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September, the month of rebirth and renewed passion, has arrived. The crispness in the air is a tantalizing call to the dance studio, where bodies yearn for the beautiful rigours of the bar and centre work, the disciplined grace that flows from our core, outwards into the space. This season has us travelling the globe, cherishing every nuance of art, fashion and of course, that ever elusive element of perfect balletic artistry. Here are just a few gems that have captured my dance-loving heart, this month.

Paris, the City of Lights and of Love

My darling, there’s just something about the Parisian ballet scene. I find myself irresistibly drawn to their passion, the artistry. It’s an affair of the heart and soul, every pirouette is a flirtation with fate. I'm drawn to the delicate choreography that feels as light as the whisper of a silk scarf against skin, with movements both bold and exquisitely controlled.

At the **Opera Garnier**, a stunning jewel box of a theatre with the grandeur that truly takes one's breath away, we were swept away by a production of **Le Corsaire**. This ballet, with its opulent costuming that rivalled haute couture, told the story of love and daring adventure through a magnificent language of steps and facial expressions, each gesture so evocative that even without understanding a word, the narrative resonated within me. What is ballet if not a powerful form of storytelling through the human body?

New York City, where energy bursts and sparks ignite

Oh darling, how I adore this dynamic city that pulsates with an unstoppable rhythm! In New York, ballet can be found everywhere, from the majestic stages of the Lincoln Centre to the intimate off-Broadway studios, where talented up-and-comers leave their mark. The energy is electrifying, vibrant, full of that audacious, risk-taking spirit I truly love about New York. This season, I felt that spirit in abundance at the **New York City Ballet**.

  • In a captivating performance of **Jerome Robbins' "Other Dances"**, the dancers showcased incredible control, using every muscle and gesture to tell a tale of human connection, joy, and heartache. The strength of the individual dancers within the company felt potent and, I might say, thrilling.
  • I also found myself utterly enthralled by **George Balanchine’s "Agon", a modern masterpiece** which showcased such technical brilliance and an unwavering exploration of abstract expression. One could not take their eyes away from these breathtaking movements, a testament to the incredible stamina of those amazing athletes in this demanding style. The precision, the lightness and the joy was palpable!

Tokyo, a land of artistic beauty and tradition

In a city known for its cultural sophistication and captivating elegance, Tokyo, ballet is an elegant extension of that exquisite refinement. I was captivated by the **Tokyo Ballet** performance at the iconic **New National Theatre**. Their rendition of **Swan Lake** was as refined and as precise as the Japanese aesthetic itself.

  • From the sweeping grand pas de deux to the delicate grace of the swans, each move radiated elegance, with a subtle depth of emotion that reflected their deep understanding of the story and its meaning. In Tokyo, I felt ballet transcend mere movement to become a breathtaking expression of the soul.

Moscow, a City with an Eternal Love for the Dance

I simply adore the tradition of ballet in Moscow! For years, this city has been the world’s ballet Mecca, attracting talent from far and wide and offering an immersive experience that transports the viewer to a magical world of imagination, emotion and sheer athletic prowess. Every performance feels as monumental as a symphony.

This month at the **Bolshoi Theatre**, I was awestruck by their rendition of **Giselle**, one of the world’s most celebrated ballet. With the magnificent sets and stunning costuming, the drama unfolded, both heartbreaking and captivating. This is where ballet really speaks a language that transcends any physical limitations. This is true storytelling. And I simply must commend the ballerina's technique: such strength and refinement of movements, their virtuosity in those graceful leaps!

A Celebration of the Art

Beyond the grand theatres and glittering performances, it’s important to acknowledge the sheer beauty of the art itself. A ballet performance, much like a beautiful dinner or a magnificent dress, is best appreciated when you savor it. From the meticulously crafted sets to the expressive gestures of the dancers, there is a deliberate elegance in every step, every movement. There is such a potent energy within each of these talented dancers as they convey a wealth of feeling with their art.

Take the time to engage with the beauty that ballet can inspire. In these moments, I feel truly alive, experiencing an elevated form of human expression through an extraordinary blend of grace and artistry.

Don’t be a wallflower; make your way to the stage or at least the balcony! Take a moment to savor a performance that will leave you truly captivated, transformed and inspired, all thanks to this extraordinary art we call ballet.