quite prepared for such a spectacle. All that glitter, the can-can, a joyous, raucous and simply breathtaking show. And those costumes? They made me long for a time of glamour and frivolity! The acrobatics and the music were equally electrifying. It was truly the Moulin Rouge brought to life. Although, perhaps not for the faint of heart!

I confess, a little of the magic rubbed off on my performance for the **"Ballet Gala"** at The London Palladium, where I did a little something for the encore. Such lovely camaraderie, darling. The most remarkable young talent performing alongside such distinguished professionals. I could not help feeling a tinge of wistful nostalgia as I took a final bow.

And now on to the extraordinary, the beautiful, the surreal world of **"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"** at The Royal Ballet. Twyla Tharp has truly done something special, transforming a childhood classic into a whimsical, breathtaking masterpiece. The choreography is masterful, full of surreal twists and turns, and the costumes and sets are quite simply sublime! A magical journey, darling.

It wouldn't be May without the glamour of the **"International Ballet Festival"** at the Monte Carlo Opera House. From the vibrant performances of the Cuban National Ballet to the breathtaking precision of the Dutch National Ballet, the festival has once again offered a dazzling kaleidoscope of artistry and innovation. A true feast for the senses.

And who could possibly forget **"Swan Lake"**, darling? The legendary work performed to perfection at the Mariinsky Theatre. A classic, yet a perennial favourite. Uliana Lopatkina - what a captivating Odette! Her fragility and strength in equal measure was a treat to watch. And the soaring score by Tchaikovsky! The entire experience transported me to a world of enchantment and beauty, it is a reminder that even timeless stories remain compelling when executed with true passion and finesse.

So you see, darling, this May has been nothing short of exceptional! The artistry, the brilliance, the exuberant displays of athleticism. This is the joy of ballet - it transports us, thrills us and inspires us. I've felt more than a twinge of the yearning for the stage, though I wouldn't dare replace the graceful younger dancers who take flight with so much energy and exuberance.

Oh, and I can't end this piece without a mention for some of the fantastic ballet fashion highlights that have delighted the eye this month! What a whirlwind! From **Valentino**'s elegant and flowing costumes for the **Royal Ballet's "Romeo and Juliet"** to the daring, metallic, creations by **Paco Rabanne** for **The Bolshoi's "La Bayadere",** I was utterly enthralled. The sheer variety and creativity of costumes this month is truly a joy. It makes the ballets feel so much more dynamic, sensual and powerful.

You know, darling, this year's designs have not just highlighted the elegance and athleticism of the dancers' bodies but have added layers of personality and meaning to the entire performance. From the ethereal fabrics used for the ghostly figures in **"Swan Lake"**, to the colourful and extravagant creations for the can-can of **"Moulin Rouge"** - the costume designers have truly transformed the performers, adding a further dimension of theatre. I feel lucky to witness these talents on the stage.

I find the way the designers create such exquisite movements in their costumes simply awe-inspiring. It adds another level of performance, and every little swirl of silk, every shimmer of fabric contributes to the emotion and energy of the performance. It truly makes one appreciate the delicate artistry that goes into creating a ballet show.

I, myself, find the world of fashion so essential, it makes a performance feel truly special, it speaks a language that we all understand. There's something magical in the way we dress for the theatre, it elevates the performance to a new level of appreciation.

So darling, with that final bow to the fashion and the brilliance that was May's ballet scene, let's go out for cocktails, my treat!

May's Dance Calendar - Events Not To Be Missed
* **The Kirov Ballet** at **The Kennedy Centre, Washington D.C**. (From June 15th onwards), featuring their acclaimed "Swan Lake." * **American Ballet Theatre's** "**The Nutcracker"** (November 17th- December 30th), New York's ultimate festive ballet spectacular. * **Royal Ballet** at **The Royal Opera House** - **"The Sleeping Beauty",** an upcoming highlight to be relished. * **Ballet Gala** at **The Sydney Opera House**. This October gala promises some of the best ballet from across the world. Mark it in your calendar. * The magical **"The Nutcracker"** at **The Bolshoi Theatre** in **Moscow**. December's grand festive classic.

The Dancers to Watch:
  • Alina Cojocaru, Royal Ballet
  • Marianela Nuñez, Royal Ballet
  • Uliana Lopatkina, Mariinsky Ballet
  • Sylvie Guillem, guest artist, world-renowned
  • Diana Vishneva, Mariinsky Ballet

The Ballet Design Trend To Watch Out For:
* Costume designers are using natural fabrics, and delicate detailing for that exquisite romantic look. * Metallic fabrics - sparkle and shine! * Bold use of colours, particularly a new shade of green. It's striking!

Darling, I trust you are all ready to go! Keep those dancing shoes at the ready and let's keep embracing the wonderful world of ballet

With love,

Your very own ballet aficionado