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What a glorious month for the balletomane! From the majestic heights of the Bolshoi to the intimate elegance of a Parisian studio, June has truly been a feast for the eyes and the soul. And believe me, darling, this seasoned ballerina has seen it all.

The Bolshoi's Swan Lake: You can't go wrong with the classics, can you? The Bolshoi's rendition of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece was pure magic. The swans, all shimmering in their ethereal costumes, were a breathtaking sight. As Odette, Olga Smirnova, her elegance and pathos radiating in equal measure, truly embodied the tragedy of the White Swan, whilst the fiery, brash passion of Odile, embodied by the astonishing Kristina Kretova, was almost unbearably delicious. I could feel my own heart breaking and leaping all in one heartbeat.

Royal Ballet: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Covent Garden Now, if you're looking for something a little less traditional but still brimming with beauty, the Royal Ballet's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Covent Garden is the perfect choice. This playful interpretation, choreographed by the oh-so-modern Frederick Ashton, is full of life and vibrant colours, and the cast simply radiates youthful exuberance! With a dream-like mix of comic and serious, itā€™s a show thatā€™ll stay with you, long after youā€™ve left the theatre, just as the fairy dust of the night lingers on. Do catch a performance, it will truly enchant you. It is however quite "avant garde" for some; be warned.

The Paris Opera Ballet's "Bolero": My goodness, if there's one ballet that gets the blood pumping, it's "Bolero." The Paris Opera Ballet, always a dazzling company, showed its exceptional artistry at the OpĆ©ra Garnier. With every pulse of the music, they conveyed the energy and sensuality of Maurice Ravelā€™s masterpiece. The dancers moved with such precision, it was almost mesmeric. Thereā€™s nothing better than watching the sheer athleticism of these sublime beings on stage; it is a joy to witness such technical brilliance, whilst feeling transported to another world by the beauty of their performance.

And while we are in Paris ... One shouldn't overlook the delights to be found at the intimate, beautiful and very private Theatre du ChĆ¢telet, hidden away in a quiet Parisian side street. I enjoyed watching the graceful movement of young ballerinas dancing in small, select groups in the theatreā€™s salon de dance. So elegant, the delicate ballerinas of ā€œLes Etoiles,ā€ they twirl and pirouette through their captivating moves in their perfect costumes. Each dancer seemed so beautifully suited to her chosen repertoire; each ballet a small work of art, in itself, worthy of contemplation. Their exquisite, yet simple routines really left me in awe.

On to New York... A most successful New York premiere of "The Architect." This magnificent piece was commissioned by the City Center Ballet's Encores! series. "The Architect" is the debut piece by acclaimed American dancer and choreographer Justin Peck, who danced for years with New York City Ballet. A very young man to be given the responsibility of creating such a spectacular work for these fabulous dancers, one couldnā€™t but be captivated by the innovative movements of Peckā€™s imagination. His bold new choreography and powerful narrative make it a true masterpiece, beautifully told. Peck used the stage perfectly to bring to life the stories of those whose lives had been shaped by this city; we felt the beauty and brutality of the great city all in one ballet.

Across the Pond.... The dance world really is flourishing everywhere you look, darling. The Birmingham Royal Ballet is really making a name for itself across the pond. Their new interpretation of ā€œThe Sleeping Beautyā€ was a huge success in London. Their vibrant and colourful interpretation gave this beautiful tale a unique modern spin which brought fresh energy to the classical story.

Ballet outside the big venues. And darling, let us not forget the hidden gems to be found beyond the glitz of the major ballets. I stumbled across an incredibly engaging, small independent performance in London at Sadler's Wells that featured several works of different styles by the fantastic young choreographers; Wayne McGregor and the superb, brilliant, maverick Christopher Wheeldon, each piece was quite frankly divine and I'm now a huge fan.

And so, darlings, as the curtain falls on this delightful June, itā€™s clear to see that ballet is alive and well all around the world. Each and every production is unique in its own way, each choreographerā€™s vision is unique and brilliant. Be sure to take a few hours out of your busy lives to catch a show; it's an experience thatā€™s bound to make you smile - and feel a little bit more alive!

Fashion Notes.

The styles I've seen this month, darling, have really been divine. And itā€™s true what they say about ballet always being a leading force in fashion. The new ballerina outfits for the Royal Balletā€™s new ā€œSwan Lakeā€ costumes have me wanting to go shopping. The graceful soft white tutus are to die for, not to mention the elegant swan feather boas they wore; very graceful, with a hint of chic elegance. Oh, to be a ballerina againā€¦ in that fabulous feathered ensemble! And, what about the Bolshoiā€™s ā€œBoleroā€? The gorgeous and sumptuous, dark maroon gowns in silk with an hint of fuschia really are what I long to be seen wearing at the ballet, but theyā€™d need to have those beautiful ā€œsparkly bits,ā€ you know? You just cannot get away with just a simple outfit for an event such as ā€œBoleroā€. And those dancers have all their own bespoke lingerie, you know - every ballerina knows what I'm talking aboutā€¦ oh myā€¦. the colour coordination...and itā€™s all ā€œFrench chicā€! We, as ballerinas, are trendsetters you know! And donā€™t get me started on shoes; I simply cannot be seen out and about in anything other than exquisite, delicate footwear.

Oh dear! Itā€™s all been simply divine; the theatre is truly where the heart is!

Until next time, darling,

x x x

Au revoir,

The Diva.