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Darling, February is truly upon us, and as the world starts to thaw and the sun begins to shine just a little longer, so too do our souls start to feel that springtime feeling. Ballet is so wonderfully in tune with the changing seasons, and as the ice melts away so too do the inhibitions of the dancers. A real sense of liberation seems to seep out onto the stage, and oh darling, it truly is magnificent to witness.

My dearest readers, take my word for it, there is a real shift in the air this month as we come out of the winter doldrums, and as ever, my eagle eyes have been keeping a keen lookout on the best ballet happenings the world over, from London to New York, Paris to Sydney, and everywhere in between, and the selection is superb this month. It's quite something, and I cannot wait to share these little jewels of dance with you. This month's programme is so delightfully varied that there truly is something for everyone; an exquisite exploration of Swan Lake from an international ballet star to a delightful production from the wonderful students of a prestigious school in Paris, a delightful take on Les Sylphides and a wonderful, and wonderfully daring, contemporary production - my goodness! I truly believe it's an exciting month in the world of dance. So grab a glass of something bubbly and prepare to be dazzled!

The Grand Dame Takes to the Stage - An Elegant Interpretation of A Timeless Classic

Darling, where else to start than with my very own hero, the most captivating ballerina, Svetlana Zakharova. The incomparable icon of the Russian ballet has announced she will take centre stage, in what many have described as her most personal performance, and a fitting farewell to a celebrated career - oh darling, sheā€™s certainly not leaving us entirely of course! As we have grown accustomed to in this most wonderful of art forms, she is sure to leave the stage with a beautifully heartfelt production, and we expect this to be no exception.

It will be interesting to see how she takes on Swan Lake in the context of this very personal exploration of the ballerinaā€™s life. Will she embrace the full-on tragedy that is inherent to the piece? Perhaps her focus is going to be on the lightness and joy that accompanies the iconic White Swan in the second act. And will she embrace the darker, bolder aspects of the character of the Black Swan. Whatever the emphasis, weā€™re all expecting it to be captivatingly emotive, with more than a few tears, I daresay. I certainly intend to grab my hankies and a beautiful vintage clutch to celebrate her artistry.

Don't forget the elegant, chic and impossibly glamorous vintage dress and an exquisite little jewel-encrusted bag. You want to feel elegant darling, so why not go all-out? And just as you arrive and before the house lights go down, look around and take note. Be bold enough to ask what the woman behind you is wearing if it is utterly magnificent - we are all in the pursuit of fabulous and can learn a lot from one another!

A Dreamy New York Take on a French Classic

Darling, itā€™s truly exciting how ballet companies have their own artistic vision that is instantly recognizable ā€“ even from just a single glance at the programme and cast listing. New York City Ballet are a vibrant and energetic troupe, with their focus so firmly on the lighter side of classical dance. When I heard they were staging a brand-new production of Les Sylphides it was really exciting. The idea of their fast-paced, exciting energy infused into a relatively austere classic like Les Sylphides had my imagination tingling with delight. The costumes, which will reimagine the classic ethereal look with their distinctive energy are sure to be truly dazzling. My spies tell me that the dance pieces, which we all love to witness - the breathtaking duets as the graceful movement becomes one with the music- are given an exhilarating contemporary feel, without sacrificing the classic balletic artistry that weā€™ve come to love from New York City Ballet.

It's going to be fascinating to see if they can pull off the sheer loveliness, not to mention the impossibly delicate artistry, that comes with a work as fragile as Les Sylphides without compromising the energy that makes them such a treat to watch. A New York take on a French classic - itā€™s going to be oh so delicious!

If you're looking for the quintessential chic outfit, this is certainly an evening where a beautiful statement jewel should take centre stage. The key to a gorgeous jewellery choice for this evening is in the silhouette and the colours of the jewellery. Choose large, sparkling stones but allow them to be the main event of your look by keeping your clothes beautifully minimal, think a fabulous pair of tailored trousers and a slim-fitting silky blouse in a vibrant, bold colour - pink perhaps. Darling, a gorgeous vintage jewel necklace will add that truly elegant vintage touch.

Parisian students enchant as young dancers wow the audience

Oh darling, isn't it wonderful how dance crosses generations and age barriers - you cannot even tell by watching the young students dance on stage just how young they are - the commitment and raw passion is truly intoxicating. For all those dance devotees who appreciate an up-and-coming, innovative troupe with real potential, the Ecole de Danse Classique et Contemporaine in Paris have an absolutely charming and energetic performance this month and the performance is truly worth the journey.

Darling, a lot of dance devotees go to watch students as they enter the wonderful world of professional performance, with all of that enthusiasm and innocent zeal! But let me tell you these Parisian students dance with an astounding professionalism and flair - no hint of inexperience at all. Their production this month, ā€œJournees des Grands Dansesā€ promises an energetic journey across a range of dance forms with a unique perspective and a level of creative flair which is just wonderful. If itā€™s the artistry and energy of young and gifted dancers that you adore, this is the performance for you, my darling. If youā€™re looking for something more exciting with a little extra va-va-voom to your look - opt for a truly dramatic cocktail dress for a modern take on the dance studio elegance, with just a hint of something slightly naughty!

A Stunning Australian Debut From The Master Of Dance, Jonathan Rest

If contemporary dance is your poison, darling, this truly is one of the best. Jonathan Rest is simply a modern dance icon and a truly mesmerising performer - you truly are getting an opportunity to see someone who is one of the worldā€™s finest contemporary artists doing what he does best! You will simply adore this unique Australian performance and Rest's choreography. This isn't an evening for classic tutus, oh darling, you need something truly daring! Don't go down the black and white look as tempting as it might be. Look for a beautifully dramatic piece of contemporary eveningwear in rich colours - magenta, ruby, and emerald are beautiful colour palettes to start with! For those of us who don't quite dare the contemporary silhouette of a one-shouldered dress (darling it would really suit you!) try a stunning pair of heels that match the drama in the colours of your gown and keep your jewels simple.

Darling, a few dazzling strands of diamonds and youā€™ll be ready to go.

These are only a small selection of the many fantastic performances that are taking place this month - but I hope this small snippet has inspired you. Darling, there is such an amazing array of dance and entertainment happening across the world this month, with wonderful companies putting their own distinctive spin on timeless classics, and of course some thrilling contemporary dance! With the festive spirit just a memory now, this truly is an opportunity for a celebration of the magic of the performing arts! Make the time, darlings - make the effort - grab that dress and those killer heels! It will truly be an inspiring evening out and I cannot wait to hear all about your experiences!

And if youā€™re looking for an iconic outfit, make sure it reflects the iconic performance, darling! For the elegant classical dance, think of those chic, classic lines, and look for flowing lines. I do like to inject some real individuality when it comes to outfits for ballet. Why not explore beautiful silks, chiffons, and taffeta - the ultimate classics are best in the vintage world. If it's something a little more edgy you're looking for, remember that the dance speaks volumes. The look of a fabulous modern dance outfit is really all about statement jewels and killer shoes. Just like the dancer, you can be the statement!

Love always
