Tutu Tuesday TutuTuesday Every Tuesday a Ballet Tutu Since 1832

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1860-06-19

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History: 19th June 1860 – The Rise of the Romantic Tutu!

Welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com, darlings! It's me, your favourite time-travelling tutu aficionado, Emma, here, back for another instalment of my #TutuTuesday series, a weekly pilgrimage through the history of the ballet tutu.

This week, I've landed myself right in the heart of Paris - oh, the fashion! The romance! And most importantly, the tutus! - where I'm whisked back to 19th June 1860. Now, I know what you’re thinking, darlings - a seemingly unremarkable date, right? Wrong!

This, my dear readers, is the very day that "Giselle," the story of a young peasant girl betrayed by her love and driven to madness by despair, first debuted at the Salle Le Peletier – the theatre of dreams for so many ballerinas – to the hearts and minds of a rapt Parisian audience. This ballet, my lovelies, is a monumental occasion not just for dance but for the evolution of the tutu!

Think about it – 1860 is still in the very beginnings of Romantic Ballet, a new dance style full of swirling, floating movements that embraced graceful storytelling. The Romantic tutu was born – light and flowing, made with layers of tulle to create a graceful, wispy silhouette – to embody the dreams of this new style of dance!

Imagine a beautiful ballerina - let's say her name is Marie – her legs, like spun sugar, effortlessly twirling and leaping in a swirling whirlwind of gossamer tulle. And the colours – dreamy blues and soft pinks, hinting at the ethereal beauty of the dancing, the graceful spirit of Romantic Ballet! Ah, wouldn't that be divine?

Of course, I simply had to try it myself! So I slipped into a gorgeous blue-toned Romantic tutu and popped along to see a performance at the Opéra. Such a treat! And it's not just the tutu, darling – the whole atmosphere is breathtaking.

It's pure theatrical magic. I adore the energy and emotion of these shows! It's so beautiful – the movement, the story, the emotions, the light, all tied together into one perfect package of dancing perfection! Every performance is like stepping into a different world - it's a magical journey you can take anywhere and everywhere.

The energy, my darlings, is electric, almost palpable, and it simply doesn't stop with the ballet performance itself. From the street performances in the grand boulevards, to the grand balls, right down to the fashionable, flirty teashops in the grand arcades – Paris is a whirlwind of artistic flair. And it doesn’t take long to spot the latest and greatest fashions that the Romantic era has to offer!

Imagine – silk dresses billowing in a riot of pastel colours, bonnets, feathered shawls, parasols... I could literally spend days browsing the boutiques! The women here are real visionaries, they understand the art of fashion. The clothes were more beautiful, daring, and elegant than any I had seen in my time – the true power of fashion and art in full bloom!

But back to tutus – there's a distinct reason why the Romantic tutu was such a revolutionary piece. It was an era of liberation for dancers, one where lightness and movement were elevated to an art form. It marked a significant departure from the previous heavier, less revealing style of tutus.

But don't get me wrong - it's not always just about beauty. The Romantic era in dance also had its share of "Scandal!" Think about it – the dancers were revealing far more than before, their graceful movement an intoxicating blend of sensuality and strength. How thrilling is that?

So what’s my next destination for this #TutuTuesday journey, you ask? I'll give you a hint: It's a journey through time, but it also means travelling the globe. This is a time of discovery and who knows, with this next trip, tutus might just make a new exciting leap in the world of dance. But, before I tell you about my next stop, darling, I’ve got a few little surprises in store for you.

First, remember, I am all about sharing the love for tutus with you all, so don't forget to visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com! It’s your portal for everything tutu, from the history, the art, the fun of it, to, of course, where to get the most fantastic pink tutu outfits! It’s just your go-to guide for the perfect pink tutu life.

Secondly, darling, make sure you’re following my #TutuTuesday adventures on social media, where you can see even more of my stunning adventures. It's a whirlwind of fashion and history, and believe me, it’s guaranteed to put a spring in your step!

Now, until we meet again next week with more stories from my tutu-tastic adventures, stay pink, stay glamorous, stay chic – because everyone can wear a pink tutu! And be sure to check back in with my #TutuTuesday next week, where we explore a completely new era of tutus - don’t miss it!

See you soon, darlings!

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1860-06-19