Post number 1327
Hello lovelies! It’s your favourite tutu-tastic time traveller Emma, back from another exciting trip through history with a fab new post about the origins of this magnificent garment – the ballet tutu!
A little trip to Paris
Today, my darlings, we’re jetting back to the grand capital of ballet, Paris, all the way to the year 1857. Fancy a spot of afternoon tea with Marie Taglioni? She's a real icon in the ballet world, with a most glorious and iconic performance – "La Sylphide," back in 1832. Marie introduced the idea of this lighter, shorter style of skirt that would allow for so much more movement, paving the way for the evolution of the tutu.
A Skirt for Movement
The beautiful tutu really came into its own in 1857 with "La Source", choreographed by Arthur Saint-Léon. Now this, darling, was the turning point – an ethereal creation of sheer and floaty fabric that highlighted the beauty of the ballerina’s physique while still enabling them to glide across the stage with elegance. Remember, at this time the focus was on long, graceful lines and the delicate, bird-like grace of ballerinas. This is why this earlier style of tutu – what we call the Romantic tutu - was so revolutionary and elegant.
The Influence of Dress Trends
You know me, lovelies! I love to trace the connection between the world of fashion and the theatre! This elegant romantic ballet era also influenced fashion at the time. The iconic and voluminous "crinoline" with its bell-shaped skirt became all the rage, influencing the design and style of clothing in all social spheres, from the bustling Parisian streets to the refined tea parties of London's aristocracy. It's not just about how a ballerina moves but how women move through the world.
A tutu-tiful evolution
Since that time, my dear, tutus have continued to evolve. We've had the "Romantic tutu" which we’ve talked about, with its romantic flowing layers of tulle. But from the "Romantic tutu", we saw the "Classical tutu" rise with its structured bodice and longer skirt. These provided more support and even allowed for stronger jumps and turns. Just imagine all that airy, graceful movement and leaps – it’s what truly makes ballet magical. You're looking at a beautifully shaped tutu, still showing those gorgeous lines and creating incredible flowing shapes as the ballerina twirls and leaps!
And as a testament to the ongoing allure of the tutu, I’ve even seen some fabulous modern creations which draw inspiration from classic tutus! A fantastic way to mix traditional elegance with modern styles! It just shows, girls, how timeless this piece truly is, an endless inspiration for new and imaginative design ideas!
This week, the "Pink Tutu*" finds itself back in London, soaking up the culture and energy. *
June 2nd, 1857 – the day I'm visiting today was an exciting one in the world of ballet, as there was a gala performance featuring Marie Taglioni – imagine, an evening dedicated to a legend.
A special feature in this show was "La Sylphide", showcasing a magnificent rendition of the "Romantic" style with all its grace and flowing layers. How magical it must have been! And just imagine the glittering elegance of a Parisian ballroom – the beautiful women in their crinoline skirts and flowing fabrics - how exciting it all was!
But you know me, I always love to take in the latest fashion news while on my travels, and even back then London had some pretty special dressmakers – we must have something new for my performance at the Globe theatre. This is the beauty of a world where fashion is so influenced by ballet and the world of ballet takes its inspiration from fashion trends. It's a fascinating circle – I even picked up a beautiful hat that perfectly embodies the airy romance of the Romantic tutu era. I will of course show you a picture soon.
And, lovelies, did you see how I'm bringing it all together? We’ve got a historical trip, a fashion extravaganza, a tutu journey AND a performance on the same day! This is what makes this life so wonderfully pink – so tutu-ful, if you will.
So there you have it, my little pink-tutu darlings! June 2nd, 1857 – a true testament to the glorious and exciting evolution of the ballet tutu, a historical landmark in the world of dance and an iconic element of a truly magical era.
I hope you all enjoyed this trip into the history of ballet. Next week we’re going to journey back to the late 19th century for a peek at a fascinating design era. Remember to visit next Tuesday for more #TutuTuesday! Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any of the exciting adventures from my adventures through the world of ballet, past, present and future! And who knows – maybe, you too will wear a pink tutu on one of your next journeys, you just need to give it a go. Remember, it is never too late for a spot of tutu magic!
Have a wonderful week and keep it tutu-ful!
Your favourite tutu-tastic time traveller,