Bonjour, mes chères ballerinas! Emma here, back again from another dazzling journey through the magical world of ballet! Today's #TutuTuesday takes us way back, to 1838, before the Tutu Revolution took hold!
Oh, you just wait until you hear about this! Today we're taking a carriage (a train isn't even an option yet!), across the English countryside, all the way to London, where something absolutely remarkable is taking place at the Royal Opera House. It's not quite the revolution, but it's an evolution in the world of dance fashion. Imagine: no tutus yet, just voluminous, flowy skirts - not very conducive to jumping and twirling, are they?
My dear readers, the Paris Opera Ballet is on tour, bringing a whole new style to the English stage. It's truly fascinating, seeing the dancers performing with less cumbersome, more refined skirts than they had here previously! What do you call such a radical innovation? The tutu, my dears.
The Paris Ballet was, you see, in the process of shedding the old, bulky fashion for the beautiful, form-fitting, wispy Romantic Tutus - oh, how I wish I had been there to see this momentous event! These tutus are almost the length of the ballerina's calf. Still quite voluminous, but a far cry from the floor-length gowns of the previous eras! The Romantic Tutus are a step closer to our beloved tutu styles of today. A step forward in freedom and artistry!
And what about today, my dears? Well, let's look around this gorgeous London town and see what 1838 has to offer, fashion-wise. For women, it's a period of refinement! We're seeing tight-fitting bodices and waists, emphasized with the aid of corsets, with full skirts made of luxurious silks or velvet - a bit like a beautiful tutu on a much grander scale! A touch of romance, indeed. And the men? Top hats and frock coats - I love that elegant masculinity!
It's delightful to note the colour trends for women! Pastels like light blues and soft pinks are becoming fashionable. Oh, how I'm already dreaming of the day when pink tutus dominate the dance scene! But we must remain patient! For now, we embrace this stunning palette!
I just adore the Parisian influences on the fashion here in London, even without tutus fully taking hold just yet. We might be early in the tutu journey, but it's fascinating to see how things are starting to shift. Who knew that these dainty dancewear evolutions would lay the groundwork for all the fabulous tutu styles we have today?
After all, what's a dancer without her tutu? And let's face it, dear friends, every day should be Tutu Tuesday! Until next week, remember to twirl, embrace the beauty around you, and spread the joy of pink! Stay sparkling, mes chéries!
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