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Darling, what a glorious month it's been for the arts! The air crackles with excitement. I, naturally, have been dashing from theatre to theatre, ballet to opera, simply soaking up the creative energy that pulses through the season. As we approach November, we all sense the world of fashion turning to rich jewel tones and textures, but have you noticed how the ballet world mirrors this shift? It's all about the decadent elegance, the shimmering golds and luxurious fabrics. The whispers of change are in the air. Shall we step inside and take a peek?

**First, we must start in Paris, the very heart of chic, darling!** There is a frisson in the air in Paris, a knowing, whispered excitement that hangs in the gilded air of the Palais Garnier. **The Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris are back in fine form!** My absolute darling, Rudolf Nureyev, his ghost must be beaming with pride - their staging of Le Corsaire was an absolute tour de force. The athleticism, the sheer skill, but of course the sumptuous costumes... the very embodiment of lavish Arabian nights! It was truly breathtaking. There were some truly glorious solos - the Pas de Deux, oh my... the chemistry was incandescent, almost scorching! I can still see the glistening of the costume jewels as the ballerina twirled - simply unforgettable. You could just feel the power of a truly classical production and all the beauty that emanates from such a spectacle.

Speaking of exquisite productions, let's move to the home of Swan Lake, **Moscow's Bolshoi Ballet are just about to start their new season,** and we simply MUST talk about their Swan Lake. The Bolshoi have always understood the exquisite beauty of this timeless classic and, oh my darling, this performance is truly something special! They've gone all out for this one with stunning new costumes that almost shimmer. And the corps de ballet were impeccable, their uniformity in both movement and technique made them one singular bird, each individual just a feather on the larger wing of beauty. What a show. It really had the full spectrum of emotions; a performance of great power, lightness, tragedy, love - it all comes together so exquisitely and the Bolshoi, darling, have made it so effortlessly believable!

Now we head a little further east, to Tokyo...** the land of delicate artistry and tradition. The famed Tokyo Ballet were celebrating the grand reopening of their beloved Shinjuku Bunka Center with Giselle, that classic of all classics. This, of course, is a work that demands so much grace and delicate artistry and they delivered with utter brilliance. It's amazing how this simple tale of love, loss and deception resonates so deeply. I know you think you've seen it all, darling, but just allow yourself to get lost in the storytelling of such exquisite performances as these. It's enough to move anyone to tears, you will be captivated, it is just SO captivating.

**Then, darling, just a hop across the pond we have the magnificent American Ballet Theatre,** performing the exquisite work of Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker. The magical spectacle of the production really drew the audience into this charming world. You have to experience this ballet at least once every year to truly believe in the wonder and joy of Christmas. It just gets under your skin and, in the words of a rather infamous quote, the music has 'such wonderful dancing and dancing... '. The performances are just incredible! If you want to believe in magic, darling, this is your chance.

Speaking of enchantment, let's hop over to London! It's not all about classical ballet, my dear! There are other stories out there. We saw a quite spectacular version of The Red Shoes with the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House. This wasn't just a stunning ballet with incredible music and brilliant technical execution but it truly showcased the brilliance of the individual performers. There's something thrilling about watching a whole cast shine as if one singular talent, so in unison. There is just an element of true genius in making you believe that all of the individual parts make a true and perfect whole. Of course, I don't have to tell you that there were dazzling performances with gorgeous sets and costumes, but oh the shoes darling! Simply a delight for any discerning eye! Don't even try to go anywhere near the Covent Garden area unless you've already snagged a ticket!

But London isn’t just about established companies, darling. We must all embrace new talent, give them the platform they deserve. There is a tiny new company that had a stunning production of a new piece entitled "Between the Lines", staged at The Place, their home is, you know... The studio was packed, not just with your usual dance devotees, darling, but also a very fashionable, almost arty crowd and I knew it was something special from the second I entered. It was like we had stepped back into the '70s. There was a real energy, a real vibrancy to this production. And darling, it is no surprise why! It wasn't the same classical, beautiful but safe and predictable dance. No, no, darling, this had a very particular edge, and I dare say more than just an edge to its creativity. It really embraced all the rawness and boldness of a new era. You felt it from the first scene with the raw and emotional acting in the choreography, but darling, let me tell you, the 'Lines' themselves really pushed all the boundaries of ballet. A true tour de force for all concerned!

Oh my, but what have we been missing in all this travel, you might ask? Yes, darling! How could I forget? **We have the most amazing crop of ballet schools in London,** and yes, we must make time to celebrate them.

The Royal Ballet School are really producing some extraordinary talent - their annual student performance of "Cinderella" was truly magical. This piece brought back all that childish, giddy delight - and of course the "Ball Scene" - the glorious opulence of the costumes was pure perfection!

Now, the English National Ballet School have had quite an amazing year! This year saw their production of the perennial "Nutcracker" and my goodness! You have to witness for yourself, darling, the sheer raw brilliance of their talent. What joy they bring! What joy and passion!

And lastly, I must include the lovely Elmhurst School. Their "Sleeping Beauty" has already had quite the buzz circulating through the fashion-ballet world, darling. A lovely cast all wearing exquisite designs! What could be more wonderful than seeing this magical world take form again and again. A stunning piece! You’re just going to have to believe me!

Well darling, with all of this talk about the "ballet world" it wouldn't be fair to overlook the rest of the theatre and arts world. After all, isn’t the magic of ballet enhanced when set against such stunning displays of beauty? It was such a glorious month and I had to take in everything!

It’s always such a pleasure to take in the grandeur of the Royal Opera House, isn't it, darling? Their productions of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde was, well, divine. The production's bold staging set against this gorgeous piece by Wagner, and of course, I was there for that perfect romantic night. We all need a little tragic love story from time to time. It had us all completely enthralled.

Speaking of "enthralled", **did you catch the magnificent "Le Nozze di Figaro" at Covent Garden?** Absolutely breath-taking! Every element of this work was stunningly executed. It was so clever - a perfectly paced romp through a delicious Italian melodrama. So delightfully chaotic, in fact, that I'm sure all of London has been talking about this one. Just what we all need for some glorious summer entertainment.

It has certainly been a grand and luxurious month for the theatre world - the best part is that you have it all on your doorstep, the whole world of arts at your fingertips and we can look forward to so much more before the year ends. We'll just have to catch up in January for another scoop on all that the world of arts has to offer, darling!

Before we leave each other to enjoy all the delicious festivities of November, **there’s one more treat in store for us,** darling. Don't just think about the ballets you see; **consider the role of fashion in the art of the stage. ** And it really does play such an essential role! Let's indulge ourselves and imagine that sumptuous fabric of the "White Swan" in "Swan Lake", the flowing textures and silks... oh my. So luxurious! This year, designers are making costumes more like pieces of couture. So glamorous! Imagine that gorgeous gown from "Cinderella" being recreated as the perfect floor length evening gown.

There's a magical quality in these theatrical creations, something beyond our usual sense of dress and costume. And this is why we need to really appreciate the beauty and elegance of these works.

So remember, darlings, we don't simply attend these productions, we enter a realm where imagination rules and beauty is found in every curve and seam!