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Darling, the air is positively buzzing with excitement as we enter March! It's like the whole world has sprung back to life with a renewed passion for the beauty and elegance of ballet. Of course, we, the discerning ballet lovers, have never needed an extra push to appreciate the divine grace and strength that fills every twirl and arabesque, but the buzz is undeniably exciting nonetheless!

Let's start our tour, shall we, with the most delectable morsels of dance from across the globe.

Paris, darling, oh Paris!

The City of Lights, as ever, was ablaze with artistry. The Paris Opera Ballet's performance of *Swan Lake* was an absolute masterpiece. Imagine: Tchaikovsky’s score echoing through the grand Palais Garnier, every note swirling around the stunning sets and costumes. The sublime choreography was like poetry in motion; the swan’s grace and strength, the Prince's devotion... pure theatrical perfection. But then again, it always is when one witnesses a Parisian *Swan Lake*.

As if *Swan Lake* wasn’t enough, darling, they also unveiled a brand new work by a rising choreographer, **Benoit Swan Pouffer**, called "Ephemeral Illusions". The program is described as a "celebration of light and movement" and darling, I assure you, it truly is. Benoit’s artistry is a beautiful collision of the modern and the classical, and he manages to find the perfect balance. A new name you should all absolutely keep in mind, my darlings. This young man will surely rise to dizzying heights in the ballet world.

And in London, darling, London!

The Royal Ballet was a joy to behold! I felt a renewed energy from these seasoned professionals, darling. It seemed they were all vibrant! *The Nutcracker*, a holiday favorite that somehow always manages to bring that touch of magic, truly shone. And the casting... a dream! It was as if they had plucked those two lovely souls from the heavens: * * **Olivia D'Oliveira** and * * **Leon Volkov**. I'm sure they'll both reach new heights soon enough. The way they embodied Clara and the Nutcracker Prince, their connection
it was breathtaking! Such joy, such magic, truly delightful.

And oh darling, one simply cannot forget about the Royal Opera House's exquisite production of **A Midsummer Night's Dream**. The combination of Shakespearean drama with the delicate grace of ballet was, in a word, magical. It was a captivating story told through the magic of the stage, of course with a touch of mischievous Puck for added charm! Truly the perfect way to escape from the mundane and slip into the enchanting realm of imagination.

Now, let us venture further, across the seas and beyond.

Across the Ocean, the New World...New York, darling!

What can one say about New York, apart from that it's the place to be, that it sets the pulse racing? The New York City Ballet opened their Spring season with the brilliant choreography of **Jerome Robbins** - the incomparable, the legendary choreographer of a generation! "Fancy Free" and “The Four Seasons”...well, what can one say? It’s the quintessential Jerome Robbins magic – full of passion and emotion, energy and a joyous exploration of movement! The dancers are magnificent! Their athleticism is beyond reproach and their joy...absolutely contagious! It’s no wonder that “Fancy Free" remains one of the company's most beloved works and its place on the Spring repertory, of course, assured!

And, dear ones, they aren’t stopping there! They’ve even brought **Peter Martins** out of retirement for a special, one-time-only performance of "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice"! The story is told through stunning imagery and dance, which will surely capture the imagination of young and old. Oh, this one should certainly not be missed, darlings!

Further the magical lands of the Orient!

This is not a tour of the ballet world without a trip to Japan. And I do love this charming island nation. Such discipline! Such poise! They’ve invited **Mikhail Baryshnikov**, the ballet world’s royalty, darling, to come and enchant the nation! Imagine, for the first time in his stellar career, he performed in Japan! Such an honour, darling, such an honour! What a truly beautiful treat, watching * * Baryshnikov’s workmanship on stage, in Tokyo! Truly breathtaking, my darlings! He really is a legend, an artist whose genius touches everything.

There, you have it, a whirlwind tour of ballet’s wonders. It's simply divine how this exquisite art form transcends geographical borders and continues to ignite our passions year after year, captivating the hearts and minds of millions around the world. From the exquisite ballets of Paris and London to the exhilarating artistry of New York, and finally the enchantment of Japan - the beauty and magic of dance surrounds us. Don't just be a spectator, darlings. Embrace the magic!

Take to the dance floor, for your own personal artistry. Find your joy in the swirl of a skirt, the sway of your hips. For within every woman lies the strength and beauty of a dancer.

Now, darling, please excuse me while I run to the studio and do some pirouettes myself! Au revoir!