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A Whirlwind November: From Paris to Prague

My darlings, what a whirlwind of a month! October's been all about getting those long limbs prepped for the demanding November schedule, but now it's time to throw on a fabulously feather-light cashmere shawl and enjoy the best ballet the world has to offer! This November sees me flitting between grand stages and intimate theatres, so allow me to fill you in on the highlights, darlings!

Paris: The Heart of Dance

There's no place quite like Paris for its unyielding dedication to the arts. It’s like an extra-long arabesque - you just can’t seem to find an ending, or a dull moment for that matter. You can always rely on the exquisite grace and flawless precision of the Paris Opera Ballet, and this month was no exception. I simply had to see their reinterpretation of "Swan Lake". My dear, let's just say the costumes were nothing short of exquisite. Feathers, fringes, sequins, all a beautiful cascade of luxurious monochrome. I do adore a swan-like theme; it always leaves me yearning for those swan-shaped ballerina shoes and perfectly turned-out feet. As for the dancing, well, that's almost beside the point. Each graceful plié, chaque jump, the way they spun those gorgeous tulle skirts into whirlwinds – divine, simply divine!

  • And you just have to get your hands on that new coffee table book showcasing their most recent production - it’s the perfect accompaniment to your autumnal afternoon, preferably with a sliver of a decadent chocolate cake and a strong cup of Earl Grey.
Prague: Where Old World Charm Meets New

Now, Prague. A city that feels steeped in history and whispers of Bohemia. It's always a joy to immerse oneself in the city's old world charm. It felt so different from Paris, and you could feel a definite, unique rhythm within the air. I visited Prague to experience the opening night of the National Theatre’s “Giselle” – a timeless tale of love, betrayal, and loss. Let me tell you, it truly had me at the edge of my seat, practically on pointe myself!

What makes this production so special is its attention to detail – the beautiful costuming, the use of real flower petals in the choreography. It's not just dancing; it's a story beautifully woven, and the company brought out every emotion. You could hear the sniffles in the audience. There was palpable empathy and genuine adoration for the performance. Even if you haven't seen the story of Giselle before, Prague is a city of fairytale wonder and it becomes truly fitting for the dramatic narrative to unfold amidst the golden age elegance and architectural finesse that embodies Prague's culture. I've come to cherish such intimate settings. There’s just something so magnetic about witnessing talented performers in an atmosphere of pure enchantment, where the beauty of the dance intertwines with the sheer magnificence of the location itself.

  • And remember, darlings, that after your night at the theatre, take a leisurely walk by the Charles Bridge, gazing at the reflections in the river. The cool, autumn air, the twinkling city lights, the romantic ambiance – just perfection!
Moscow: A Night at the Bolshoi

Ah, Moscow. Where else can you feel the energy pulsate around you quite like it does in this iconic city? I recently attended a gala at the Bolshoi, a grand and majestic stage with the utmost historical relevance in the ballet world. It was a vibrant mixture of emerging talent and renowned ballerinas. The atmosphere was electric! Every plié, every arabesque was received with gasps and spontaneous applause, you could see just how much it means to everyone involved in this ballet world – it’s a passion passed down through generations.

The night's programme was an eclectic mix - showcasing the finest pieces of the Russian repertoire. My personal favourite was the intricate choreography of "Spartacus". I was utterly captivated by the passion and virtuosity on display. The male dancers - a pure exhibition of strength, precision, and captivating power. But don't think for a second the female dancers were lacking! It was simply an awe-inspiring performance by one and all. Let’s just say the stage was hot. This level of athleticism in the name of artistry is truly phenomenal and was nothing short of breath-taking. It made me consider getting back to those bar exercises – just maybe! The dancers' dedication to the art was a real lesson for any budding ballet fan.

  • Now, while you're in Moscow, darlings, do take time to visit the charming shops along Arbat Street and discover some of the most delightful Russian trinkets – perfect little gifts for your ballet-loving friends! Perhaps a beautiful set of Fabergé-style ballet dancers. These tiny souvenirs embody the elegance and artistry of Moscow.
Vienna: Waltz to Perfection

The city of Strauss, Vienna. Now this is where you truly learn about rhythm and elegance. The Vienna State Opera has long been revered for its opulent decor, breathtaking acoustics, and stunning performances. The stage itself was pure enchantment! Just stepping inside felt like a step back into another time, and there was just a sense of tradition being revered. Every inch of the theatre exudes an atmosphere of history and reverence, making it feel more like a sanctuary than a mere place to see a performance. I felt utterly transported into another era. Imagine it - crystal chandeliers hanging overhead, velvet seats draped in opulence, a hushed, almost breathless atmosphere. My dear, the moment they turned off the lights, I was transported to the golden age, surrounded by the echoes of history!

For this trip, it just had to be the “Swan Lake”. The exquisite sets, the perfectly rendered swan costumes – breathtaking! I particularly enjoyed the waltz. Every twirl felt effortless and full of grace, almost as if I could waltz along with them – although it wouldn’t be quite the same at my age! And to hear the delicate, melodious tune of the music – it was an exquisite sensation that resonated through every cell. The Waltz alone is the perfect symbol of Viennese finesse, it's captivatingly alluring, elegant and utterly entrancing. You can practically feel the grand ballroom whirling all around you and the dancers simply glided through this mesmerizingly elegant choreography with the absolute mastery of their craft.

