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March, darling!

The crisp air, the blossoming flowers, a brand-new diary - there's just something about this month, isn't there? And for us balletomanes, March is nothing short of a delicious feast. I've just returned from Paris, darling, a whirl of choux pastry and divine choreography. Let me share some of the delectable highlights.

The Bolshoi in Paris, now that was a truly spectacular affair! They descended on the Palais Garnier like a storm of exquisite Russian brilliance, leaving us gasping for breath and wanting more. La Bayadère, you see, was simply divine. The sheer scale of it! The exquisite precision! And Olga Smirnova, that girl is pure fire. A whirlwind of grace, an absolute star. The whole piece pulsed with a captivating tension, like a perfectly poised pearl held suspended over a silken thread.

The Royal Ballet in London has been dazzling us, as usual, with a mixed repertoire that truly showcases their astonishing depth. The new staging of Giselle, featuring the gorgeous Natalia Osipova, brought a freshness to the classic. She brought such tenderness to the role, her grief so heart-wrenching, it really made me want to grab my smelling salts! Then, there was a glorious night with the ever-talented Marianela Nuñez. The fire, the passion, the virtuosity! Oh darling, it truly felt like watching history unfold before your very eyes. And how could we possibly leave out the Royal Ballet's breathtaking Manon, a masterpiece of tragic romance that had me wiping away tears, but feeling absolutely captivated by its raw emotional power.

Across the pond, New York was buzzing with the news of the New York City Ballet‘s breathtaking premiere of Justin Peck's The Times Are Racing. What a joy! That piece was like a symphony of modern, sleek design with some of the most ingenious choreography you’ll see on any stage today. And of course, the costumes – utterly divine, darling. Oh, and how could we not mention Tiler Peck - her athleticism and pure grace made you gasp.

But the true star of this ballet season was without a doubt the new production of Sleeping Beauty by American Ballet Theatre. And while yes, the dancing was incredible – those ethereal costumes, those magnificent sets – it was the heart of it, the storytelling, the emotion, that really drew me in. It made you feel every bit of the fairytale's magic, of good triumphing over evil. I was absolutely transfixed. And of course, no review of Sleeping Beauty is complete without mentioning the brilliant Natalia Osipova. She's just one of those ballerinas, darling, you cannot help but watch in absolute wonder. And did I mention her tour-de-force solo? Oh, simply exquisite.

Speaking of dazzling performances, American Ballet Theatre has a remarkable talent pool, don’t you think? We just can't go without mentioning their Romeo and Juliet. That, darling, was the stuff of dreams, and I’d go so far as to say, the true pinnacle of tragic love in dance. I dare anyone to watch that final pas de deux, that final embrace, and not be moved to tears. And yes, yes, I am wiping away the rogue mascara streak from my cheek as I type this, so voila. But who else could bring us a piece like this, this masterpiece of passion and heartbreak, but the unparalleled Misty Copeland? Oh darling, that woman!

Now, let's not forget those ballet experiences that push boundaries and challenge the traditional. Over at The Australian Ballet, David Hallberg brought a daring and bold piece Afterlife that took me, literally, on a roller coaster ride through death, dreams, and an exploration of the meaning of the soul itself! Talk about making me think as well as feel. It left me both utterly mesmerised and a little breathless. And, well, it doesn't get much more avant-garde than that.

And then, oh darling, there is a real treasure to be discovered just outside Paris. Le Ballet du Rhin is where artistry and imagination dance together in the most sublime of ways. There, the story of Cinderella is told not with classic, sweeping movements, but with the sharp precision of modern ballet. This Cinderella had such an elegance, such a poetic tenderness, that it felt truly revolutionary, almost like witnessing the dawn of a new ballet world. I'd go so far as to say, a new generation of talent has risen up, a fresh, daring approach to classical tales that truly deserves a standing ovation.

But there's more to ballet than just the grand productions on the main stages. Let's dive into the world of intimate venues and those performances that have the heart of ballet, but a touch more personality.

In London, the charming and intimate Sadler's Wells, my absolute favourite haven of ballet, is always a joy, and this March has been no exception. I was captivated by The Rambert Dance Company’s production of The Show Must Go On, which truly pushed the boundaries, exploring the theme of fame and ambition through cutting-edge choreography and absolutely electrifying energy. Don’t get me wrong, there was some real talent there, some divine leaps and turns, but it wasn’t about the conventional, no darling. This was about challenging expectations and sparking thought. It was ballet with a touch of grit. I simply adore a bit of grit.

Speaking of captivating energy, I took myself to The National Theatre and was absolutely entranced by Frankenstein by Rambert. Just the word Frankenstein and I'm hooked, don’t you think? But this performance, darling, it took that haunting theme and created a breathtaking symphony of movement. It really made me think about the dark side of humanity and all those terrifying anxieties that lurk just below the surface of society. You’ve simply got to experience it. I must confess, it has made me quite introspective, but also instilled me with such an admiration for those bold dancers who put so much raw energy and emotion on display.

And let's not forget our younger talent. The young dancers of English National Ballet School were quite frankly sensational in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Now, we know the story well. But it was this wonderful company of future ballet superstars who really brought the story to life, adding their own whimsical, vibrant energy that brought me joy! Seeing such pure passion, such raw talent … Oh, darling, it just warms the cockles of your heart, don’t you think?

Now, darling, March is not just about ballets, but also about those incredible performances, that feast for the senses that dance with music, art, and a dash of the unexpected. You see, the beauty of dance extends beyond the ballet shoes and the tutus. We have Nederlands Dans Theater at London's Barbican showcasing Frankenstein by Jiří Kylián. Oh, that name just oozes elegance! I went to a preview, darling, and my goodness, the choreography is unlike anything I've ever witnessed before! The lighting, the music – the dark drama, the exploration of fear and darkness ... And the choreography? Simply exquisite.

Of course, no review would be complete without a word on BalletBoyz. The most exquisite of modern and contemporary dance companies, you might find yourself on the edge of your seat with Life – that company is full of bold, athletic men who dare you to not be entertained and quite frankly, I'm in awe of the pure joy that pours from their performances.

And there we have it, darling, just a taste of what this beautiful ballet-filled month has to offer. From the world’s leading companies to emerging stars, march is a time to get your fill of dance, to be mesmerised by beauty, moved by emotions, and blown away by the sheer brilliance and artistic expression of the human body in motion.

My advice, darling? Get out there, grab your best shoes, find a performance near you, and let your inner ballerina shine. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Until next month, darling, keep dancing.