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Darling, the new year is upon us, and the ballet world is simply bursting with glorious performances! From the hallowed halls of the Bolshoi to the intimate stages of smaller venues, the dancers are working their magic, and trust me, darlings, I've been there, seen it all, and let me tell you, this year is already off to a fantastic start. So, put on your most fabulous frock and join me as we traverse the world, savouring the most delectable ballet offerings.

January 2024 - The Ballet Diaries

  • Moscow, Russia: Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi, my dears, it's simply the temple of ballet, isn't it? Their opening performance this month is Tchaikovsky's iconic Swan Lake. Oh, how I miss performing that role myself! But let's not dwell on the past, shall we? This production, my darlings, it's a sight to behold! The costumes, the music, the dancing… the sheer perfection! You'll be mesmerised by the fluidity and virtuosity of the company. The leads, especially, are phenomenal - they command the stage with grace and charisma. Just breathtaking!

  • Paris, France: Opéra Garnier

Paris is always a feast for the senses, isn't it? And the Opéra Garnier, well, it's pure theatrical decadence. This month they're hosting a new take on La Bayadère. This version is fresh and contemporary, whilst still capturing the timeless allure of this classic story. The choreographer has done a truly brilliant job of infusing a modern energy into the steps, whilst remaining faithful to the original narrative. I loved the costume designs - so sumptuous, yet undeniably bold. If you want to see a masterpiece in the making, book your tickets pronto!

  • New York, USA: The Metropolitan Opera

Of course, darling, no journey through the world of ballet would be complete without a stop in New York. The Met is where ballet dreams come true. I had the most delightful time watching their performance of Balanchine's Agon. Now, this one is all about intricate patterns and abstract beauty. The choreography is incredibly challenging, demanding supreme technique and musicality, but oh, my darlings, these dancers are absolutely extraordinary. They float across the stage like spun silk, the transitions are seamless and breathtaking. And you must stay for the curtain call! You'll find yourself swept away by the raw talent and infectious energy.

  • Tokyo, Japan: The National Theatre

Now, the Japanese always bring something truly special to their performances. At the National Theatre this month, they're staging an original ballet inspired by traditional Noh theatre. My darling, it's unlike anything you've ever seen. Imagine haunting melodies, evocative costumes, and dances that weave between reality and myth. The focus is very much on emotion and storytelling. You can feel the connection to the ancient traditions of this wonderful country, and yet the choreographic style is fresh and uniquely contemporary. It's an absolute must-see for any serious ballet enthusiast.

  • London, England: The Royal Opera House

Now, my love, there's nothing quite like seeing a performance at Covent Garden. This month, the Royal Ballet is presenting their exquisite version of Giselle. Of course, I am forever attached to the choreography of this romantic classic, but darling, this rendition takes the drama and passion to a new level. The company has put so much heart and soul into this production. The story, the dancing, it all flows together seamlessly. You'll find yourself experiencing the full emotional depth of the story, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel it all!

  • Vienna, Austria: The Vienna State Opera

You know, dear, sometimes, the most intimate settings make for the most memorable performances. This month, the Vienna State Opera is showcasing a piece that is quite close to my heart: a full evening performance dedicated to the works of the great choreographer John Neumeier. Each ballet is exquisitely choreographed, expressing the full range of human emotion, from profound joy to poignant sorrow. And what more can I say, but the dancers simply divine! You'll witness elegance, fluidity and an unwavering attention to detail.

  • Rome, Italy: The Teatro dell'Opera

There's a magical energy that fills the air of Rome, a history palpable in every corner. And that feeling is especially potent at The Teatro dell'Opera. This month they're celebrating the works of Rudolf Nureyev with an evening of three pieces - the brilliance of his artistry captured in a dazzling tapestry of choreography and design. The dancers bring incredible passion and dynamism, you can truly feel their admiration and reverence for the legendary choreographer. A truly unique opportunity, darlings.

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina: Teatro Colón

Now, there is just something so captivating about Latin America! The sheer artistry and the incredible passion, it’s contagious, darlings. And the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires is a theatre I simply adore! This month, they're staging a new interpretation of Don Quixote. The Argentine dancers are famous for their explosive and passionate style, and this production does not disappoint. Expect vibrant, lively energy, impressive technical virtuosity, and an infectiously happy atmosphere!

  • Sydney, Australia: The Sydney Opera House

Of course, dear, no ballet journey is complete without experiencing the beauty of Sydney. And you just can't beat seeing a performance at that magnificent architectural masterpiece. This month, the Sydney Dance Company are presenting an original ballet exploring the rhythms and cultural diversity of their home country. With its contemporary choreography, its powerful energy, and its incredible use of lighting and set design, you will be completely enthralled. The performance explores themes of migration and resilience, bringing fresh and innovative dance styles into the limelight.

  • The Future is Bright

My darlings, the ballet world is a never-ending journey of discovery. Every month, there are new productions, new interpretations, new ways to explore this extraordinary art form. Don't let your imagination be limited by the calendar - you never know where or when you'll find your next perfect ballet moment. As for me, I can’t wait for all that’s to come this year! Keep an eye on my diaries for my future musings and be sure to join me on this fantastic ballet journey. The stage awaits!