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Dearest darlings,

Welcome to another glorious month of exquisite ballet! August, as you know, is the month we all retreat to our charming cottages, and enjoy the simple pleasures of a cool drink in the garden. But even in this languid season, there is no excuse to neglect the magnificent world of dance. With a busy summer ahead of me judging a handful of competitions and enjoying the Edinburgh Festival, I've had a chance to take in some spectacular shows, and dear reader, I am ready to regale you with my impressions!

The Bolshoi, darling, always the Bolshoi! They were in Paris for the July festival at the Théâtre du Châtelet with a truly triumphant rendition of Swan Lake. Now, you know I adore Tchaikovsky, and the Bolshoi simply do not disappoint. You can sense the history of the theatre in every graceful step. And Olga Smirnova! Divine, absolutely divine. You would swear those feet of hers were carved from the most exquisite ivory.

But let’s not forget about our own national treasures! It’s a rather good month for our darling Brits! I went to a captivating rendition of The Sleeping Beauty at the Royal Opera House – those young ballerinas! They make my heart sing. The costume design was absolutely to die for. A delightful shade of sapphire, perfectly offset by the blush of their ballet shoes. I do adore a dash of traditional artistry, especially when it comes to our national pride!

There were a couple of gems to be discovered further afield this month. First stop – the New York City Ballet! They put on a dazzlingly experimental version of Afternoon of a Faun. A young choreographer, Christopher Wheeldon, I think they called him. Quite inspired! Such lovely playfulness! A bit scandalous perhaps for a traditional piece like this, but darling, aren’t we all secretly rebels at heart?

Speaking of rebels! Across the Atlantic, I made my way to Los Angeles and caught the sizzling company of the L.A. Dance Project at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Oh my, it was pure visual pleasure! And a most daring performance – think Michelangelo sculpted in movement, all angularity and defiance. I can’t even imagine the strength it took from those talented dancers, let alone their stamina! I hear this troupe is headed to Berlin this Autumn - you can add it to your calendar, dearies, it's not to be missed!

Now, don’t think I haven't been keeping my eyes on our emerging talent! Let’s give a hearty applause to the National Ballet of Canada for presenting their first ever Nutcracker in an extravagant production that reminded me why I adore the artistry of a well-crafted, timeless performance. So beautifully realised! The sheer scale of the staging was nothing short of magical – but then again, anything with a hint of Tchaikovsky makes my heart leap. They say you should never go back but honestly, you cannot get enough of the classics. Even the tiniest steps feel important when they are part of such a rich, beautiful heritage.

I’ve also got a word for you all – if you haven't experienced a dance extravaganza yet, dear reader, do make haste! From Edinburgh, to Paris, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto, this summer has given us such spectacular glimpses into the magic that a single movement, a graceful extension of the leg, a flick of the wrist, can inspire! Do keep an eye on this space – in a month’s time I will be here regaling you with stories of all that delights and shocks in the ever-moving world of ballet. Until then – I dare you to go forth and dance, and enjoy your August, darling!


Daphne de Beaumont

Now that we've reveled in the high art, here's a little closer look at what you should be looking out for!

  • Intimate Delights! The world of contemporary dance continues to fascinate. While large companies provide spectacle and drama, some smaller troupes bring an element of vulnerability and introspection. Keep an eye on works by the Hubbard Street Dance Chicago or the Martha Graham Dance Company for an up-close and personal dance experience!
  • From the stage to the screen. For those who yearn for a more cinematic experience of dance, there's a lovely wave of productions streaming online. A friend recommended the stunning digital ballet 'Giselle', beautifully brought to life with contemporary dance. They tell me it's a real treat! It will be available through August, I believe, so do check it out. It's all about that balance, isn't it, dears - blending tradition with new and daring possibilities.
  • Experimenting with the Art! Did you catch any of the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh? A little closer to home there is a growing world of alternative forms of performance: tap dance, acrobatics, even burlesque! Don't be afraid to go beyond your usual routine. Dance, as we all know, is a constant state of reinvention.