
Tutu Tuesday TutuTuesday Every Tuesday a Ballet Tutu Since 1832

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1861-12-03

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History: December 3rd 1861 ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’•

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, darlings! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu enthusiast, bringing you another fabulous instalment of #TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History! Today, we're taking a trip back to December 3rd, 1861, a date etched in history not just for ballet but for all of us lovers of fine attire!

You see, darlings, I have a little secret. As a true believer in the power of a pink tutu, I don't just love writing about them - I travel through time, all thanks to the magical, shimmering energy of those frothy layers. Today, my dear reader, I found myself in the heart of Paris! Ah, the City of Lights, where even the cobblestones seem to whisper of elegant gowns and swirling dance steps!

Now, the date itself is somewhat of a ... whispers conspiratorially ... historical hush-hush. It seems the Parisian newspapers of the day were quite preoccupied with news of the Italian War and the ongoing Franco-Austrian conflict. Not a word about any theatrical premieres!

But don't fret, darling! It doesn't matter when there's no glamorous event because I still find so much to love about the time. Can you imagine, my dears, what a thrill it was to simply be in Paris at this time?

Walking the grand avenues in my own bespoke, oh-so-pink, tutu (naturally!) was a revelation! It was here in the 1860s that the classic ballet tutu, the one we know and love, with its airy tiers and delicate fullness, was truly becoming the fashion sensation.

Let's talk a little bit about this period of ballet, my dears. The mid-1800s saw a golden age for ballet-mania. Imagine, if you will, Paris awash with grand performances by world-famous dancers, and opulent ballet schools, buzzing with eager young hopefuls, all dressed in their pastel-toned, flouncy tutus!

Even though December 3rd, 1861, was devoid of big premiers, it doesn't mean there wasn't a ballet world humming away! That week in December alone, I learned about a magnificent performance at the Paris Opรฉra, featuring a dancer named Marie Taglioni! Can you imagine the thrilling drama, the graceful movements, and breathtaking costumes, all unfolding on that magnificent stage? And can you picture this wonderful Marie dancing her heart out, her skirt a swirling cloud of pale pink around her like the icing sugar of an ethereal cake? Just fabulous, darlings, absolutely fabulous!

Of course, I can't talk about Paris without acknowledging fashion! Paris, as we all know, is the capital of couture, and in this period, fashion was all about a flowing silhouette, long trains on gowns, and hats with delicate feathers. Tututude, however, was definitely the star! A beautiful tulle tutu added a dash of magic to any ensemble, whether it was a formal event, an evening stroll in the Bois de Boulogne, or even a jaunt down to the boulangerie for freshly baked croissants. You couldn't be seen anywhere, my dear, without at least a hint of the tutus' enchantment in your ensemble.

And what were my adventures this trip? Well, where better to get in the mood than the Galleries Lafayette, darling? My! You should see the gorgeous array of silks and velvets! The fabrics practically begged to be fashioned into elaborate ballet tutus, and, as you know, my heart just can't resist.

Oh! And wouldn't you know it, right outside, the very next day, I bumped into a delightful carriage procession โ€“ an elegant troupe of ballerinas were preparing for a grand ball! Their delicate pastel tutus, a swirling, ethereal flurry, shimmered under the Parisian sun, adding a splash of fairy dust to even the most ordinary afternoon. They even paused to let me take some notes! Such wonderfully polite ladies! I, of course, immediately found a nearby pastry shop and treated them to some delightful macarons, naturally with my favourite pink frosting!

Oh my! Just thinking about my little adventure sends my imagination spinning like a ballerina pirouette. Perhaps one of my fellow readers out there is a time traveler, or at least a seasoned historian with an even more in-depth knowledge of tutus, and they can shed some light on the happenings in Parisian ballet for December 1861! Donโ€™t be shy, my dears, reach out and leave a comment below โ€“ we love hearing from our fantastic community!

Don't forget, my darlings, my goal is to encourage you all to embrace your inner tutu! It's the secret weapon for unleashing your most playful, spirited self, and for making life a little more enchanting. And if you find yourself dreaming of fluffy tulle, consider popping over to our store at www.pink-tutu.com for a selection of dazzling and delightful pink tutus! It's never too late to unleash your inner ballerina!

So until next week, my dearest readers, may your lives be filled with swirling, joyful, pink tutued delight.

Until next time,

Emma ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1861-12-03