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Darling, can you believe it's February already? Time truly does fly when you're having fun! It feels like just yesterday we were saying "Auld Lang Syne" and ushering in the new year.

Now, we're all caught up in the whirlwind of this beautiful ballet season, and my, what a glorious whirlwind it's been! Let's take a little trip around the world, shall we? There are so many fascinating stories and captivating performances I want to tell you all about. So grab a glass of champagne (or a pot of Earl Grey - whatever takes your fancy!), settle in, and let's indulge in a little cultural escapade!

First stop - the **Royal Opera House**! This venerable institution never fails to dazzle, and February was no exception. It's the birthplace of so many legendary ballets, and it just brims with history. The opening night of *The Sleeping Beauty* was nothing short of spectacular. Darlings, the costumes! The sheer extravagance of it all! It's hard not to be swept away by the pure theatricality of it all.

Now, speaking of theatre, darling, how simply **fabulous** was the performance of *Swan Lake* by the **National Ballet of Canada**? The production itself was stunning, with exquisite set design, a clever use of lighting and special effects. But it was the performance of their Principal dancer, **Emily Watson**, that really stole the show. Emily captured both the vulnerability of the White Swan and the untamed passion of the Black Swan with such power and beauty. She simply danced the wings off everyone else on the stage!

Moving onto the continent, I must tell you about my trip to **Paris**. The City of Lights truly lives up to its name. And, it's hard to beat the atmosphere of the **Palais Garnier** for an evening of ballet. The grandeur of the theatre simply transports you to another era. They put on a captivating rendition of *Giselle* featuring a cast of remarkable talent. But let me tell you, darling, it was the young soloist, **Aline Dufresne**, who caught my eye. With every pirouette and every delicate movement, she captured the fragility and the fierce spirit of this timeless tale with such heartbreaking beauty. You could literally hear a pin drop in the audience. Pure magic!

Then, to **Milan** for the **Teatro alla Scala**. An absolute jewel of Italian art! The setting is magnificent, but it's the calibre of the ballet that truly mesmerized me. The production of *Don Quixote* that they had on was absolutely superb! This production is one that truly puts those talented legs through their paces. It requires a delicate balance of lighthearted whimsy and captivating power. Their principal dancer, **Marco Rossi**, he's one to watch out for, darling. He has that rare combination of strength and finesse, making him the perfect Don Quixote. A charismatic, truly mesmerising performance.

My travels also took me to the vibrant metropolis of **New York City**, darling. And of course, I had to pay a visit to the **New York City Ballet**! I simply couldn't leave the United States without seeing the incredible *A Midsummer Night's Dream*, directed by the one and only **George Balanchine**. This piece has such a magical, playful spirit. The choreography, my dear, it was simply exquisite! So fluid, so elegant, a testament to Balanchine’s mastery of the art form. And the cast was just perfect! Their portrayal of these mythical creatures was truly believable, almost as if they had been lifted straight from Shakespeare's pages. I was swept away!

My dear, we simply must touch upon the world of dance outside the grand opera houses and hallowed halls! In London's trendy **Shoreditch district**, I had the chance to witness **East London Dance's** production of "The Rite of Spring". This raw, visceral work, inspired by Stravinsky's iconic score, pushed the boundaries of conventional ballet, challenging the audience and inviting them into a deeply human and emotionally charged experience. It's not your typical “pointe shoe” ballet, but it’s raw, emotional and quite compelling, which is perhaps why I enjoyed it so much.

However, I was perhaps most moved by the **Royal Ballet’s** *Romeo and Juliet* in **Covent Garden** at the end of the month. It is, of course, a tale of love, tragedy, and the struggle of the human heart. And to see it brought to life in the most exquisite manner on stage by the dancers in a setting so beautiful, well, it is simply beyond words, my dears! But let’s be honest, it was the chemistry between **Edward Watson** and **Marianela Nuñez** as the ill-fated lovers that had us all utterly captivated. Such power in their embrace. Such desperation and despair in their eyes. A true spectacle of artistic beauty.

I think that perhaps the true joy of ballet is its ability to connect with audiences on such a profound, universal level. Whether it's a traditional masterpiece like *Swan Lake*, a cutting-edge piece like “The Rite of Spring” or a whimsical ballet like *A Midsummer Night’s Dream*, it is this common thread of beauty and storytelling that touches each of our hearts. And that is precisely why I believe ballet remains so relevant, so timeless and such a wonderful reminder of the beauty in the world around us.

So, there you have it, darling! A little glimpse into my adventures this February! Of course, I could share so much more! We should get together over afternoon tea. Then, I can regale you with even more details of these wonderful ballets and tell you all about the divine fashions I witnessed in each city. Until then, darlings, enjoy the beautiful world of ballet!

Your stylish ballerina,
