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Decadence, Darling: December's Dance Delights

My dears, the season's chill hasn't dulled our passion for the pirouette. December is a glorious time for ballet - a veritable cornucopia of exquisite performances to indulge our senses and our souls. So gather your warmest furs, and let's embark on a tour of the world's most ravishing ballet experiences!

Paris, Je t'aime

We start, as always, in the City of Lights, where tradition and modernity intertwine like the silken threads of a tutu. The Palais Garnier is aglow with Giselle, the eternal tragedy that always manages to wring fresh tears from my heart. The ethereal Giselle, as interpreted by the sublime Marie-Agnes Gillot, was simply divine. Every move was pure poetry, a testament to the sheer artistry that still flourishes in this legendary house.

Across the Seine at the Opéra Bastille, the Parisian dancers were electrifying in La Bayadère. The iconic "Kingdom of the Shades" sequence is always spectacular, but this performance felt particularly charged, thanks to the captivating lead ballerina and her commanding presence. You could feel the spirit of the great Russian tradition woven through the entire piece.

The Empire Strikes Back - A Royal Review

A transatlantic hop brings us to the jewel in the crown of London's cultural scene, the Royal Opera House. And oh, my darlings, they've been holding court with an extravagant, decadent production of The Sleeping Beauty! The sets, inspired by the golden era of Diaghilev, were truly breathtaking, dripping with opulent grandeur. The story itself, with its fairy godmothers, mischievous sprites and cursed slumber, is the perfect antidote to the bleak December nights. And then there was the performance of Natalia Osipova...

This extraordinary dancer embodies Aurora with an ethereal grace and electrifying fire. Her technically brilliant steps, and those incredible fouettés, are matched only by the exquisite control of her facial expressions. Truly, one feels as though one is watching a fairytale come alive before our eyes.

A short jaunt from Covent Garden, at Sadler's Wells Theatre, I was treated to the cutting edge of contemporary dance by the inimitable Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT). Their "Shift" programme showcases a series of innovative pieces that blur the boundaries of classical and modern. From the powerful yet delicate movement of Marco Goecke's "Für Elise" to the abstract but captivating "Second Nature" by Sol Leon and Paul Lightfoot, each work demanded a level of engagement and thought. This was, shall we say, ballet for the modern, discerning eye.

The Spirit of St Petersburg

Across Europe, the spirit of St Petersburg pulsed strong at the Mariinsky Theatre. Their revival of Don Quixote was a feast for the eyes, showcasing not only the masterful virtuosity of the dancers, but the unparalleled quality of the corps de ballet. Each ensemble piece seemed to pulsate with energy and exquisite coordination. The whole affair is infused with the grandeur and charm of classical ballet at its very best.

On a personal note, darling, I recently witnessed the legendary Maya Plisetskaya in a "masterclass" of sorts. To watch this titan of ballet at the pinnacle of her artistry, decades after her legendary stage performances, was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Each step she demonstrated was imbued with an incredible energy, a palpable charisma. It was like watching history in motion. We all gathered, hushed and transfixed, eager to drink in her every move and gesture.

The beauty of ballet is that it transcends geographical boundaries and even time itself. Whether you find yourself captivated by the grandeur of the Royal Opera House, the timeless elegance of Paris, the fiery spirit of St Petersburg, or the raw innovation of contemporary works, ballet speaks to the soul on a universal level.

Beyond the Stage: Style Spotlight

But the December ballet season isn't just about the performance, darling. It's about the whole experience, and that, my lovelies, includes the fashion!

This December, I'm finding myself utterly captivated by a distinctly "Art Deco" vibe.
  • Think shimmering silks in rich, jewel-toned hues, reminiscent of a 1920s soirée.
  • The key to this look is subtle geometric patterns and elegant draping. Think flapper-inspired gowns or exquisitely tailored pantsuits, both lending a touch of whimsy to your look.
  • And for accessories, darling? Opt for bold geometric earrings, a daring, Art Deco-inspired statement necklace, or a beautifully tailored vintage clutch. These details add a sophisticated touch to an already stylish ensemble.
  • And, of course, you'll want to embrace the shimmering grandeur of a truly decadent, jeweled heel. Embrace the glamour!

It's all about celebrating the beauty of the dance, darling. Whether you are captivated by the spectacle on the stage or the elegance of those watching, let this month's performance fill you with a sense of grace and artistry.

Adieu, and may your December be filled with elegant movements and artful delights!