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Darling! February. A month that has always held such a special place in my heart, even before that first triumphant bow at Covent Garden. A chill in the air, the scent of crisp winter evenings and, yes, a distinct scent of...ballet, darlings! All those fabulous premieres! So much has happened since last month. I'm exhausted from jetting about but positively thrilled, my darlings, utterly thrilled. So pour yourself a cuppa and settle in, I've got so much to tell you.

Let's begin with Paris, always a feast for the eyes! Oh, darling, I was positively giddy during my recent trip, practically waltzing through the streets! I just had to see the *Bolero* revival at the Opera Garnier. Now, I’ve seen this piece countless times in my life, darling, but this, this was different. You see, *Bolero* is all about passion, intensity and exquisite control – like my dear friend *Carmen*, who performed *The Dying Swan* alongside it. I do believe my knees went weak when the dancers finished their crescendo, a true *tour de force* and a masterpiece. Of course, one can't forget the **beautiful** choreography by Maurice Béjart. Honestly, the man was a genius! Such drama, such movement, such passion! All so flawlessly delivered by these gorgeous creatures in their stunning black leotards! Such elegance!

Paris is always abuzz with fabulous artistic gatherings. Just before that magical evening, darling, I found myself in an incredible gallery tucked away near the Louvre, amongst all the other chic boutiques. A collection by a rising young artist, you see, darling, someone who's just about to explode onto the international scene. *S'appelle* Fabienne LaFontaine, I believe, but I must tell you about it - it’s worth getting that transatlantic flight! I'm so impressed by the young girl. Bold and exciting. It seems I am a bit of a fan! It’s as if Fabienne has captured the essence of the *Bolero* choreography – these beautifully formed, yet somehow abstract and sensual works, darling! Just stunning! All her work speaks of grace and sensuality. The way the light danced on the canvas and created a moving story, captivating me in a way only true art can. Honestly, I found myself mesmerised, simply entranced. You see, it's that quality I’ve always admired most about art; the power it holds, that way it can truly resonate with the soul, you know? Truly brilliant! I’ve heard whispers of a collection unveiling in New York at the start of the season - you’ll want to make a beeline for that show, darling. I’m certain the **Fashion** will be thrilled.

From Paris to New York, darlings! Well, I simply can't talk about New York without mentioning ABT! Honestly, the standard in this great city is consistently breathtaking! The corps, those young darlings! What energy and stamina. One minute they are flowing across the stage as delicate butterflies, and the next, soaring across the sky. Each perfectly timed, each flawlessly executing complex moves, captivating every inch of the audience, simply breathtaking. I could watch for hours! Of course, a visit to Lincoln Center was mandatory. What can one say about their revival of *La Sylphide*, which featured an absolutely extraordinary performance by Paloma Herrera, darlings? Honestly, her beauty was beyond words. So captivating. In the role of James, my dear, darling David Hallberg did a superb job too, an accomplished performance, perfectly attuned to his role as a young nobleman lost in love and tragedy. They really made the magic come alive! I daresay everyone had a little tear in their eye! There's such emotion in the story - even after all these years! But of course, my favorite moment of this enchanting performance? The *pas de deux*, simply exquisite and incredibly emotional, darling. They just melted together on stage. That was something special!

My dear, it wouldn’t be a true Parisian ballet trip without a detour to **the** Ballet de l'Opéra National de Paris, the crème de la crème, the heart and soul of ballet itself, darlings. Where would we be without their sublime dedication to their art? That night at the Palais Garnier, darling! A truly exquisite affair, an *Odette*, I do believe, in this beautiful *Swan Lake*, with their stunning white costumes and ethereal sets! It was magical. And *that* dress, the perfect example of graceful elegance and a bit of a *coup de foudre* moment with my dressmaker after that night! And oh, darling! Remember how I've been saying *Giselle* should make a comeback? The Paris Opera delivered, and it’s stunning! I found myself sobbing during the *Mad Scene*. The despair, the anguish! Just magnificent! It brought a tear to my eye.

My goodness! Who knew it could get better? I recently jetted to Moscow to catch *The Nutcracker*, darling. Now, it’s no secret that every major ballet company stages *The Nutcracker* but in Moscow, darlings, the tradition runs deep and you know it has that something extra - perhaps it's the unique choreography or the costumes - or perhaps, darlings, it’s simply *The* tradition in ballet! Their artistry, of course! That iconic dance by the Sugar Plum Fairy...such passion! The choreography was divine and captivating. Honestly, I thought they’d break my heart!

From Moscow I ventured south. I know some of you are probably horrified at this! How *dare* I dare venture down south, away from the Parisian chill, the New York grit? Well, darlings, sometimes you need to escape! This season I visited Miami to see a spectacular performance by the Miami City Ballet. I daresay, this ballet company might have just stolen my heart! Oh, darling, that "Romeo & Juliet" left me positively floored. What a magnificent show of pure beauty and grace! Oh darling, they were absolutely magical! I was captivated by the choreography, the captivating expressions and a sense of genuine raw emotion. Truly something truly special.

Now, to truly complete a tour, you must see, I mean really *see*, London darling. This season saw a fabulous Royal Ballet performance. What can I say about their exquisite *Sleeping Beauty*, with a gorgeous set that was just a vision. Of course, darling, it was simply perfection. There is nothing that brings out my inner child, the excitement of the imagination, more than a fabulous *Sleeping Beauty*. A classic for a reason!

So there you have it, darlings! Ballet from all over the globe, a veritable feast of passion, talent and art. I can't wait to see what other wonderful events this year holds.

In fashion, the look is a distinct ode to Parisian romance, an effortless grace in beautiful neutral hues, and the classic ballerina bun with a touch of black. A bit of tulle on a simple shift dress, or a little bit of sparkle in a neutral colour palette and, of course, a statement jewel.

I simply *must* tell you about the amazing show I saw at London Fashion Week last month. Let's be frank, darling, I am a bit *old* for some of the younger, rawer talent but when **a show** stops me in my tracks...then I need to talk about it, darling! Now, if you’ve followed the *Fashion* scene as I have you know how we adore our simple elegance and it is why the creations by my favorite young *designer* really made a statement, darling. *She*, my dear, brought out the Parisian chic but with a modern twist. A truly timeless collection of chic separates and exquisite fabrics, all perfect for the *modern ballerina*, I mean the one with a little more edge to her. I'm talking exquisite tailored silhouettes, delicate lace and simple elegance that screamed classic fashion but with a youthful flair, so important today!

Darling, one needs to think about their wardrobe beyond simply black and white. I was enthralled by the rich color palette - the colors you simply crave to wear. Just divine! Her dresses are perfect for a sophisticated and elegant woman. The *cut* of the dresses, perfect, accentuating curves and giving that classic yet chic look that is effortlessly elegant. Her collections are just as captivating as my *ballerinas* during a breathtaking final *en pointe* sequence in a classic dance piece. And darling, she isn't afraid of playing with colour, either! That rich ruby red...that jade green...both stunning and quite modern. Perfect to complement your ballet ensembles! And darling, the accessories are divine!

And remember, the most *fashionable* ladies know how to dance! There you have it, my darlings. I simply *must* sign off now! *Bisous! *