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Oh Darling! It’s the ballet season and oh, it's absolutely divine!

Here, in my little haven of chiffon and Chanel, surrounded by my beloved vintage ballet shoes and the echoes of countless pirouettes, I take you, darlings, on a whirlwind tour of the balletic wonders that swept the world in May. Let's dive into a pool of elegance, artistry, and sheer talent!

New York, New York!

What’s a May Ballet season without a trip to the Big Apple? New York City Ballet continues to be the powerhouse it has always been. This season saw a captivating revival of George Balanchine's "Agon". Now, you know how much I adore Balanchine. It's that sharp, crisp style with a touch of the whimsical, a touch of the athletic. I just adore it.

I am, I must confess, an avid follower of Justin Peck's work. He truly understands how to make ballet contemporary, relevant. "The Dream", inspired by Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, had an extraordinary energy that left me breathless. It was whimsical and yet undeniably sophisticated. The ensemble dances, those magical flourishes, truly captivated the audience. My darling, you simply must see it!

Oh, but it was the final night of the season, where they presented “The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude” that really set the season on fire. Christopher Wheeldon's work is simply breath-taking and I am besotted with it.

And, dear ones, let’s not forget about the New York City Opera's production of "La Bohùme". The emotional depth, the exquisite costumes – oh, the sheer opulence! The ballet sequences are just perfection! Even with Puccini's heart-wrenching score in the background, it's truly a dazzling affair.

Oh, Paris is always a darling!

My Parisian escapade started with “Le Sacre du Printemps" by the legendary Pina Bausch. You can’t talk about ballet without mentioning this pioneer. "Sacre" was, shall I say, a revelation, as always. This is no ordinary ballet. The sheer energy, the rawness of emotion, just simply overwhelmed. The dancers’ commitment, their sheer grit and determination... I was in awe. I swear, dear, it sent shivers down my spine. The costumes – oh, the raw, bold lines, I simply love the unpretentious elegance.

Moving on to London, oh my, how much there is to adore. My trip to London in May included "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Royal Opera House. The set! The costumes! And the impeccable skill of the dancers! I mean, a perfect ballet doesn't even feel real, it's a dreamlike experience. And darling, the audience was positively enthralled, which made the entire experience even more divine.

But you know, a good ballet experience goes beyond the big names. One must never neglect the small, independent companies, which truly represent the vibrant pulse of our ballet world. This season saw a charming little gem at the DanceEast, a truly gorgeous ballet called "The Unfolding." The piece, created by a young choreographer called Olivia Court, was so fresh, so modern. Her vision, darling, her imagination is extraordinary. You’ve got to see it!

And now, I’ve had the immense pleasure of jetting over to Russia, to Moscow to see what else is going on.

Let me tell you darling, Bolshoi is always Bolshoi. But what truly moved me, the absolute magic in the theatre, was "Swan Lake." It's, well, classic, and yet with an unexpected contemporary feel. The dancers are, of course, simply outstanding, each a little masterpiece of grace and precision. I don't know about you, but for me, it's that moment, when the White Swan makes her appearance in the second act, it simply takes your breath away.

My darlings, this ballet journey through May was simply exquisite. There is a depth and beauty in each performance that can’t be captured in words.

What will be the ballets of June and July, I hear you asking, well, let’s wait and see, darling! There is a thrill of anticipation, that delightful spark of discovery. This is, I assure you, a beautiful thing.

Let’s continue our dance through the months, darling, for a world of balletic bliss awaits.