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Darling, the world of ballet has truly been ablaze this past month, from the hallowed halls of the Bolshoi to the cutting edge of experimental dance. Letā€™s take a whirl through some of the highlights, shall we?

Moscow, My Darling

I simply couldn't resist a trip to the Bolshoi this month! Yes, a bit of a jaunt, but when the legendary **Swan Lake** was on the bill, whatā€™s a girl to do? And I confess, the experience was every bit as divine as I'd hoped. The Bolshoi ballerinas, all limbs and grace, made the lake seem to shimmer around them, the swans' grief and triumph resonating with each delicate, emotive movement. The audience, naturally, was abuzz, full of discerning ballet lovers and, of course, a few fur-clad oligarchs with more diamonds on their fingers than a jewellery shop. All that, darling, while I was mesmerized by the power and elegance of it all.

Parisian Chic

From Moscow's frosty majesty, I found myself whisked away to Paris, where the ballet scene is as exquisite as a Chanel couture gown. I simply must tell you about a production at the OpĆ©ra Garnier ā€“ the name is a mouthful, but trust me, the experience was heavenly! It was a new creation by the up-and-coming choreographer, Sylvie Guillem (yes, that Sylvie Guillem!). Now, I know, darling, one shouldn't mix generations in art, but Sylvie has taken a classic ā€“ *Chopinā€™s Nocturnes* - and infused it with such youthful energy and breathtaking technique, the entire audience was transported to another dimension. She uses these graceful and melancholy nocturnes to create such poignant emotions with each dance, it leaves one in awe. The lighting was masterful, the costumes sumptuous, and Guillem's dancing - exquisite, simply exquisite.

London's Avant Garde

While Paris, oh Paris, offers us elegance, and Moscow's ballet, pure classicism, itā€™s our darling London, in its theatrical splendour, that truly captures my heart in its willingness to experiment. This month, I was enthralled by a production by the Royal Ballet, where a new choreography, *The Fall of Icarus* brought together some of the most acclaimed names in dance. A real mix of old and new, darlings, and a thrilling reminder that contemporary dance doesn't have to sacrifice its power and drama for innovation. The stage was, quite frankly, breathtaking. An ethereal world built from shadows, and it felt like the very spirit of Londonā€™s dynamism coming to life in the dancers' movements.

American Rhapsody

Now, of course, no whirlwind tour of the ballet world is complete without a stop in the States. While I always enjoy the majestic New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center, this month it was the extraordinary **American Ballet Theatre** at the Metropolitan Opera House that truly stole my heart. What a cast, darling, what a cast! The programme this month was a real eclectic mix of styles - everything from Balanchine classics, like **Agon** (still electrifying after all these years), to the intensely emotive work of the contemporary master, Twyla Tharp. And let me tell you, itā€™s exhilarating watching them effortlessly shift between styles - like the grand jetĆ©s in one breath and then an incredibly controlled and complex tharpian turn the next. One thing that never changes in this remarkable company is the extraordinary energy they exude! I saw **Romeo & Juliet** for the 10th time (no, I cannot help myself), and those dancers simply brought that Shakespearean tragedy to life on the stage.

A Bit of History

On a recent visit to the ballet archives in Vienna, darling, I had a simply delightful experience that reminded me of balletā€™s fascinating history. * **The 1757 Opera House:** What an experience, finding myself inside this almost 300-year-old theatre. I walked on the very stage where ballerinas and dancers of the court of Empress Maria Theresa had once performed. * **The *ā€œBalanchine and The Art of Choreography"* exhibition** It wasnā€™t so much about Balanchineā€™s own choreography but an exhibition dedicated to some of his masterpieces - photographs, costumes, the set for Stravinsky's ā€œApolloā€. So enlightening to see that one person's vision created something so beautiful.

From Viennaā€™s elegant past to the bright lights of Broadway - where dance plays a pivotal role, naturally, it's where the dazzling show "An American in Paris" stole my heart this month. Oh, to see Gene Kellyā€™s legacy being reimagined on stage - those iconic sequences, so effortless, so charming! An absolute masterpiece. Of course, a bit of nostalgia always makes a ballet loverā€™s heart sing.

A Touch of Glamour

Darling, with all this ballet-going, one simply has to indulge in a little bit of luxury, wouldn't you agree? This month, my trip was complete with a visit to one of my favorite London boutiques, where I picked up a new pair of dance shoes. Ah, you know, one can never have too many! Ballet flats, always so elegant. The color this season is a deep maroon, absolutely perfect. It reminds me of those rich colours found in many of the Russian ballet performances that are so reminiscent of my first ballets years ago. But I think I'll also need a couple of pairs of satin point shoes - just in case a chance to dance comes my way!

Until next month, darlings, keep twirling, keep leaping, keep dancing. Remember, life, like ballet, is about graceful movement, poise, and artistry. Happy dancing!