  • And as you wander through the grand avenues, pop into a traditional Viennese café and enjoy a delightful slice of Sachertorte or Apfelstrudel – pure bliss in a pastry, just like the ballet, a real art form.
New York: The Energy Never Stops

Ah, New York. My darling, you never quite know what you're going to get when you venture into the world of ballet here. And what a world it is! The constant hustle and bustle of the Big Apple translates so perfectly into the world of dance in New York – the pulse, the vibrant mix of the old and new, the diverse talent pool. The energy, my dear, is almost tangible! And it’s the sheer audacity and inventiveness that I find utterly thrilling about New York City Ballet.

I watched their new piece, "Pulse" – an enthralling concoction of modern movement and rhythmic storytelling. It's pure electricity, bold and energetic, a breathtaking glimpse into the pulse of contemporary dance. Every movement, every leap, is a powerful expression of passion, determination, and energy – it was simply incredible. You can sense just how much joy and effort these dancers put into their craft. There’s a fire in their eyes, a boundless ambition and pure joy of performance that comes across as an overwhelming wave of excitement and dedication.

Now, I know that some may find it controversial – the mix of athleticism with lyrical storytelling – but I find that exhilarating. The way they seamlessly weave together dance and drama to create something completely different – that's what excites me! If you're tired of traditional ballet or wanting something different that really energises the soul, then New York City Ballet will certainly fill your heart’s desire for the bold and audacious.

  • Don't miss their post-show discussions in the beautiful lobbies, they're brimming with insight and provide wonderful background information. I mean, if you’re going to dance all night, at least you can learn a little something while you’re at it. Don’t you agree?
  • Now, as the sun sets on your evening in New York City, a little jazz hands in Times Square won't go amiss!
London: The Classics Never Fade

Naturally, the ballet calendar always starts and ends in London! And I am eternally grateful for the homegrown talent, it's one of the biggest cultural treasures London has. It’s the home of the Royal Ballet, one of the finest ballet companies in the world, renowned for its strong classic performances – timeless and flawless. As I sipped my chamomile tea while basking under the spotlight on the royal box (such a luxurious delight for a little pre-show ritual!) I pondered the sheer history of this majestic stage. London’s Covent Garden is just one of the few that could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Vienna or Moscow when it comes to cultural richness. There’s something special in the air, the whole place resonates with decades of stories of talent, innovation and pure artistic flair, it's undeniably unique!

As if to cement this legacy, I recently saw their “Sleeping Beauty”, it was breathtaking! Everything just felt… timeless. The costumes - elaborate and breathtaking – pure fantasy made real. It is almost impossible not to fall into a magical sleep watching this timeless fairytale, it was exquisite.

However, one could never take away the brilliance and the pure grace of the iconic "The Nutcracker" . This Christmas season I must have a viewing - that sense of wonder in the stagecraft and the pure delight in the iconic costumes – they really are a part of ballet history. I adore watching the young girls’ faces as they take in all the majesty. They light up with that sense of childlike wonder that is so infectious. If there was ever a time to revisit tradition, “The Nutcracker” will never lose its magical charm – the sugarplum fairy is one of my favourites!

  • And Londoners, why not take a wander after the show down to the Covent Garden piazza and savour a glass of Prosecco under the fairy lights, enjoying a beautiful night with friends! And I just know that if you are one of my ballet-loving companions then I will most definitely join you for a glass of something lovely after a long day. I may have even brought you all those darling souvenir swan feather tiaras – such fun!
Beyond The Stage: Fashion and Inspiration

Oh darlings, now let’s delve a bit beyond the stage. This season has truly been about pushing the boundaries – it’s all about blending those luxurious textures and delicate elegance. From the Parisian feathers on tulle skirts to those beautiful silks draped in Vienna, every piece was exquisite, even when contrasting so wonderfully in tone and texture.

Take inspiration, my dears, for your wardrobe this November:

  • A black cashmere shawl, simple, elegant, the perfect touch to a timeless outfit for a chic evening out, to really elevate your ballet-chic look, don't be afraid to be daring and add a hint of silver jewellery.
  • Don’t forget those timeless ballerina flats in black velvet. Perfect to add that elegant but casual touch when you're out running errands or just want a touch of comfort! Or why not wear your favourite ballet shoes with a little velvet bow – the perfect dash of Parisian flair!
  • A sleek, black midi dress – effortlessly elegant. Pair it with some sparkling diamond earrings or a statement silver necklace, for that touch of sophistication and glamour! It is utterly perfect for a gala, and it really is just perfect to feel like you've been transformed into the dancing belle of the ball – a beautiful mix of classic and modern elegance, just like those fabulous ballerina outfits that leave the audience gasping for air.

And finally, my darlings, may your November be filled with elegance, grace, and of course, stunning performances – a ballet-infused experience of perfection. It's going to be an exquisite journey for us all. Now let's take a bow and go get ready for this month's captivating dances!