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July’s Whirlwind of Delights

Darlings, the world of ballet is a-whirl with such dazzling delights this July! My jet-setting schedule has taken me from the cobbled streets of Prague to the glittering heights of New York City, and everywhere, the sheer artistry of these incredible dancers has left me breathless.

Prague’s Romantic Rhapsody

Let’s begin in the charming city of Prague, where the National Theatre hosted a revival of **Giselle**. This production, staged with an air of enchanting simplicity, brought out the tenderness and heartache of this classic tale. The ethereal beauty of **Gabriela Komarkova** as Giselle was simply sublime. She floated across the stage with such ethereal grace, embodying the fragility of youth and love lost. **Pavel Ơtych’s** Albrecht, a brooding and masterful portrayal, held you spellbound with his anguished masculinity. But, darling, what stole the show for me was the corps de ballet, each one a vision in white, moving in perfect unison to create a breathtaking visual spectacle.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the City of Angels

Los Angeles was my next stop, and the **American Ballet Theatre** was performing **A Midsummer Night’s Dream**. Now, darling, this production is simply unforgettable! The fantastical costumes and the intricate choreography perfectly captured the spirit of Shakespeare’s play. The fairies, a swarm of vibrant colours and twinkling lights, flew with such delight. **Misty Copeland’s** Titania, a queen of both power and charm, truly captivated my heart. And **David Hallberg’s** Oberon, an impish but graceful creature, charmed his way into our hearts with his mischievous aura.

Paris: Where Elegance and Beauty Reign

Ah, Paris! A visit to the **Paris Opera Ballet** was an absolute must. Their production of **La Bayadere** was a spectacle of pure opulence and dazzling skill. **Marie-Agnùs Gillot** as Nikiya was utterly radiant, a vision of passion and ethereal grace. Her every gesture, every twirl, resonated with raw emotion. **Laurent Hilaire’s** Solor, the epitome of romantic nobility, delivered a truly heart-stopping performance, his masterful leaps and pirouettes a feast for the eyes.

Moscow: A Legacy of Strength and Spirit

My trip took me to the majestic Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. The sheer spectacle of **Swan Lake** was nothing short of magnificent. The sheer talent of the **Bolshoi Ballet** is undeniable, each dancer embodying the power and precision that has always defined the company. **Svetlana Zakharova’s** Odette/Odile was breathtaking. She shifted between the innocence of the swan and the fiery, vengeful black swan with stunning ease. The male role, Prince Siegfried, was superbly interpreted by **Denis Rodkin**. I was captivated by the unwavering intensity of their partnership, their dancing a mesmerizing dance of love, deceit and redemption.

New York City: The Centre of Ballet’s Universe

Of course, no ballet tour would be complete without a visit to the **New York City Ballet**. This season was a whirlwind of talent and creativity. There was **Balanchine’s “Symphony in C”**, a vibrant and dynamic display of sheer athleticism, and **Jerome Robbins’ “Afternoon of a Faun”**, a beautifully nuanced portrayal of the tension and desire between youth and age. My absolute favourite though, darling, was **Christopher Wheeldon’s “After the Rain”**, a mesmerizing exploration of love and loss, delivered with captivating emotional depth by **Wendy Whelan** and **Jared Angle**.

The Essence of Dance: More than Just Steps

Every ballet I witnessed in July was a unique and beautiful tapestry of movement, music, and emotion. Ballet, darling, transcends the mere steps. It is an art form that speaks to our deepest emotions. It's about the yearning for love, the resilience of the human spirit, and the sheer joy of expressive movement.

But, darlings, my travels didn't stop at the big ballet companies. Here are a few independent troupes and performances that absolutely stole my heart.

Across the Pond, In London

I always make a beeline for the **Royal Ballet’s** “A Choreographic Festival” at the Royal Opera House. This eclectic program celebrated emerging talents and showcased an astonishing variety of choreographic voices. The fresh, innovative pieces challenged preconceived notions, daring us to look at dance with a new perspective.

A Jewel on the Spanish Coast

Now, don’t just think I spend my time at the grand, classical performances. In Seville, I discovered **“Flamenco Abierto”**, an electrifying display of passion and raw talent. The rhythmic stomp of the dancers, the swirling of their skirts, and the heart-wrenching sounds of the guitar made me feel alive! Flamenco is a dance of raw emotions and stories told through movement. It is not always elegant or beautiful, darling, but it’s undeniably captivating and soulful.

A Passionate Love Affair with Movement

Darlings, as we say au revoir to July, I can’t help but feel exhilarated by the talent and beauty that ballet brings to the world. Whether it’s the classical elegance of a traditional production or the visceral energy of flamenco, the power of dance continues to captivate our hearts. So, if you find yourself in a ballet theatre this month or next, give your heart a treat. Let the exquisite stories and captivating dance sweep you off your feet, as you revel in the power of art.

Until Next Month,

Au revoir!