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Darling, October has arrived, and with it, the promise of balletic brilliance! My dears, I've been jet-setting around the world, flitting from one grand theatre to the next, savouring every graceful pirouette and delicate arabesque. From the crisp elegance of Paris to the fiery passion of Madrid, this month has truly been a whirlwind of art and artistry.

Let's begin our journey with a divine rendezvous at the **Paris Opera Ballet**, darling. **Giselle**, a perennial favourite, has never been more breathtaking! I dare say, **Marie-Agnès Gillot** embodied the delicate heartbreak of Giselle to perfection. The ghostly Wilis floated around her like whispers of the past, leaving the audience captivated. But the real surprise was **Dorothée Gilbert** as Myrtha. Her strength, her dark beauty, she truly commanded the stage, casting a spell on everyone. The final act, a poignant ballet of ghostly lament, was quite simply, magical! The perfect ending to a stunning performance.

Across the Atlantic, **New York City Ballet** is still shimmering from their new production of **Balanchine's The Four Temperaments**, a whirlwind of contrasting emotions and athleticism. The **corps de ballet** simply soared, a symphony of movement that left me breathless! Of course, darling, one must always pay tribute to the brilliant **Maria Kowroski** in the Melancholic, her emotional range is a masterclass in nuanced expression, while **Ashley Bouder** simply exploded with fiery intensity in the Choleric, sending sparks flying across the stage. Absolutely breathtaking! A true reminder that the classics, when performed with passion and finesse, remain timeless.

Now, if one wants a bit of spice and flamboyance, one simply must take a trip to Madrid for **"Bolero" by Nacho Duato**, darling. Oh my! This fiery Spanish affair had my senses alight! Duato’s genius is evident in his bold use of movement and dramatic lighting. Every twitch and tremble spoke of the untamed emotions he's weaving through the dance, reminding me of the raw, burning passion of flamenco. The choreography is stunningly sensual, almost savage at times, creating a spectacle of wild beauty. It's daring, edgy and undeniably beautiful - the ultimate cocktail of passion and poise. This performance alone, darlings, is enough to transport you to a land of forbidden desire and aching beauty! I felt every heartbeat of that seductive tango! An absolute must-see!

Next, I find myself back in Europe, but this time in Vienna. The **Vienna State Ballet** are staging a magnificent production of **"The Nutcracker"**, which was an absolute joy! The sheer artistry, the grandeur, the perfect Christmas atmosphere, I felt like a little girl again, lost in the wonder of the season. And let us not forget **Nikolaj Hübner** as the charming Prince - darling, he embodies the essence of that Prince Charming we all secretly yearn for, charming, romantic and with perfect grace. It was such a delight to see children watching in wide-eyed awe, a testament to the timeless charm of this ballet. This, my dears, is a must-see for any ballet lover, especially for a first-time ballet experience!

And while we’re talking about beautiful princes, let us not forget the enchanting world of **The Royal Ballet**. **Carlos Acosta** is back, gracing the London stage with his iconic portrayal of **"Don Quixote"**, a fiery, sensual character that takes flight through daring leaps and fierce energy. The story of **Dulcinea**, the ultimate embodiment of unattainable beauty, is one we all yearn for, a love story we can all connect to, albeit perhaps with slightly more attainable love interests! But who wouldn't want a little romantic daydream during the autumn?

One of my absolute favourite experiences of this October has been at **The Bolshoi Theatre**, darling. It’s truly a feast for the senses! The grand interiors, the elegant crowds, the sheer air of artistry that hangs thick in the theatre, it’s all so alluring. And then, there is **Swan Lake**, a masterpiece reinterpreted with dazzling effect by **Sergei Polunin**. It was an evening of exquisite poise and pure brilliance! He was a vision as the Prince, noble yet with an unexpected vulnerability, truly captivating from start to finish! **Svetlana Zakharova** as the Swan Queen, is a graceful, ethereal vision - her swan-like transformation, it was perfection itself. It reminded me, darling, of a time when ballet was everything - romance, mystery, the essence of sheer beauty. It was pure magic.

Of course, darling, our tour of October’s ballet scene isn't complete without mentioning the smaller productions. **Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels** at **New York’s Joyce Theatre** was a delight! **The Moth** was a fascinating work, where movement echoed the fluttering wings of the insect - quite fascinating! But for me, darling, **William Forsythe**'s **"The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude"** was simply stunning. It was a witty, playful journey, full of clever rhythms and captivating energy!

And to end our dance through October's ballet world, we must venture to the magical shores of Australia! The **Australian Ballet** is currently delighting audiences with **"The Sleeping Beauty"** and what a delightful production it is! The set is charming and intricate, and **Lydia Hawthorne**, as Aurora, dances with such delightful spirit. It's the perfect ending to a magical tour of October's most beautiful performances, leaving me ready to dance into the winter months.

Remember darlings, dance is about joy, about freedom of expression, about the magic that lives in every movement! So, put on your dancing shoes, indulge in a decadent little dessert, and lose yourselves in the beauty of the ballet this October. Until next month, darling,

Stay graceful!

