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February, 2015 - Oh, The Places We Will Dance! Dearest Readers, As February's frosty breath descends upon us, my darlings, it's time to seek warmth and beauty in the graceful world of ballet. A month of exciting premières, daring re-imaginings, and timeless classics promises to ignite our senses, making us swoon with delight! From the Heart of London This month, I am so delighted to be sharing the stage once again with the brilliant company of the Royal Ballet, their energy palpable, their passion evident in every exquisite movement. It is the perfect occasion to delve back into the magic of 'Swan Lake'. A timeless masterpiece, each performance remains an emotive rollercoaster, the soaring solos leaving us spellbound and the ensemble work leaving no room for imperfection. It is always a pleasure to work with such consummate professionals! At the Covent Garden, a breathtaking production of 'The Sleeping Beauty' graced the stage. My dear friend and formidable colleague, Darcey Bussell, dazzled as the ethereal Aurora, showcasing a flawless technique, every turn and arabesque so elegant. But let us not forget the brilliance of the corps de ballet - those ladies, absolutely mesmerising in their intricate formations. Paris, The City of Love Across the channel, in the city of lights, a world premiere has captured my imagination. The Parisian Opera Ballet's 'La Dame aux Camellias' left me awestruck. The choreographer's interpretation of this love story was captivating - every gesture infused with the poignant beauty of lost love. The male dancer, a newcomer to the Parisian company, stole the show, his powerful yet tender performance unforgettable. The sheer romanticism of the piece, paired with the exquisite costumes and atmospheric set, had me in a whirl of emotion. New York, New York Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, the New York City Ballet showcased their signature brilliance with 'Balanchine's Greatest Hits', a treasure trove of iconic works by the maestro himself. 'Agon', 'Serenade', and 'Symphony in C' each danced with masterful precision, each soloist radiating talent and power. However, it was the 'Theme and Variations' that truly held my heart captive, the grace and fragility of the dancers highlighting the exquisite choreography. Down Under, Down Under The Australian Ballet's production of 'Don Quixote', currently touring the country, has garnered critical acclaim, their version filled with vitality and joy. My eye has always been drawn to the artistry of this company. It is inspiring to witness such boundless energy and dedication from the youngest of dancers to the veterans. The vibrant costumes, the explosive choreography, and the sheer fun of the piece leave audiences spellbound. Around the Globe, A Whirlwind of Dance In other corners of the world, exciting performances are unfolding, each offering unique perspectives on this magical art form. * In Germany, the Stuttgart Ballet is premiering 'Le Sacre du Printemps' - the stark beauty of the original Nijinsky choreography, reimagined for our time, with raw power and haunting imagery. * A poignant and moving production of 'Giselle' by the National Ballet of Canada touched the heart with its ethereal beauty. The depth of emotion conveyed by the soloists, especially the ballerina in the title role, left me moved to tears. * And, on a completely different note, the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow presented a new ballet based on the Russian fairytale 'Vasilisa the Beautiful' which, I hear, has captivated audiences with its dazzling costumes and the whimsical storytelling, truly a fantastical journey for children and adults alike! My darlings, as the month unfolds, continue to indulge in the captivating world of ballet. Discover hidden treasures in your own city, venture to unfamiliar productions, and let yourself be swept away by the captivating tales that grace the stage. And remember, whether you are watching a majestic 'Swan Lake' or an intimate performance of a modern ballet, every experience is unique, every performance a masterpiece. Until next month, may your hearts be filled with grace, your days brimming with artistry, and your souls steeped in the enchantment of ballet! Your affectionate and ardent dance companion, Victoria Rose