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Darling! Isn't it simply divine how July bursts upon us with a flurry of dazzling performances, from the grandest stages to the most intimate studios? The season is positively overflowing with exciting new talent, breathtaking artistry and the captivating essence of balletic magic. My diary is brimming with tickets, my closet overflowing with fabulous frocks and my dear husband ā€“ oh, heā€™s simply a saint, bless his soul - has just the right blend of elegance and comfort for me to arrive at every single venue in supreme style. Now, my dears, let's embark on a whirlwind tour, shall we?

My darling, what is more beautiful than watching a classic come alive? Well, perhaps only a *new* production of a classic. And I am positively giddy with excitement to tell you about the *Swan Lake* at the Royal Ballet this month. Itā€™s been lovingly brought back to life by a celebrated director - and they have, with impeccable taste, taken the liberty to subtly rework the choreography - giving a contemporary edge to this timeless masterpiece. The beauty of *Swan Lake* is how every movement speaks for itself - and how even with subtle tweaks, they never detract from the poignant emotionality of this extraordinary ballet. The swans glide with an ethereal grace, their feathers seeming to brush the very air, the male dancersā€¦ ah, they truly captivated the audience. My eyes simply could not peel away from the lead; a newcomer who possessed such incredible presence on the stage. Simply enchanting.

On the subject of classical beauty, how could we not speak of the *Giselle* revival in Berlin? This is where the young and vibrant talent simply shines through, and as I was seated in the front row (of course! ) the energy practically leaped from the stage and filled the air with a palpable sense of urgency, drama and romance. The dancers were perfectly matched for this intricate work; I simply *must* go see this piece again, the passion, the vulnerability ā€“ it will stay with me for months to come! They say ā€œtime is a thief,ā€ but at this production, it just stood still for an eternity. *That* is the power of true art!

You know how we adore experiencing the most celebrated artists performing at their peak ā€“ that's why my beloved and I are dashing off to the *Kirov Ballet* in St Petersburg this very week! They are in full flight with their dazzling performance of *Sleeping Beauty*. A true show-stopper; their sets, the choreography ( so lavish! ) the costumesā€¦.oh my, they leave me completely speechless. I dare say, itā€™s the *perfect* blend of romance and grandeur. I have never seen such a glorious depiction of the ā€˜sleeping princessā€™ or Prince ā€˜DesirĆ©eā€™ before. We all deserve a a little *fairytale* magic in our lives, don't we dear?

However, it's not always about the *bigness* of the production that draws the crowds ā€“ it's more about the connection you feel to the artistic energy - something that was truly tangible at the Royal Opera House this past week. The ā€˜Balanchine* Galaā€™ was one of those evenings you donā€™t forget. A truly intimate setting; a world renowned dance troupe ( some of the most gifted ballerinas on the planet) were performing under the supervision of the one and only, Christopher Wheeldon. Such a special evening - I will always treasure it!

And now darling, for a moment of pure, unadulterated **shock!** - We simply *must* venture into the world of the *avant-garde*. Thereā€™s been a lot of talk around a recent performance in London, by an artist who goes by the name of ā€˜Gisele Vienneā€™. Her performance called ā€˜Lā€™Ć©trangĆØreā€™ is like nothing Iā€™ve ever seen. If the name ā€˜Giseleā€™ doesnā€™t scream *drama* to you, my dear - I donā€™t know what will! I went with some friends (and yes, we *were* the only ones who dressed *appropriately* ) and what I can tell you is it's not so much a ballet in the conventional sense as a modern exploration of movement and sound, with some *interesting* staging andā€¦ *shall we say* rather daring, unconventional costumes. Some were a littleā€¦ ā€˜shockedā€™ by it all, but *we* understood - she was making a point. She is forcing us, *encouraging* us, to see ballet in a completely new light! This was an artful and, *ahem* unique way to push the boundaries of how we think of dance! And yes, I absolutely loved it! And how **brilliant** she looked - she is not just *exceptionally talented* but an incredible dresser.

I adore it all; the *classic*, the *innovative* and the *experimental*. It doesn't matter if it's the opulent costumes and scenery of *Giselle* or the *slightly* disconcerting, almost otherworldly quality of Gisele Viennes work, for me - each one tells a different, and beautifully unique, story. Each performance gives us a glimpse into a different world. But above all else, dear friends, each one is a captivating demonstration of human emotion through the power of movement.

Now that the world has seen the brilliance of dance, let's bring a little excitement back home to London ā€“ where my absolute favourite dancer is making his much-awaited comeback after a short hiatus - and we are all positively swooning! The ***New Bolshoi Theatre* **will simply not be the same without Mr *Nikolai Tsiskaridze*. And this month, he is *returning*! What a glorious gift that is to London audiences! He has such *fire* on the stage, you truly get to experience what makes his performances so special.

As well as catching up on some wonderful new performances and old favourites, I am, naturally, attending the summer shows! My dears, I absolutely adore them! There's a special charm to seeing ballet on an open air stage in the warm summer breeze; a magical combination of movement, light and sound against a backdrop of nature, so breathtakingly divine and the perfect blend of romantic and sophisticated ā€“ what's not to love? I canā€™t possibly miss *The Royal Balletā€™s performance of ā€˜A Midsummer Nightā€™s Dream'*. And how exquisite, a real treat is in store, with *The Sleeping Beauty* in *Richmond*. So, pack a picnic ( darling! I am absolutely *divine* with my basket weaving ) grab some good company and embrace the glorious summer ballet season. I *dare* say that, like the month of July itself, it is bursting with vitality.

So, there you have it my lovelies, A taste of whatā€™s to come - with each piece I see, the heart-warming anticipation and joy only strengthens - for *this* is why we love ballet! Donā€™t just stand there, *go* and experience these performances - I dare say, your lives will never be the same! And before you embark on your own journey of balletic wonders, donā€™t forget, to get your fix of all that is ā€˜fashion-forwardā€™ ā€“ do not miss my little column on the most wonderful costumes - available on page 37, which I simply adore. The colour schemes, the fabrics, oh, I could never resist a perfectly chosen, glittering outfit. So exciting and a truly fashionable way to explore the wonderful world of the ā€˜dancing formā€™.

Now my loves, do not forget to *swoon* on and make sure that your next social calendar is bursting with fabulous and unforgettable performances. It is not a life thatā€™s meant for *staying in* ! Be sure to join me for a *sparkling* champagne reception in the coming months as I host a Gala Ball for some of my favorite dancers at the magnificent Ritz, and we will all have a night to remember! Now, go onā€¦ darling! Go on and revel in the beauty that is dance, be swept away by the magic.

Until Next Time, My Loves