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Darling, let's take a trip around the world for a peek at the most fabulous ballet happenings of March 2006! With my dancing shoes on and my champagne flute at the ready, let me lead you through the swirling tulle and shimmering silks of the balletic world.

A Breathtaking Blitz at the Bolshoi: Imagine the opulence of a Russian ballet in the most opulent of theatres! Last week, the Bolshoi's legendary "Swan Lake" captivated me like the first time I saw it. It was the perfect marriage of elegance and power, Tchaikovsky's score swirling around the dancers like a glorious, decadent snowfall. And darling, the costumes! Feathers and silks spun like an impossible dream. Natalia Osipova was positively divine as Odette, her every step a whispered sigh, every turn a blossoming flower. She glided across the stage, a radiant swan among graceful swans. My heart truly skipped a beat! Don't even get me started on the Odile ā€“ a mischievous, seductive force. Oh my, she was deliciously dangerous.

From Vienna to Vegas: Who would have thought that the glitz and glamour of Vegas would be the perfect backdrop for a new ballet? The "Vienna State Ballet" dared to do the unthinkable, presenting a stunning original work called "Sin City Serenade" The entire stage glittered and hummed, echoing the frenetic energy of this extraordinary city. It was all swirling colours, cascading choreography, and daring interpretations. The choreography itself was nothing short of a modern masterpiece. The male dancers were incredibly captivating with their intricate movements ā€“ sharp, muscular, and utterly mesmerising. It wasnā€™t all flash and glamour though. The pas de deux were simply sublime ā€“ moments of genuine tenderness woven within the whirlwind of movement.

American Ballet Theatre: As for my favourite troupe, the "American Ballet Theatre" certainly held their own, showcasing their masterful prowess in a revival of "The Sleeping Beauty." Now, I have to confess that ā€œThe Sleeping Beautyā€ is a bit of a predictable affair for someone with my experience, but the sheer mastery and artistry on display were truly something to behold. Thereā€™s something rather enchanting about watching this ballet from time to time. The sheer technical precision of the dancers, their expressive eyes and impossibly light feet, they left me spellbound.

A Parisian Peek: But letā€™s move from the bustling world of Las Vegas to the romantic heart of Paris. Thereā€™s a real sense of timeless grace about the ballet here, you know? My little trip to the Paris Opera House was utterly captivating! And while ā€œGiselleā€ has become somewhat a predictable choice for ballets, itā€™s impossible to resist its romantic story of betrayal, sorrow and sacrifice. This production captured the pathos of the tale in a most exquisite way, the choreography a perfect illustration of Giselle's fragile beauty. The corps de ballet were like ethereal beings, each turn, each leap conveying their sorrowful emotions. My dear, I found myself completely transported back to 1841, to the days of my own first steps on a Parisian stage! It was truly a heart-wrenching yet sublime performance.

From Russia with Love...again!: Right, this time we travel to the birthplace of ballet ā€“ Moscow, the City of beautiful ballerinas! Here, at the historic Mariinsky Theatre, itā€™s the legendary "Romeo and Juliet" that draws crowds in. But this wasnā€™t your typical ballet. Director Mikhail Fokine breathed new life into the story, adding modern touches while remaining faithful to its core. I was captivated by the interplay of light and shadow, by the passion that fuelled the dancersā€™ every movement, by the sense of tragedy, love and destiny that played out in front of me. Oh, itā€™s such a beautifully told story that is simply never outdated.

Tokyo's Sparkling Jewel: As always, the "Tokyo Ballet" are at their best in March. Their interpretation of "The Nutcracker" is simply iconic! This ballet always brings back memories of my first performance as the Sugar Plum Fairy! The set designs, oh my goodness! Theyā€™re more spectacular than Iā€™ve ever seen before, transforming the stage into a truly magical Christmas-land. It's as if the magic of Christmas came alive in this captivating performance. It truly has become an international must-see and every season brings a fresh, exciting rendition.

On the Move in Milan: Next up on our globe-trotting ballet escapade, Milan. I love Italian style, it's a perfect marriage of passion and sophistication! So imagine my joy when I saw a modern ballet inspired by fashion ā€“ "Sartoria." It featured the designs of some of Italy's leading fashion houses, creating a breathtaking display of choreography and fashion. The dancers glided around the stage in fabulous couture, embodying the sleek lines, daring silhouettes, and sophisticated colours of the outfits they wore. The performance felt like a catwalk brought to life. It truly was the ballet of fashion!

On the Edge in Sydney: We mustn't forget the ballet of our Antipodean friends, now, mustn't we! This month, The Sydney Dance Company presented an edgy and thought-provoking modern ballet entitled ā€œUrban Grooveā€. Thereā€™s something very bold and refreshing about contemporary ballet ā€“ it doesnā€™t shy away from hard-hitting themes. There was a visceral energy and raw passion throughout the show and it took me on an emotional journey I never expected. It pushed the boundaries of dance, blending hip-hop and classical ballet seamlessly. Darling, It's clear that the Australians aren't afraid to make a statement in the dance world.

More Than Meets the Eye: We can't overlook a little backstage gossip ā€“ did you hear about the controversial ballet ā€œVision Questā€ in London? Now, the artistic director claimed the work challenged our understanding of what ballet can be, using light and shadow, projections, and powerful visuals. The audience, darling, was divided. Some called it an artistic triumph, others found it baffling and unnecessarily experimental. Me? I found it interesting, daring and most definitely unique. Perhaps the critics are simply used to more traditional storytelling. In a way, this piece reflected the evolving nature of the artform itself.

Don't Forget to Dream: Well darling, as always, March is a magnificent month for the ballet world. We're whisked through grand ballrooms, heart-breaking tales and thought-provoking performances. Let the grace of dancers continue to inspire us. You know my secret ā€“ each performance is a new dream in motion! And who knows, you may be swept off your feet by a certain dancer you never anticipated!

Oh darling, do make sure to take some time this month to attend your local ballet or to look at pictures, videos, reviews. Be inspired. Don't forget to have a little champagne on hand while you do so - it enhances the experience!